Meng Qing still had some doubts: "But these spirit devouring beasts can even devour soul flames.

The ant queen said: "This is what Xiaoqiang once told me, the innate rune text is an invincible existence, especially the older the inheritance of the innate rune, the more so, the body is almost the weakness of all living beings, and if the innate rune burns, it will use the essence of the living beings as fuel, if the essence is still there, the flame will not be extinguished!"

Meng Qing was surprised, he almost forgot that his beast could swallow both, and if it was them, maybe it would not be so tricky to deal with now.


At the same time, he condensed three innate runes, igniting them with soul flame.

Flames were quickly attached to the innate runes, and the burning became more and more vigorous, Meng Qing threw it forward and threw it in front of the small holes around him.

They continued to loot, but the eagerness emanating from their side did not last long when a small hole screamed first.

It was the closest to the flame on the innate rune, and it was the first to ignite, it wanted to devour, but those flames were actually burning its life source.

There were other small holes coming and being lit as well.

Like dry firewood meeting a blazing fire, the three were quickly covered in flames.


, the light and shadow were bored dancing the trident, and then glanced at the spirit devouring beast lying in front of him like a small mountain, and said dissatisfied:

"It's not okay? Are those three creatures difficult to deal with? The

Spirit Devouring Beast replied Furui Wubo:

"Please be patient and give me some time."

Light and shadow threw the halberd casually, dangling around, and said to himself:

"Haha, time and time, the last thing Lao Tzu lacks is time!" But you know what? I have been staying in this dark place, and the only thing I can remember is not knowing the old past many years ago, and losing contact with the outside world... I feel like I'm crazy! No, I'm already crazy!

When he turned around, he saw that the Spirit Devouring Beast was moving around restlessly.

"Not okay?" Light and shadow asked again.

The Spirit Devouring Beast still didn't give a reply, but the next moment, he opened his mouth in a panic, it inhaled in panic, and a stream of pitch-black smoke floated out from its body.

Its body is even disintegrating.

"They set fire inside me! This flame is burning my essence, and I can't disperse them and save me! "It looks to the light and shadow for help.


He opened his mouth wide, and flames drifted from it, but the spirit also retreated in fear after sensing this flame.

"This person is so ruthless, this is the flame generated after igniting the innate rune?"

Soon, Meng Qing appeared from the belly of this spirit devouring beast, and he swung his halberd and slashed towards that spirit weapon!

The latter fought back.

Meng Qing took out an innate rune, held a soul flame, and threw it forward after igniting.

The spirit was so frightened that he hurriedly drilled back into the halberd, and Meng Qing strode forward, taking advantage of this opportunity to seize the halberd and suppress the latter.

The spirit devouring beast was roaring and begging for mercy: "Please give me a pain!" "

He is a creature who survived a long time ago, and naturally knows how terrifying the innate rune after ignition is.

After knowing that it could not live, it chose to give itself a relatively decent way to die.

Strange to say, Meng Qing actually heard a hint of imminent liberation in this person's words.

He agreed to the Spirit Devouring Beast's request, and a new rune swung out, splitting the Spirit Devouring Beast's head in two.

The flames that were originally still hidden in the body burst out instantly, and even the soul power around them became much more violent.

There was a roar in the distance, and a number of Spirit Devouring Beasts were rushing towards this side.

They all felt the breath of flames and soul power and wanted to come to feed.

The three quickly hid to the side.

The Spirit Devouring Beasts that approached this side roared one after another, but they were all ignited when they approached the flame, just like touching the fuel of the flame.

They screamed and fled.

Soon, Meng Qing discovered that the flames caused by the innate runes would not ignite the vegetation and the strictness, and even some spirit beasts that were suppressed by the spirit devouring beasts were not ignited.

This is very peculiar.

The ignited Spirit Devouring Beasts quickly dispersed, and as time passed, those Spirit Devouring Beasts that were wandering on the periphery and edge were also attracted by the flames and rushed one after another.

It's like an infectious disease spreading.

Xiao Tai pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "

I don't think we need to think hard about how to destroy these spirit devouring beasts anymore."

"Let them fend for themselves." Meng Qing also said.

There is no way to do this, after the innate rune is ignited, he will cut off the relationship with him, and if he approaches it rashly now, I am afraid that the end will not be much better than these flame-engulfed spirit devouring beasts.

He looked at the trident, there were still streams of light emanating from above, one after another, and often there were rays of light disintegrating in front of him, making it brilliant.

The spirit hid in the trident and pretended to be dead, but he could clearly feel a repulsive force when he held the halberd.

The little lady and the two also noticed this, and the ant queen smiled and said:

"This thing is quite dishonest, simply burn him with the flame condensed by innate runes, anyway, it is familiar with using something without an instrument."

"Forget it, without the help of the spirit of the instrument, I can only get it in the phantom island, don't forget that we are all in the state of the divine soul." Meng Qingdao.

Xiao Tai only then woke up.

When the internal spirit heard this, the repulsion became heavier, and at the same time a voice came out from within the trident:

"Haha, why did I forget this stubble? Now I'm just in the form of a divine soul! If you want to get my essence, you still have to..." But

before he could finish speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth.

Meng Qing condensed the innate rune again, and the soul flame in his right hand had already emerged.

Ji Ling suddenly panicked: "Don't big brother, there is something to discuss, really, I can really discuss, I am very good at talking." "

Because it's so scared, it's even a little incoherent.

Meng Qing did not pick up the two, but calmly said: "Remember, in the future, you are not allowed to interrupt when I speak, and even if I destroy you, I still have many ways to find your essence." The

instrument spirit quickly lit his head like a rattle.

Xiao Tai secretly gave Meng Qing a thumbs up.

The latter continued: "I can take you out, on the condition that you will recognize me as the Lord for the next period of time until you step out of the realm of the Supreme, and if you want to leave at that time, I will not keep you." The

spirit was entangled.

It tentatively said, "What if I don't?

Meng Qing glanced at it and asked very calmly, "Don't you think I'm discussing with you?" The

expression of the instrument spirit was immediately extremely complicated.

It naturally agrees.

It has stayed in this place for hundreds of thousands of years, for the original owner, its memory is very vague, if it can leave this place where the bird does not, then even if he always recognizes Meng Qing as the master, he will not hesitate.

Again! He had no other choice, Meng Qing just said his decision!

The instrument spirit confessed to Meng Qing, and in an instant, he only felt a tingling in his eyebrows, as if there was something else.

It was a trident-like gold pattern.

Seeing his doubts, the instrument spirit explained: "My origin is special, I can be anywhere the warrior wants, if the place where I am attacked is attacked, I can also play a protective role, and the eyebrow is generally the location of the divine soul." "

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