"Outside the number, in three days, the future angel Mu Na of the Silver White Envoy will be auctioned in the territory of the Wolf Warrior, there are not many opportunities, first come, first served!"

Everywhere, such shouts were heard endlessly, and everyone who heard it, whether male or female, or cultivation, was shocked beyond belief!

Many people didn't believe it at first, but when they saw the information presented on the jade Jane, they could no longer calm down.

The news swept through the land of riot with a stormy speed.

Among the many great forces, one after another figures like dry bones walked out of various cultivation dojos, and when they learned the news, they immediately smiled:

"Order down, collect resources, prepare demigod medicine, and be sure to shoot Namuna back!"

Many forces that have a feud with the Silver White Envoy are secretly sorting out resources, and in addition to humiliating the Silver White Envoy, they certainly have their own selfish intentions.

No one can refuse a girl who is a member of the Silver White Angel lineage!

But some of the big forces did not rejoice for long, and letters were delivered to them.

Clearly marked price, if you want to redeem people, at least five thousand demigod medicines, otherwise bring a coffin to collect the corpse!

On that day, the lord of the Sifang Pavilion was furious, and they received not only blackmail letters and invitations, but also a broken arm!

And after comparing the information of other forces, they were even more angry, because Meng Qing's requirements for the Sifang Pavilion directly quadrupled!

The master of Xuantian Pavilion chased and rebuked angrily:

"Meng Qing, you deceive people too much! My Sifang Pavilion will not die with you! "

A person with a keen soul noticed that there was a powerful aura circulating in the Sifang Pavilion, as if the big man in it had awakened!

When all the major forces received the letter, they actually reached an agreement, and each force sent a large number of people to suppress the wolf warrior!

Many forces have participated, and the Sifang Pavilion is leading the team to rush to the forefront!

Two days later, a dense crowd came to the border of the Free Lands!

This is a coalition of major forces, and they want to break in.

As they marched to the border of the Free Land, an army stood in their way.

The Sifang Pavilion caught up and checked, and when he found that those people were wearing military alliance robes, he immediately said, "

Do you want to join me and wait?"

Some forces secretly rejoiced, and many people had asked around about the reaction of the three major forces to this, but they did not release any signals, and now they see the military alliance here, what does it mean?

The political general looked at the team of hundreds of people and said softly:

"You are wrong, our military alliance is not to join, how you have nothing to do with us, but there is one point, the warrior above the Supreme cannot step into the land of freedom."

As soon as these words came out, those forces were stunned.

Warriors above the Supreme cannot step in? Isn't that the rule of the original free land? Could it be that even if so many forces united, and even Meng Qing openly challenged the Silver White Envoy, they still planned to hold on?

It's not scientific!

Fang Chao paused and said tentatively,

"Could it be that the political general doesn't know what Meng Qing did?"

The political general smiled slightly: "I'm afraid this is not suitable for me."

Fang Chao was puzzled: "Meng Qing is arrogant and domineering, and even openly challenges the three major forces, is it possible that the political general intends to raise tigers?" The

political general shook his head: "No, I just think that there is enough chaos in this riotous land, chaos needs order to stabilize, this free land was originally decided by the major forces, but now you want to join forces to destroy it because the juniors in the clan were kidnapped, it is too child's play." Someone


"Wasn't Meng Qing originally a warrior from the hunting camp?" But he ended up defecting to the military alliance, didn't the documents want to suppress him to recover the treasure? The

political general shook his head slightly:

"This matter is completely the work of the high-level, in many cases I am only responsible for carrying out orders, then again, I don't know what happened in the first place, and now, I am just maintaining order here."

The coalition of major forces is about to collapse.

It was a pity that it was difficult to reach an agreement, but it turned out to be blocked by the military alliance!

There is humanity: "This is how the rules are set, but if two of the three major forces agree, the rules can be reformulated, do you remember?"

They all nodded.

"My madman does not agree to this, and it is inevitable that you will be biased when you suddenly attack the wolf."

The person who came was like a thin bamboo pole, he was carrying a slender knife, and the aura emitted by his body was extremely fierce, and his skin would hurt when he stood within a radius of him.

This was Yu Xiang, who killed the Silver White Envoy Supreme who had attacked Meng Qing and escaped with serious injuries.

The fanatics also disagree?

Another voice sounded: "I don't agree with the silver envoy, rules are rules, you better try it through other ways!" "

The person who came was a white robe, his hair was white, and he was holding a whisk, and he had the temperament of a fairy wind Dao bone.

At this time, many forces present were immediately not calm, why did the silver white envoy also agree to this matter?

It doesn't seem to make sense in any way!

Meng Qing intends to auction Mu Na, which is equivalent to riding on the head of the silver white angel!

But how can they endure it?

This is not normal.

"Bai Daoist, have you forgotten what Meng Qing did to the Silver White Envoy? Are you going to leave this at that? Mu Na is a goddess-like existence that countless people worship, and if this matter is not handled well, it will be a big blow to her reputation! "There is a lord of power.

Bai Daoist waved his hand slightly:

"The fight between children is just not true, I believe that there are many misunderstandings between them, as long as the communication is in place, the problem can be solved."

Many forces have been shocked, is it really not working?


There was a boom from the depths of the Free Land, and a large number of people and horses arrived.

Meng Qing stood above the large lizard, overlooking the bottom from a high place.

Glancing at all parties, he frowned slightly when he saw the political general with Wren and the others on the other side.

In the rear, the Wolf Warrior Gang detained young men and women of those big forces.

But compared with when they were first arrested, their situation has changed a lot, one by two, wearing coarse cloth clothes, and many of them are even barefoot, like refugees.

"Bastard, my clan's Tianjiao was treated like this? Meng Qing, you are too much!

"We came here today to ask for an explanation, my clan has never offended you before, why did you kidnap my clan junior?"

"Wolf Warrior Gang, you guys are too much!"

Many representatives of the forces accused Meng Qing one after another, trying to overwhelm them in terms of momentum.

Meng Qing was surprised:

"You are not here to ransom people? That must be to collect the corpse! Easy to do! "

He grabbed a young man and raised his long knife to cut it!

This sudden move frightened the lords of many great forces present, and a middle-aged woman shouted:

"Don't be impulsive, I'm here to ransom people, this is five thousand demigod medicines!"

A mustard bracelet flew and levitated quietly in front of Meng Qing.

Meng Qing put the long knife on the young man: "Don't move, otherwise the knife will cut you if it slips!"

He checked the number, confirmed that it was correct, and threw the young man, who had already been paralyzed with fright.

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