Chapter 388: The principal should lead by example

“But my strength and his strength are like the difference between the strength of ordinary inner disciple and the strength of inner disciple for many years. Although they are both at the inner disciple level, they are quite different!”

Song Tie recently discovered his own strength. With the help of Fan Tulong and some big guys, he accidentally ascensioned a lot, which made him extremely happy, but it was still a far cry from Bai Shaohai.

Ye Chenfu smiled, shook his head and said, “It seems that you are a little self-aware, but don’t underestimate yourself. Just tell me whether you want to kill Bai Shaohai? If you want, I will take you into the real cultivator. road.”

Hearing this, Song Tie immediately moved in his heart, because the conditions that Ye Chenfu said were very attractive, so he knew that Ye Chenfu wanted to help him cultivate.

Thinking of this, Song Tie immediately stood up again, saluted and said: “The peak master has life, Song Tiezai will not hesitate! Besides, Bai Shaohai even poisoned me to control me, if not for the rescue of the peak master, I must be over. ”


Ye Chenfu struck each other with his palms, and said with satisfaction: “It’s so good, but you need to keep this matter secret, otherwise your life will be crushed by me like that Bai Shaohai.”

Hearing this, Song Tie immediately knelt down to show his loyalty, and whispered in a low voice: “Please rest assured, Lord Master, the disciple understands what you mean!”

Ye Chenfu stood up, then took out a cheat book from his arms, and said: “This is the Cultivation Technique suitable for your current cultivation! You take cultivation these two days!”

As Ye Chenfu said, he took out a small jade bottle and handed it to him together, saying, “This is the Qi Pill. You can eat two pills before cultivation, so that you can start cultivation with True Qi relatively full.”

Song Tie took two things gratefully, and kowtowed again excitedly, but was held by Ye Chenfu, and while holding it, Ye Chenfu also sensed the situation in his body.

“Yes, in fact, your foundation is better than the average inner disciple, but True Qi is a little insufficient. It seems that this Qi Pill is used in the right place. You should save it! Don’t use it when you are not cultivation.” Ye Chenfu urged.

Song Tie nodded immediately, because Ye Chenfu held his arm, so he could not salute.

And Ye Chenfu went on to say: “Okay, you cultivate first, I will release the news tomorrow, and then you can sign up!”

Hearing this, Song Tie immediately felt that the progress was too fast.

So he hurriedly said: “Master Peak Master, but if this is the case, how can my skill in the past few days be better than Bai Shaohai? And if I want to kill him, wouldn’t it be a crushing level?”

Ye Chenfu smiled and nodded slightly, and then said with an expression of everything under control, “Don’t worry, it’s all under my control, I can let you kill him, and you can still retreat!”

As Ye Chenfu said, he stood up and walked to the door, turning his head and said: “Don’t think so much, you should cultivate according to what I said!”

Song Tie had no choice but to respond, and when he was about to say something, he found that Ye Chenfu had already left.

Moonlight poured in, and Song Tie went over and took a look. There were a few rooms in the backyard of the huge Xuanlei Building. There was no light on it, so he quickly closed the door, then turned off the oil lamp and went to cultivation.

Sure enough, early the next morning, Ye Chenfu asked Xiao Yi to announce a piece of news on the notice wall, and soon Zidianfeng’s disciples were all watched.

“Let one concession and one concession, everybody borrowed it, brother gave one concession, senior sister gave one concession too, otherwise I will soon reach you.” Song Tie yelled all the way, and finally squeezed to the front.

Song Tie looked at a large piece of paper written on the notice wall, and then read: “Holy Maiden will soon be canonized…At that time, Benfeng needs to recommend candidates for guardianship to Sect, considering that you are all talents, inner disciples and other interested parties. Disciples, please be sure to sign up. Those who are the principal should lead by example, and the others should actively participate…”

Although the notice says so, but there are also some conditions for participation below. I originally looked at the disciples in the previous content, but later found out that they were not suitable, so they were very helpless.

Otherwise, many people want to take this opportunity to climb up, after all, to climb up, can they get a lot of resources that are not available now.

After Song Tie read this notice, he felt that the peak master almost missed the name of Bai Shaohai, and the principal and the like would all participate. Isn’t Bai Shaohai included in it? And there are not a few principals on Zidian Peak.

Song Tie walked towards Xiao Yi who was standing next to him, and said with cupped hands, “Brother Xiao, can you please see if I can sign up?”

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand, and then shook Song Tie’s wrist pretentiously, and said, “You are eligible to sign up, and your age is appropriate! Then I’ll write down your name!?”

“Thank you Brother Xiao Yi!” Song Tie replied with a smile and cupped hands.

Ye Chenfu is really a bit lacking in avatars. For one thing, he wants to think about things like Junior Sister. After all, Realm, which resembles Junior Sister, is already very strong, but in actual combat, he must not have as much experience as the other three female peak masters.

Secondly, he has to take into consideration many things about Zidianfeng, especially the preparations for this time the candidate for defending the law.

Therefore, Ye Chenfu wrote the notice directly early this morning, and then let Xiao Yi deal with the following matters.

But Ye Chenfu himself, sneaked to the side of Junior Sister-in-law, and he couldn’t help but pulled her arm, and then used the Cultivation Technique.

After a while, the two of them had already entered the mysterious iron forest. At this time, the sun was not very big, the birds around were very crisp, and the air was fresh, as if they were praising this early autumn morning.

“Senior Brother Ye, haven’t you said why you brought me here?” As if suddenly a little curious, Ye Chenfu didn’t make it clear at the beginning, just let her go with him.

But when I got here, I just guessed a rough idea, knowing that Ye Chenfu meant to let himself come and cultivate, but at this time he has entered the mysterious iron forest, and he hasn’t stopped.

“There is no time to explain, we will tell you when we arrive later!” Ye Chenfu said, speeding up and running forward. He pulled the arm that looked like a junior sister, and the speed was extremely fast.

After a short while, the two came to a wolf den, and the wolf beasts around them all pricked their ears, as if they were taken aback, and quickly wanted to stop.

But at this moment, Ye Chenfu also seemed to have sensed the thoughts like that, and immediately stopped.

However, the wolf beasts had already discovered that Ye Chenfu and the two human races had invaded, so they all quickly surrounded…

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