Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 931: Listen to the Guardian

Shen Youzhen listened to what he saw, no one dared to look at him, and all lowered their heads, even Tuoba Tiance, trembled, and looked away unconsciously.

The dark eyes that Shen Youzhen listened to seemed to contain endless sacred majesty, making it difficult to look at each other. Just touching his eyes, he was already shocked.


Shen Youdi listened to a cold snort, a gleam of disdain flashed in his dark eyes, and then raised his eyes to look at the Tianyuan Talisman that was slowly falling into the sky, his eyes flickering with coldness.

"Listen to the guardian!"

The next second, without any hesitation, it directly displayed its strongest natal divine art, and a muffled roar came from its mouth, resounding throughout the world!


In an instant, a rich dim light bloomed from its huge body, and every scale and armor on its entire body burst into a radiance as black as ink, as if forming a huge black hole, extremely deep.

After blooming, this rich dim light spreads out in all directions, and in just a moment, it enveloped the entire Yongye City, like a layer of sky, blocking the falling Tianyuan rune!

Listening to the guardian, it is not as imposing as Feipeng's Heavenly Emperor Sword Punishment, and there is no mighty fluctuation, but it inexplicably gives everyone a strong sense of security, as if they are under this layer of darkness. The enemy's offensive will be blocked.

If someone looks down from a high altitude, they will find that the diffused light from this layer is not evenly spread to the four directions, but like a hemisphere, shrouding the Heavenly Abyss Talisman in it.

The entire Tianyuan Divine Talisman was shrouded in dark black light in all directions.


With the formation of Shenyou's listening guardian, Fei Peng also moved, and I saw his eyes gleaming with cold light, holding the Zhaodan Divine Sword, and above the sword, there was an amazing brilliance. It wasn't a light, but a dazzling sword energy!


As Fei Peng slashed down, the whole world exploded, and the endless sword energy swept out like a storm. What was even more terrifying was that a huge gossip star chart appeared in the sky above Yongye City. This gossip astral catalogue is slowly falling!

The endless sword qi storm, as if inspired, madly gathered towards the giant sword, and in an instant, the entire body of the giant sword was stained. The originally illusory giant sword was enveloped by this endless sword qi, become extremely solid.

In the eyes of everyone, the endless sword energy seems to be transformed into layers of scales, embedded on the giant sword, making the whole giant sword seem to have spirituality, blooming incomparably sharp sword intent, just a glance, It made everyone present tremble, and the giant sword gave them a world that seemed to contain a huge sword energy, which was extremely terrifying!


Under the trembling gazes of everyone, the giant sword, wrapped in an astonishing storm of sword energy, was like a pillar of the sky, and it crashed down toward the Tianyuan Talisman. They were all torn apart by the sharp sword, as if the whole world had been cut in half!


At the same time, the shrouded in the surrounding light of listening to the guardian, also gathered and shrouded towards the Tianyuan Talisman. Under the attack of the two sides, the Tianyuan Talisman had no room to retreat at all!

When the giant sword smashed into the Heavenly Abyss Divine Talisman, the Dili listened to the guardian light and gathered into a ball at the same time, completely wrapping the Heavenly Abyss Divine Talisman and the giant sword!


Under the trembling gazes of everyone, the giant sword collided with the Tianyuan talisman, and the terrifying sound of explosion resounded through the whole world, and the sound was rolling like a torrent, spreading in all directions, even if there was a sense of listening. Guarding, isolated the impact of this explosion, but this sound wave still caused many practitioners with low cultivation bases present to explode directly, turning into a cloud of blood, floating between the world!

The strong smell of blood permeated the whole world, making many cultivators who survived the scene terrified. When this wave of sound swept in, Rao was an immortal powerhouse, and he was deaf, and his soul seemed to be shocked. In general, a blank!

Without the protection of the layers of dim light, the terrifying impact would be enough to destroy all the powerhouses present. Unless someone like Emperor Yongye and others existed, or someone with a trump card like Wang Feng, they would not be able to stop it. The impact of the powerhouse living in the realm of the gods, and even the entire Chaos Emperor Realm, will be destroyed by most of it!

It can be said that the natal divine art, the guardian of the divine art that broke out from Shenyou Zhenzhen, not only protects the entire Evernight City and the entire Shenxian Sect, but also protects the entire Chaos Emperor Realm!

Tuoba Tiance, who was irritated and lost his mind, didn't even consider the consequences of the Tianyuan Rune's eruption.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, there was already a violent and turbulent current in the dark curtain of light, even a strong man like Emperor Yongye could not see through the scene.


Bursts of roars came from the black light curtain, resounding over the entire Yongye City, making everyone present tremble. Standing in the Evernight City, Wang Feng stared at the dark light curtain. Although his face is solemn, but there is no trace of worry, he believes that Feipeng and Shenyou Zhenting will be able to resist this so-called Tianyuan Talisman!

If even Fei Peng and Shen You Di Ting couldn't resist, then the so-called Protoss would be too terrifying. With such a terrifying talisman, the Tianyuan Protoss would have already informed the entire Chaos Emperor Realm!


It seems to be confirming Wang Feng's A roar suddenly exploded, and then, the dark light curtain dissipated directly, revealing the scene inside. What everyone present did not expect was that there was nothing inside. No, the Heavenly Abyss Divine Talisman, the Heavenly Emperor Sword Punishment, all disappeared without a trace at this moment.

I can't even feel the slightest amount of violent violence, as if everything just now was an illusion.

For a time, the sky over the entire Evernight City was silent, and everyone present looked at the battlefield where there was nothing, and the whole person was in a state of daze.


At this moment of silence, two sudden vomits of blood resounded, causing everyone present to regain their senses, and they all heard the sound and looked around. Under this look, they suddenly looked shocked, and their pupils were all rounded!

I saw that at this moment, both Tuoba Tiance and Huangfu Yulong were spitting blood. Not only that, but they, who were originally handsome and dignified, had become extremely old, their long hair turned white, and their skin was like tree bark. , they are all wrinkled, they don't look like the two patriarchs of the gods at all, but more like two twilight old men!

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