Chapter 331 A Reserve for Self-Despair Holy Maiden

Ye Chenfu immediately explained: “That is to say, don’t you let the peak master of the 72 peaks choose who it is?”

“Well, that’s true. But Sect Leader also wants to find out who you all want to support.” Fan Tulong thought for a while and then replied.

Ye Chenfu only understood now, it turned out that this was the case.

So he smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I will only support my own people. Although we are all in the same school, I must support Zidianfeng.”

“It makes sense! It’s just like a junior sister now, I’m afraid I can’t become the Holy Maiden, right?” Fan Tulong said calmly.

When Ye Chenfu saw Fan Tulong say this, he felt that he was playing his own words.

Although Ye Chenfu felt that Fan Tulong would not normally play these routines, if Bai Qingyi had confessed to him, then Ye Chenfu felt that he would definitely try his own.

So Ye Chenfu thought about it for a while, and said, “You mean her strength, which is the picturesque gap between that and Mei?”

Fan Tulong loosened his arms around him and said, “It is true, so from a month’s time, I estimate that the remaining three people are beyond the picturesque.”

“That’s not what I need to consider! If I were to vote, I would definitely vote like a junior sister, but if she is not strong then, then it has nothing to do with me.”

Ye Chenfu cleansed himself up all at once, and he said very freely: “Because, if she doesn’t have this ability, she will be sitting in Holy Maiden soon.”

While they were chatting, Hu Dalang had already ran to knock on the door of Wanru.

He felt ashamed in his heart. After all, he put all his wealth on that Mei Ruhua; this made him feel that he was sorry like a junior sister.

He didn’t think so. After all, his purpose for doing this was to make more money; but after Wang Yourong said yesterday, Hu Dalang suddenly felt that he was a bit too much.

He thought about it at this time to take a look, just like how the junior sister is doing cultivation.

Hu Dalang confirmed that he was not here to probe her strength.

If she suddenly increases in strength, she will ask about the direction of the wind, and then withdraw the one thousand taels she held. After all, this is not a small amount of silver.

Thinking of this, Hu Dalang patted own cheek.

He felt that at this time, it was really wrong for him to think about own money, because in this way, he was here to find out how her current strength was.

When Hu Dalang was preparing, he turned and left, but there was a voice like that from inside the room.

“Since I’m here, why bother to leave?” The door was opened in the next instant, and Wan Tathagata appeared in front of Hu Dalang and said, “Brother Dalang, I heard that you don’t support me?”

“Um, we are just for fun, so… don’t get me wrong.” Hu Dalang said embarrassingly.

It seemed to wave his hand and said, “I don’t care about this. I just think you put a thousand taels of silver on that Mei Ruhua’s body, and you will definitely lose a lot by then.”

Hu Dalang was stunned in place, but seemed to turn around and leave immediately.

She left a word: “Okay, think about it for yourself, I’ll go cultivation first.”

Seeing as if he brought the door with his hand, and then walked forward, Hu Dalang felt a little speechless, and he thought to himself: “Is it because I didn’t bet on her to win, so I was upset?”

Just now, when Hu Dalang came over, he was a little guilty, but now he feels that it seems a bit too arrogant.

After all, the strength of his family is now in sight, so Hu Dalang insisted on owning his own ideas. He felt that Mei Ruhuahua must have won in the end.

It was as if a person went to the grove of Zidianfeng to practice swordsmanship.

Because she was very anxious, she wanted to Ascension strength as soon as possible.

She knows that Realm’s suppression is important, but sometimes skill is also very important.

Although her Realm at this time is quite far from Meiruhua, after all, it is very difficult to make a breakthrough in Realm.

Their Realm seems to be the gap between the early stage and the middle stage, but it seems that it is still very difficult to cross this threshold.

So she has already cultivated gong in the house for a long time today, and today is a day off, so she doesn’t need to go to Bai Shaohai to study.

At this time, she was practicing swords alone in the small woods. She thought that she could never drag Ye’s ups and downs, because only when she was strong could she help him.

The Sword Technique she practiced at this time was brought from the family. It was the ‘fallen leaves Sword Technique’, he showed Bai Qingyi the Sword Technique dance.

Bai Qingyi said that he can continue to cultivate because this Sword Technique is still very good.

Although it seems that I have learned the ‘Furious Saber Technique’ and the ‘Furious Sword Technique’, I still feel that my own Sword Technique is the most suitable for me to use.

In this way, I practiced for another hour, but still felt that Realm and Cultivation Base did not have much Ascension.

She was extremely uncomfortable. When she stopped and was a little self-defeating, she suddenly noticed something behind her. She leaped back and looked around, only to find that it was Ye Chenfu.

And Ye Chenfu just stepped on the leaves deliberately, otherwise, with Realm, he wouldn’t be able to detect him at all.

“Okay, okay, don’t practice, let’s rest for a while! I brought you something here.” Ye Chenfu smiled and immediately comforted.

Because he had guessed it when he saw the expression on Wanru, this Nizi felt very uncomfortable at this time.

Nodded as if obediently, then walked over with a sigh.

Ye Chenfu took out three jade bottles from his arms, as if seeing these three jade bottles, he knew that they were definitely valuable.

But at this time, she seemed to think of another thing, so she asked very curiously: “By the way, Brother Ye, how did you know that I was here?”

Ye Chenfu smiled slightly and said, “After I finished talking with Brother Fan, I went upstairs to deal with the accounts, but suddenly I saw you in the woods in the distance.”

Hearing what Ye Chenfu said, he was a little bit astonished.

“Isn’t it? Can you see clearly even so far away?” It was like opening his own small cherry mouth, and there was an incredible look in his beautiful eyes.

Ye Chenfu waved his hand and handed the three jade bottles to Wanru.

At first glance, these three jade bottles are made of that kind of high-grade jade material, not ordinary ordinary inferior jade.

So she couldn’t help her eyes widening, looking at the three jade bottles, and then curiously said: “Brother Ye, what are you in here?”

“This is what I saved during this time! It was all sent to me by Sect Leader to help me with the Qi Pill from Ascension Cultivation Base, but my Realm is already very high, so I don’t need it!”

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