Aaaaa!!!!a I blew up! FGO Japanese suit Arthur is implemented, but I sink!! It’s so sad!! O my Arthur!!!

・The dividing line of the sunken salted fish lord ·

Under Arthur’s iron horse, the so-called monster army is completely vulnerable, and the seemingly solid team is penetrated by Arthur’s army to the end, and then rushes back, looking at no one’s land.

“It seems that most of Arthur’s ascension to the throne of Valhalla is due to his knightly order, what a fine army!”

Looking at Arthur who was wantonly on the battlefield, Skaha also understood Arthur’s capital as a member of the Valiant Throne, perhaps Arthur was a little worse in the strength of personal battles, but Arthur must be the strongest group of people in the case of legion battles.

“Your Excellency Skahah, what is the difference between the Valiant Throne and the Crown? Doesn’t it mean that the seven horses of the Valiant Throne are the strongest Valiant? Why can’t the Spirit of the Valiant Throne get the crown? ”

“Well, in fact, the reason is very simple, the identification of the Spirit Throne is based on the Ying Spirit system, that is to say, the Spirit Throne is judged by Gaia and Alayah, Arthur’s personal strength cannot be said to be the strongest of Kensuke, but he is born from human fantasy, it can be said that he is a relative of Lord Alaya and other existences, plus his army is indeed very strong, so Alayah subjectively gave Kensuke’s throne to him.”

“That is, Arthur did not become a member of the Valhalla Throne entirely on his own?”

“Not yet, although Arthur’s strength cannot be regarded as the top batch, it is definitely much stronger than you, although the Valiant Throne is not completely based on strength, but strength is also the most basic criterion for judgment.”

“And we can’t be crowned mainly because the evaluation of the crown is directly determined by the root, strength is the only criterion for judging, and the heroic spirit who reaches the crown can already be regarded as beyond the heroic spirit system, so the person who gets the crown will not be summoned by the Holy Grail War, unless he himself participates.” And the concept of the Valiant Throne is almost a candidate for the crown. ”

That is, during the time that Skaha was with Joan of Arc, the battle for Arthur there was almost over, the monster legion had been basically eliminated, and the remaining small force was handed over to the people of Loki’s family.

And the work of cleaning up the battlefield Loki’s family is obviously very powerful, in less than thirty minutes has completed the work of sweeping the tail, and while coming to Arthur’s magic stone, he also brought him a good thing, a person suspected of controlling these monsters, and Arthur can clearly feel the magical reaction of this person that is similar to the heroic spirit but not the heroic spirit.

“Skaha, this person has been brought here, can you see it?”

“Hmph! I won’t say anything! Die hard! ”

“Hyde, a first-level adventurer of the Zeus clan, magic is to control monsters, and the magic in his lifetime controlled up to a hundred or so monsters, but after being resurrected, the magic power was greatly increased, and the number of controls also reached three thousand!”

“What… What…”

“The leader of the Zeus clan, Slo, made some kind of deal with a mysterious man to resurrect Slo, and Slo resurrected all the people of the original Zeus clan who died in the dungeon with the chalice that the mysterious man gave him, in order to avenge the Loki clan who drove the Zeus clan out of Eulari.”

With Skahana’s calm voice, all the causes and consequences were spoken, and the Hyde who was tied here froze.

“Well, now that the ends and means are understood, there is only one most important left. Skaha, what tactical arrangements do they have? ”

“To nothing, I don’t know if the people of the Zeus clan are too confident, except for this Hyde who has the purpose of killing us, everyone else seems to be ready to directly confront us head-on, and their stronghold is in the center of this layer. Well, very Celtic style! ”

“…… What is Celtic style in your eyes! ”

“Positive Gang! Don’t be pushy! It’s just stunning! ”


“Ahem, let’s not talk about this problem, since this time the problem is related to the Holy Grail, it seems that the crown organization has indeed intervened, and it is necessary to solve this problem before the Loki clan finds out.”

“Arthur, I want to fight!”

Just when Arthur was silently thinking in his heart that his Knights of the Round Table would push all the way over, Artoria suddenly came over and said to Arthur.

“Arthur, we may not be as strong as you and Skaha now, but we don’t want to just look at you like a spectator, I hope I can fight too!”

“Arthur, although Yu and this hillbilly have always been at odds, now Yu and her thoughts are the same! Yu is the emperor of Rome! But now you can only stand idly by! This is intolerable! Yu is not an audience under the stage! Yu is a much-anticipated performer on stage! ”

Looking at the two people in front of him who looked so similar in appearance, Arthur couldn’t say anything, gentleness to the lady was a rule that every knight had to follow. Since the two people in front of you want to fight, just satisfy them, at most protect them when they are in danger.

In fact, after knowing that he had to confront the crown organization, Arthur had been trying to avoid Nero and them from fighting, because Arthur knew that the members of the crown organization must have the strength beyond the ordinary heroic spirit, and now Nero they are very likely to have an accident in the face of the crown organization, so in order to protect them, Arthur has always avoided letting Nero face the problems related to the crown organization.

“Well, Joan of Arc, Nero, and Artoria, Alice Phil too, I hope you can clean up the Zeus clan of miscellaneous soldiers as much as possible, and Skaha and I will deal with the Zeus clan first-level adventurers and possible enemies.” Nero Artoria, can you accept this? ”

“I understand my current strength, and I don’t have to refuse.”

“Yu too, although Yu is unwilling, but Yu knows that Yu cannot fight alongside Arthur now, so this order Yu accepts.”

“So! Let’s go, in order not to let the people of Loki’s clan find out, I will directly use magic to teleport to a location close to the center, please be careful with everything next! I don’t want any of you to experience death again. ”

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