Chapter 304 The Unshakable Status and Identity

He smiled jokingly at the corner of his mouth and said: “Don’t forget, He Mao is still the protector of Holy Maiden! Although Holy Maiden is no longer there, the protector of Holy Maiden is the protector of Holy Maiden after all, and his position is still in his possession!”

Fan Tulong was stunned when he heard this, and finally came back to his senses.

“Yeah, why didn’t I expect that maliciously killing Holy Maiden’s Law Protector would be a capital crime!” Fan Tulong was surprised, almost yelling in his rough voice.

Bai Qingyi continued jokingly, and said with a smile: “Not only that, but Ye Chenfu! Although he is just a peak master I set up temporarily, the temporary peak master is also the peak master! Killing the peak master for no reason, do you know what the crime is? ?”

Fan Tulong laughed, and replied boldly: “Abandon all martial arts in the Cultivation Base, and then expel Sect! I remember this one was used against Elder, because ordinary people just beat them to death.”

Bai Qingyi nodded and said, “That’s right, that’s how it is written on the door rules. Even Elder can’t easily kill the peak master, especially because he has no strong reason!”

Fan Tulong laughed. With his big hand as big as a fan, he slapped the pillar beside him violently, and the pillar was slapped off. The dust was flying…

Seeing him like this, Bai Qingyi frowned and continued: “But the problem now is, we don’t have any evidence!”

“Evidence…isn’t it easy? You are the Lord of Sect, so you can just say that you can see it with your own eyes?”

Fan Tulong hugged his hands in front of him, with a playful smile on his face: “Moreover, Xiao Ye Zi also saw it with his own eyes… So can there be any mistakes?”

“Is it wrong? After all, I was really not there at the time, and I didn’t see it. So we just rely on Xiao Ye Zi’s words… Although I believe that it was indeed Uncle Yongzhi.”

When Bai Qingyi said this, he felt his own temple again, and started to hurt.

Hearing that Bai Qingyi was so entangled, Fan Tulong couldn’t help but patted the pillar again. Fortunately, the stone pillar was relatively thick, so it did not collapse.

But even though it didn’t collapse, a big piece fell again, so it was dusty again.

“Since we have determined that this matter was done by Uncle Yongzhi! Then we must find a way to get rid of him, or it will be a scourge sooner or later,” Fan Tulong said in a low voice.

Bai Qingyi never expected that Fan Tulong would lower his voice when he said this, so he was also slightly surprised.

While they were discussing how to deal with Master Yongzhi, Bai Yongzhi was meeting with Bai Shaohai.

“Don’t worry, this Zidian Peak’s throne will be yours sooner or later!”

Bai Yongzhi smiled slightly, stroked his beard, and said, “Although I didn’t kill Ye Chenfu today, it was just his luck!”

Bai Shaohai stood behind Bai Yongzhi, pinching his shoulders and neck to Bai Yongzhi who was sitting in a chair.

“Uncle Yongzhi, would it be too cruel to do this?”

Bai Shaohai made a look that I was pitiful and weak and said: “After all, we have to take care of Master Sect Leader’s Face.”

“You still think it’s too cruel to do this? Didn’t you say that Ye Chenfu competed with you at the time, and he could order as far as possible, but deliberately broke your ribs?”

Bai Yongzhi snorted, and said with some disdain: “If that’s the case, then how cruel are we? As for Face, I have a sense of measure.”

In fact, what Bai Yongzhi didn’t know was that when Bai Shaohai reported this incident to him, it was all Ye Chenfu’s not.

What he didn’t say was that he had already decided at the time to cruel Ye Chenfu.

So at that time, if Ye Chenfu didn’t act first, he could not avoid breaking his arms, legs, or ribs.

Hearing that Uncle Yongzhi seemed to be moved, as if he had hatred for Ye Chenfu, Bai Shaohai showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Bai Shaohai smiled, showing dimples on his face.

If Ye Chenfu were standing opposite at this time, he would think of one in his heart called “Smile Like a Flower”! The word comes.

But Ye Chenfu is not here at this time, he is talking secretly with Junior Sister Wanru at this time.

That’s right, in order to avoid the occurrence of rumours, he did not summon like junior sister to meet, but he jumped down from upstairs, then dived into the night and came to the room like junior sister.

The light in the room was like a bean, and it was very dim, but because of Realm’s Ascension, Ye Shenfu felt that everything around him was delicate.

The two first shared their progress in Cultivation Base.

Then Ye Chenfu said, “I’m really sorry, I may be in crisis this time! So the matter of helping you become the Holy Maiden, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it in a while.”

Hearing Ye Chenfu’s words, and seeing the painful expression on his face, he seemed to understand that Ye Chenfu was not joking.

“That’s the case… Then tell me, what is the crisis you are encountering this time? I can find a way to help you solve it.” Wan Ruo’s eyes flashed, and his face looked sincere and worried.

Ye Chenfu smiled self-deprecatingly, and shook his head slightly and said, “This time I was stared at by an Elder! He was almost killed today… and I don’t think he will let it go.”

Looking at Ye Chenfu in shock, he couldn’t believe what he said.

There was a table between the two of them, as if they couldn’t help but leaned over and asked in surprise: “Why is Elder embarrassing you? He wants to kill you?!”

As if speaking, she immediately paid attention to Ye Chenfu’s body, she was observing whether Ye Chenfu was injured.

Ye Chenfu shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, I’m as slippery as a loach! He didn’t hurt me today, but he almost killed Brother He Mao, and he will definitely become a vegetable in the future.”

With a puzzled expression on his face, he said, “What is a vegetative? Why did Brother He Mao be killed?”

Ye Chenfu shook his head and sighed slightly. He reacted as if he could not understand own modern vocabulary.

So he explained: “Vegetables are waste people who have lost the ability to take care of themselves. Their consciousness is relatively normal, but the body has no activity function!”

Hearing this, it was as if willow brows were raised, and he said in anger, “As a generation of Elder, how can he be so cruel? Which Elder is it?”

Although Ye Chenfu knew that she had nothing to do to tell Elder’s name to like junior sister.

After all, Elder’s identity and status are there, and he also has a terrifying power. As a small character like inner disciple, he can’t shake him at all.

However, since Junior Sister asked him in person, he decided to tell her the truth: “It’s Uncle Yongzhi! It’s Uncle Yongzhi from Zidianfeng!”

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