"I, Wang Feng, started from nothing and went through all the hardships to get to where I am now, and even the mere honing wants to stop me?"


Wang Feng roared in his heart, and his mind suddenly calmed down, no longer hesitant, no longer afraid, and calmly endured everything!

Then, the colorful brilliance on the tear crystals turned into a sharp sword and stabbed straight towards Wang Feng. In an instant, the bones of Wang Feng were covered with sharp swords, terrifyingly sharp, tearing apart. Looking at Wang Feng's skeleton, despite the severe pain and the distorted expression on his face, his mind was extremely peaceful.

The current torture is just a stumbling block for his future avenue to the sky. If he survives it, his future will have infinite possibilities. No hardship can break his will!

"Even if **** comes, I, Wang Feng, can still be invincible in the world!"

Holding this invincible belief, Wang Feng silently endured the tempering of the Four Great Treasures.

In the brilliance, Wang Feng's skeleton collapsed, leaving only the skull, and an indescribable pain struck his heart. He could no longer perceive his body. If it wasn't for his soul, he would even think he was dead!

If it were an ordinary person who faced this kind of torture, he would have been unable to support it long ago. Wang Feng finally knew why no one has been able to enter the tenth level of divine forbidden since ancient times. Few can endure such a terrible ordeal.

Gathering the Four Great Treasures only has the opportunity to enter the tenth level of divine ban, and only by enduring such hardships can one truly enter the tenth level of divine ban!

Wang Feng firmly believes that as long as he sticks to his heart and remains unshakable, no hardship can defeat him!

Even if his body is destroyed, his will will still be there!


The next moment, the colorful brilliance on the tear crystals turned into flames, burning Wang Feng's skull, as if to wipe out Wang Feng's last vitality. Wang Feng did not move like a mountain, letting the flames burn.

Under the burning of this peculiar flame, his soul and the Dao of Destiny merged more perfectly. Originally, although his soul was fused with the Dao of Destiny, it still failed to achieve the most perfect state, but now, the burning of this raging flame The two are already close to perfection.

The boundless ordeals shrouded Wang Feng. Even if he believed that he could get through it, he still couldn't bear the severe pain. The whole spirit was a little dazed. The suffering was too much, and it was very real, without any illusion. It's like Wang Feng experienced it himself.

Torn swords, burning flames, freezing ice, bombarding giant mountains, biting ghosts and gods, etc. These kinds of hardships made Wang Feng's will more and more blurred, as if he was about to fall into boundless darkness and completely dissipate in this world!

"I am Wang Feng, the Lord of the Immortal Sect!"

"Heaven and earth can't oppress me, and ghosts and gods can't deceive me!"

"Where the Tao is, I am eternal; when the Tao is destroyed, I am immortal!"

The sound of roaring came from Wang Feng's will, and his vague will, under the blessing of this thought, skyrocketed again, resisting the erosion of those hardships.

Although he got out of the crisis for a short time, Wang Feng was still terrified. There were too many trials and tribulations, and there was no end in sight. The tenth level of divine ban was completed, which was too scary, right?

While maintaining his will, Wang Feng pondered how to break the situation, but after thinking about it, he found that until now, he had no other way than to endure all the hardships.

At this point, even if Wang Feng doesn't want to enter the tenth level of divine ban, and wants to quit, it is impossible. He can only keep moving forward. He can either endure all the hardships and transform completely, or get lost in the endless hardships. Die dead!


While Wang Feng was enduring the boundless ordeals, the outside world, Sun Wukong and the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, were still fighting against the ominous, and the whole world was constantly blasting and roaring.

At this moment, not only Wang Feng was fighting alone, but Sun Wukong and others, who were guarding him, were also fighting again.

If Wang Feng knew the situation in the outside world, it would be even more frightening. He had suffered endless hardships, and there were still ominous arrivals from the heavens and the earth. This Heavenly Dao wanted him to die!

Without the protection of Sun Wukong and others, he would have been unable to bear the ordeal, and if he suffers ominous intrusion, he will surely die!

The tenth level of Divine Forbidden Perfection is worthy of being called the forbidden area of ​​Heaven. The other nine levels combined are far less terrifying than the tenth level of Divine Forbidden. After such hardships, if you can survive, look at the world, there will be no rivals!

Someone once said that hardships are directly proportional to strength. The more hardships you experience, the stronger your strength will be. Many people fall into hardships. combat power!

Heaven is ruthless, but fair, as long as you can endure the hardships, the rewards you can get are the same as others, but you can't resist, and you can't blame anyone if you die!


After a long battle, Sun Wukong and the two were panting, and the foreheads were sweating coldly.

With their strength, those ominous and evil intrusions can't hurt them at all, but they can't hold back the large number of opponents and they won't die no matter how they fight. After they are destroyed, they will condense again. It's true that their strength is strong, but their strength is always exhausted. time!

Under the shroud of these ominous evils, the primordial energy in heaven and earth is extremely rare. In the past, they could replenish their own strength with a single thought, but now, it takes a long time!

"Demon Dragon, you retreat to recover, let the gods replace you, and when you recover, replace this saint again!"

Sun Wukong's eyes flashed, and he shouted at the ancient demon dragon.

Wang Feng also doesn't know what can end, if they go on like this, they will definitely die. Only by taking turns to resist, can they resist this ominous evil!

Hearing this, the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor nodded his head, instilled the last trace of his strength into Sun Wukong, and blessed him with some of his strength, then stepped back, sat cross-legged on the spot, and recovered his strength with all his strength.

On the other side, the gods rose up into the sky, and his whole body exploded with power. He was in full power, and he acted as the main force. Sun Wukong assisted again, and the vigorous battle impact exploded again!

The boundless power rolled, and the entire forbidden area was filled with violent power, which made several Sea-Monster Clan’s Star God ancestors tremble, but they were not stunned, and they poured their own power into the ancient demon dragon to help Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor regains his strength!

They can't get involved in the ominous day, they can only protect Wang Feng while helping the ancient demon dragon and others to restore their strength, and help the ancient emperor and the others to block the ominous as much as possible!

The ordeal of the tenth level of divine ban is indeed terrifying, and the ominous intrusion from the sky is also extremely terrifying, but Wang Feng is not fighting alone. He has the help of Sun Wukong and others.

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