Yang Zilei was overjoyed when he heard that the strong man and his accomplice wanted to sell Xuan Tie. Naturally, the more he bought this time, the better.

"I'm in the sprinkling room on the corner of the street. Call all your friends." Yang Zilei smiled and nodded.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

After finishing talking, the strong man hurried away.

However, the trade between the two of them here has been noticed by the eyeliners of some chambers of commerce.

Yang Zilei glanced at the door of the shop behind the Chamber of Commerce branch, and there were several figures looking at him from time to time, with gloomy eyes.

"Since you want to kill me, don't blame me for grabbing business!"

Yang Zilei narrowed his eyes and sneered in his heart.

Soon he walked directly into the restaurant on the side of the street, ordered a few dishes, and waited comfortably while drinking.

Since this place is located in the Michuan Mountains, the meat is dominated by fierce beasts. After swallowing it, I feel a warm current rushing all over my body. Obviously, this is not known what fierce beast’s barbecue is, and it has a wonderful effect on physical fitness.

And Yang Zilei's wait didn't last long.

Not long after, the brawny man really brought a dozen people to the restaurant in a hurry.

"I heard Li Hu say that the purchase price of Xuan Tie here is 80 jin for 100 tael?"

One of the plump beauty in leather armor looked at Yang Zilei in surprise and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, you charge as much as you have."

Yang Zilei put down the wine glass and couldn't help but glance at the beauty in leather armor.

But I saw this woman with a melon-seeded face, a pair of phoenix eyes and bright, wheat-colored skin, showing a strong and powerful sense of symmetry, and she was not very young, she should be about seventeen or eighteen.

"Lin Tan, you see I didn't lie to you, this boss really wants to buy Xuan Tie."

The brawny man named Li Hu smiled.

After being confirmed by Yang Zilei, the burly adventurers next to him also looked ecstatic, but did not make immediate decisions.

They all looked at Lin Tan who was headed, their eyes faintly hot and respectful.

Obviously, although Lin Tan was young, he had a very high status among them.

Lin Tan nodded and said: "Okay, all of us here have a total of 120,000 jin of black iron blanks, and the purchase price is 150,000 taels."

With that, Lin Tan moved out a storage ring and a gold card.

"The math is okay."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, and his mind quickly penetrated into the storage ring. After checking the black iron blanks underneath, he also took out the gold card and quickly transferred the account.

"You are very honest, unlike those other chambers of commerce, we will sell all of our minerals to you in the future."

Lin Tan stared at Yang Zilei with big eyes, and asked softly, "Which chamber of commerce are you from?"

Yang Zilei shook his head and smiled faintly: "I don't have a chamber of commerce. This time I came to Chaos City to purchase 1 million catties of profound iron. If you can help pull the supply, I will often come here to purchase in the future."

1 million catties of mysterious iron!

Hearing this huge number, Lin Tan, Li Hu and others' eyes flickered. This is the big gold master!

"Since there is no chamber of commerce, then you still come from wherever you go."

At this moment, a cold voice came.

Immediately afterwards, there was a large group of people pouring in from the restaurant gate.

The leader, with a full face and beard, and a burly body as strong as a black bear, Li Hu is slightly lower than that.

This guy was talking just now.

Yang Zilei glanced at the other person and found that this person was a bit familiar. He was the person in charge of the branch of the Wing Lung Chamber of Commerce next to him when he was trading with Li Hu.

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