Chapter 385 Holy Maiden Protector

Hearing this, Ye Chenfu immediately reacted, and the scene was still vivid at the time.

Moreover, Bai Yongzhi was not dead at all, and was sent down the mountain.

So Ye Chenfu didn’t believe what He Mao said. It wasn’t that he was suspicious and likes to doubt, but that he felt unbelievable no matter how he heard it.

“I think I’d better speak slowly… You two and please listen carefully, you can tell it clearly right away!” He Mao’s face became calm, and he slowly said all the recent experiences one by one. .

In particular, he emphatically described what happened after he was seized, and amazingly, he also understood a lot of Bai Yongzhi’s state of mind, as if he had seen other people’s experiences.

Although his soul was sealed at the time, he was like a bystander.

Hearing He Mao’s explanation of everything clearly, Fan Tulong and Ye Chenfu looked at each other again.

Both of them thought it was incredible.

Fan Tulong wanted to say something, but he thought about it for a long time and didn’t say anything, but he was very moved at this time, because He Mao even told them about the Cultivation Technique that he had practiced. .

What kind of trust is this?

After all, it is a very serious sin to practice the Cultivation Technique in the Sect gate rules.

However, Fan Tulong decided not to report him, because firstly, he believed in own, and secondly, because he was robbed of his house at the time, and there was no way to control himself.

“This matter is really incredible!” Finally, Ye Chenfu spoke first: “I am a little worried that Brother He Mao’s body may be taken back…”

Although He Mao was unwilling to accept it, he nodded and said, “Although my soul is far less powerful than Bai Yongzhi, Bai Yongzhi’s soul is incomplete! His soul is incomplete, and his soul is also incomplete; so I temporarily There should be nothing wrong.”

Ye Chenfu agreed with him very much, sighed and said, “It turns out that there are so many unexpected things hidden in it, and Bai Yongzhi’s body has also been destroyed…”

He Mao nodded and said, “Yes, so he can’t go back! And most importantly, because of his lack of power, he can’t continue to take home.”

Fan Tulong finally couldn’t help it. He slapped the table and stood up, and said excitedly: “Then, can we completely wipe out Bai Yongzhi’s soul?”

Ye Chenfu recalled the Sect Cultivation Technique he had learned and many classics he had read, and found that he hadn’t seen any similar records, and that Cultivation Technique could be used in this situation.

He recalled the Demon Sect Cultivation Technique he learned today, but he still found that there was no Cultivation Technique that could be used to help He Mao kill Bai Yongzhi’s soul.

He Mao shook his head and said, “I believe there must be a way to deal with this matter, but I don’t know how to do it yet! But I am very confident that my body will definitely not be taken away for the time being.”

If this sentence is heard by outsiders, it will feel very strange.

But Ye Chenfu and Fan Tulong didn’t feel the slightest weird at this time. Although the matter was a bit nonsense, they didn’t think He Mao was lying.

Because the two had already felt that He Mao’s behavior and aura were completely different from the previous few days.

“Forget it, let’s think about the way slowly! Let’s talk first about the position of Holy Maiden?!” He Mao sighed and continued.

“Oh by the way, I don’t show my true identity in front of Bai Shaohai now, and you don’t want to expose me! After all, he is not a good person, so I don’t bother to explain to him.” He Mao seemed to have thought of something, so he added.

Ye Chenfu and Fan Tulong nodded at the same time, and both of them sighed in their hearts.

Because He Mao suffered such suffering, the two of them had no way to help, so both of them felt very uncomfortable, but they didn’t say anything.

“There are still seven days or eight days? The position of Holy Maiden is about to decide the real candidate. What do you think?” Seeing the two men gloomy and unhappy, He Mao quickly pulled back to this topic.

“Hmm… I think that I feel a bit nonsense about the three peak masters competing for the position of Holy Maiden! Of course, including the number of applicants makes me feel nonsense!” Ye Chenfu said bluntly.

Because he had a very good relationship with He Mao, and Fan Tulong was also a bold person, so he was in front of both of them, he was okay with this kind of thing, and he could say whatever he thought of.

He Mao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, nodded and said, “I think so too, because it was rumored that more than a dozen female peaks mainly participated in the competition. I thought it was true!”

Hearing He Mao’s words, Fan Tulong smiled and said, “I’m disappointed this time? Do you want to find the female peak master you like, and then let it become the Holy Maiden, you will have the opportunity, Become her protector?”

Seeing that the atmosphere was too depressing, Fan Tulong teased him.

He Mao wasn’t angry, but he smiled and shook his head, and then said, “I will never be a Holy Maiden protector again. After all… I am not a qualified Holy Maiden protector.”

Upon hearing this, Fan Tulong and Ye Chenfu both knew what He Mao meant. After all, the previous Holy Maiden was killed by someone, and at this time, it was not found who did it.

So He Mao feels guilty in his heart, and this is what it should be.

Although Ye Chenfu knew that he did it, he couldn’t take the initiative to confess his guilt and make He Mao feel better, so he had no choice but to silently nod his head.

“Actually, what I want to ask is, does Peak Master Ye have someone to support?” He Mao said suddenly.

Ye Chenfu watched He Mao look towards him, and when he said this, he didn’t quite understand what the other party meant for a while, but he still thought that he could speak directly about this matter.

“Yes, I do have a supportive candidate! This candidate is just like a junior from Zidianfeng. After all, I can’t support other peak owners…because the fertilizer doesn’t flow into outsiders’ fields.” Ye Chenfu said solemnly.

Hearing Ye Chenfu’s words, He Mao nodded and said, “Well, that’s the truth! Remember, I’m from Zidianfeng too, so if you need help…”

Before He Mao finished speaking, Fan Tulong smiled and said, “Okay, I believe Xiao Ye Zi understands, but after all, the situation is more serious this time, so even if you lose, don’t be sad Xiao Ye Zi! ”

Ye Chenfu smiled slightly and replied: “This is natural. After all, it’s just like a junior disciple who is just an extraordinary disciple. Can he beat the female peak master? It’s very difficult to do.”

Having said that, Ye Chenfu remembered again that there was a female peak master taking the Holy Fruit.

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