The 308th chapter success or failure in one fell swoop!

Fan Tulong really turned into a bitter melon face. He looked like a resentful woman, and said, “It’s sloppy! Your pillars are full of stone ash… How can you lose five hundred taels if you break a piece?”

“Ahem~ I think let’s get back to business!” Bai Qingyi stroked his nose awkwardly.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Ye Zi, I think your safety can be guaranteed for this matter! We will hide around with bated breath. You only need to lure Master Yongzhi out.”

Bai Qingyi turned around and looked embarrassed when he saw Ye Chenfu, who was moving a bit more.

Ye Chenfu shook his head like a rattle, and said bitterly: “No, I’m afraid, I won’t go, I won’t go!”

“Ye Chenfu! You are the master of a peak anyway, how can you be so greedy for life and fear of death? What’s more, I can stop him before he hurts your life!” Bai Qingyi said sharply.

After finishing the previous sentence, his voice softened again: “What’s more, I still have a Magic Treasures to protect you! Even if you are hit by his hand, you will not die.”

Ye Chenfu’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately asked with joy, “What Magic Treasures? Take it out and take a look! Can you withstand the opponent’s “broken pulse like a palm”?”

Bai Qingyi nodded slowly. Although he had no bottom in his heart, he knew that he had to give Ye Chenfu confidence, otherwise Ye Chenfu would definitely have to shrink back.

He took out a treasure from his arms. In fact, this treasure is really the Sect treasure. First put on this treasure, swords, spears, swords, axes, hooks and forks, none of which can hurt the person wearing it.

But the white Tsing Yi of “broken pulse like cotton palm” is really true, can it be stopped without a test!

He has only tested the ‘Landslide Palm’, but he can still only slightly wound the person wearing it, so Bai Tsingyi still has some confidence in this Magic Treasures.

So in general, he is not too exaggerated.

Ye Chenfu looked at Bai Qingyi’s hands, and slowly spread out something, which looked like an ordinary T-shirt at first glance.

So Ye Chenfu slandered in his heart, thinking: “Is this century-old demon fooling me again? How can this T-shirt withstand that trick? No matter how thick the blood is, you have to die?!”

Bai Qingyi noticed Ye Chenfu’s expression of disbelief, so he slowly shook his head, and said, “I know what you think, but this ‘Central Silkworm Profound Armor’ is really useful!”

Bai Qingyi felt that Ye Chenfu still didn’t believe it, so he looked at Fan Tulong. Then he walked over and supported the ‘Central Silkworm Profound Armor’ with both hands and fixed it on the big stone pillar.

He turned around and nodded towards Fan Tulong. Since they had discussed it before, Fan Tulong immediately understood, and he immediately resorted to a ‘Strong Dragon Elephant Fist’.

Because of this Fist Technique, Fan Tulong is already able to use it freely, and it has reached the point of proficiency.

In addition, Fan Tulong didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​stopping, he directly and without reservation, bombarded the big fist out of his head.

With a huge sound “bang~!”, radiating from the Profound Thunder Palace, Ye Chenfu was surprised to see that the thick stone pillar did not move at all.

Although the stone pillar was large, Fan Tulong kept shaking it when there was nothing to resist it just now.

But this time, it was replaced with such a ‘Central Silkworm Profound Armor’ in front, but the pillar didn’t seem to have been bombarded at all.

Ye Chenfu hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to step forward and take a look at the details of the damage to the pillar.

Bai Qingyi removed the ‘Central Silkworm Xuanjia’ from the stone pillar. Ye Chenfu carefully checked the’injury’ of the stone pillar and found that the stone pillar was not damaged in the slightest.

“Good stuff!”

Ye Chenfu spoke, then turned around and stretched out his hand to grab it.

But Bai Qingyi, how could he succeed so easily? Therefore, Bai Qingyi only slightly closed his hand and avoided Ye Chenfu’s fetching claws.

“Didn’t you give it to me? Why dignified Master Sect Leader will regret it!” Ye Chenfu said a little angrily.

Bai Qingyi shook his head, his face became very serious, and said, “After you agree, you can use it!”

“Okay I promise!”

Ye Chenfu said in his mouth, he walked over and grabbed this ‘celestial silkworm mysterious armor’ in his hand.

Bai Qingyi was taken aback for a moment, his hands were completely empty, and then he looked at Fan Tulong, Fan Tulong also looked at him, and the two stared at each other.

The two of them really didn’t expect that it was so troublesome to speak just now, and now they took out such a treasure, Ye Chenfu agreed?

They felt puzzled for a while, thinking that Ye Chenfu was so timid just now, could he break through his nature by giving him some treasures? Makes him not afraid anymore?

In fact, both of them guessed wrong, because Ye Chenfu had a firm idea, and that was to have a face-to-face fight with Bai Yongzhi.

But he was just an idea, he knew he was not an opponent.

But what he knows better is that if he doesn’t take the initiative to attack, then this Bai Yongzhi will not give him a good life.

So Ye Chenfu had already thought about this in the past two days. He felt that extending his head would be a stab and shrinking his head would be a stab, so he might as well take the initiative to attack.

It’s just that he didn’t have a good plan, and when he saw Bai Tsingyi’s visit in person today, he couldn’t help feeling excited.

“Well, since you have accepted this Magic Treasures, let’s talk about how to act!”

Bai Qingyi recovered from the daze, with a faint smile on his face.

He walked over to Ye Chenfu’s ear and whispered: “You only need this, this, and then this, and then we can do this, this, and then that!”

He muttered in Ye Chenfu’s ear for a quarter of an hour before Ye Chenfu nodded frequently.

Because of the previous plan, Bai Qingyi had already told Fan Tulong completely.

So at this moment, Fan Tulong was standing aside with his arms in front of him, he was not in a hurry to hear what Bai Qingyi was talking about.

But he worries about another thing, that is, if Sect Leader really wants him to take out 700 taels, he will feel very broken.

So he regretted destroying the pillar in his heart, thinking that he would have to find a way to escape later, otherwise he would be fined 700 taels of silver, and he would have lost all his money for a few years…

“Okay, I see. I’ll go out alone in the afternoon. I will walk around and then go back to the water storage plaza, to the remote part of the water storage plaza. You must follow me well!”

Bai Qingyi nodded, then patted Ye Chenfu on the shoulder, and said, “This is the success or failure! I believe we can succeed.”

Bai Yongzhi would never have thought that at this time Bai Qingyi and Fan Tulong were calculating him with that Ye Chenfu.

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