"One piece can be full? Who do you fool!?"

The middle-aged servant looked suspicious when he heard the words, put the compressed biscuit in his hand, and couldn't help but sneered: "Just like this, there is not enough stuffing between the teeth, how can I be full?"

Yang Zilei's eyes were dark, and he said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let it go if you don't want to try.

"Who said I don't want to try anymore."

The middle-aged servant groaned, opened his mouth and bit half of it.


With just this bite, the middle-aged servant's eyes lit up, and the speed under his mouth suddenly increased, and he ate the whole compressed biscuit.

While chewing and swallowing, the middle-aged servant looked at Yan Chen next to him, and said in a very passionate tone: "His Royal Highness, this thing has a unique flavor and fragrance, and it can really increase strength. If it is used on the battlefield, Let the soldiers eat a piece before the war, absolutely energetic!"

The representatives of the surrounding chambers of commerce were speechless, feeling that the face of the middle-aged servant changed very quickly. They were still unbelieving just now, but now they are boasting.

Immediately they also pulled Chen Si aside calmly, and began to scrape the remaining hundreds of military rations.

Yan Chen had already snatched the munitions, and he had to buy rations that had an effect comparable to medicinal pills before the other party had tried it.

At this moment, I saw that Yan Chen also took a compressed biscuit in his hand, broke a small piece and put it in his mouth.

Yan Chen's eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn't hold back, he put the compressed biscuit in his hand into his mouth and chewed.

"Okay, it's really good!"

Yan Chen exclaimed, but when he wanted to try other rations, he was surprised to find that they all disappeared.

"His Royal Highness, we have something to do, so we will leave first."

The dozen or so representatives of the chamber of commerce spoke with a smile on their faces, and then quickly left the shop.

With that look, it seemed that he was afraid of being called by Yan Chen to forcefully spit out all the rations they had just purchased.

In this way, the originally lively store became quieter in an instant.

"Don't look at me, it's out of stock."

Seeing Yan Chen and the middle-aged servant look over, Yang Zilei shook his head, "I just said, buy first, first serve."

Yan Chen sighed secretly when he heard this, but he had to give up. It seemed that he didn't care about this kind of strengthening rations.

"Five days later, I will personally come to pick up those weapons. I hope you don't let me go for nothing."

Immediately, Yan Chen ordered again, and then turned around together with the middle-aged servant and walked out of the shop.

Looking at Yan Chen's departed back, Yang Zilei narrowed his eyes and couldn't help muttering to guess: "This guy is anxious for this batch of arms. Isn't it because he wants to fight for the throne?"

He has seen countless court dramas in his previous life, what nine sons seized the first-in-law, the change of Xuanwumen...

Most of them revolved around those princes who fought against each other for power and throne, and deceived each other.

Regarding this, Yang Zilei also held the mentality of not having anything to do with him and hanging up high.

Because arms dealers were originally made fortunes by war, and they took care of which country you looted and occupied. As long as you have money, brother will have the goods.

"Boss, a thousand submachine guns, and grenades, can these numbers be in time?" Chen Si asked slightly worried.

After all, this time the order is not from the chamber of commerce, but the prince of high status. If the contract is breached, it may not be as simple as closing the shop.

Yang Zilei was silent, but he quickly figured it out.

In the system mall, the exchange price of a Bison submachine gun is 600 fortification points, but the grenade is 60 fortification points.

Multiplying 660 by 1000, that is to say, the cost price is 660,000 points of strengthening value, which is equivalent to 660,000 catties of metal.

And every catty of metal must be controlled at a price within five taels in order to make a profit.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei looked at Chen Si and asked: "Which area of ​​the Dayan Dynasty is rich in iron ore? And the price is cheap."

After Chen Si pondered for a while, he said, "At the junction of the Great Yan Dynasty and the Nebula Dynasty, there is a Michuan Mountain Range, which is rich in minerals."

"There is also a small city, which is not under the jurisdiction of any dynasty, so many wanted criminals and mercenary adventurers have gathered. There is a mixture of fish and dragons and extremely chaotic, so it is called the city of chaos."

"Many chambers of commerce have branches in Chaos City, which specialize in purchasing minerals and then transport them to various places for sale. The source of most of the metal billets in Longfei City comes from there."

"City of Chaos...it seems like it's time to go."

Yang Zilei muttered to himself when he heard the words, he was obviously interested in that place.

And he remembered that Cangqiang Wufu seemed to be near the Michuan Mountains. This time he went to Chaos City to purchase metal. If time is spare, he can stop by to see his daughter.

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