"Smelly boy, how dare you call me a trash?!"

Hearing this, Qin Huang's face suddenly became gloomy, his eyes gloomy and staring at Yang Zilei.

Feeling Yang Zilei's spiritual energy fluctuations in the later stage of the Spiritual Vessel Realm, he said sharply and contemptuously: "A trash that doesn't even have a Spiritual Core Realm, dares to provoke me, it's really beyond your own capacity."

"That kid is going to be unlucky!"

The warriors who were defending against the beast tide couldn't help but look over here, and couldn't help but sympathize with Yang Zilei who was being stared at by Qin Huang.

After all, Qin Huang’s strength was in the early stage of the Star Realm, but Yang Zilei only had the latter stage of the Spiritual Realm. The strengths of the two sides were very different, but they still dared to talk back. Isn't this looking for death?

"Late Spirit Vein Realm?"

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth raised, and he silently issued a system command: "Upgrade cultivation."


Suddenly, a strong suction force surged from the spirit veins in Yang Zilei's body!

And as this suction exploded, the aura of heaven and earth in this area immediately condensed, and within a few breaths, a vortex of aura that could be seen by the naked eye was formed, lingering around Yang Zilei.

Finally, the spiritual power in this vortex, at an astonishing speed, poured into Yang Zilei's spiritual veins like a tide, and rushed straight into the sea of ​​Dantian points.

"Aura transforms into a...spiritual vortex! This is a sign of breaking through the spiritual core realm!"

Seeing this scene, everyone present was a little surprised, and Qin Huang's eyes flashed with surprise because of this, and his face became more and more gloomy!

Unexpectedly, this kid broke the realm at this time!

"Everyone, protect Boss Yang."

Lin Tan noticed that Yang Zilei was in a state of breakthrough, and he couldn't help but a touch of joy appeared on his face.

At the moment, many members of the Canghu Gang quickly gathered around, guarding Yang Zilei at the very end to prevent any interference.

However, their worries are indeed a bit redundant. The system upgrades the cultivation base, no matter what Yang Zilei does, he can be promoted successfully.

In this way, as more and more auras poured into the sea of ​​dantian points, an invisible energy directly condensed the aura clusters.

Immediately afterwards, two rounded spirit pills were suddenly condensed out, enveloping the dragon soul and the spear soul respectively.

In that shape, Wuhun looked like an embryo conceived in a spirit pill.

And as the spirit pill completely merged with the martial soul, the fluctuation of the spiritual power in Yang Zilei's body suddenly soared at a terrifying speed.

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host's cultivation to the early stage of the spirit pill realm, with a strengthening point of -25,600."

The spirit pill realm, this is a martial arts realm completely different from the spirit vein realm!

"I actually condensed two spirit pills..."

Perceiving the changes in his body, Yang Zilei took a deep breath, and a faint flash in his eyes immediately.

Two martial arts, breakthrough realm, will naturally condense two pill regiments, under the same realm, even if they are not armed with arms, they are already in a nearly invincible existence.

Feeling the mighty spiritual power in his body that was many times stronger than before, Yang Zilei's mouth also raised an uncontrollable smile.

But with this kind of strength, facing Qin Huang in the early stage of the Star Realm, there was still a big gap between the two sides.

Therefore, Yang Zilei quickly called up the system light curtain in his mind, and directly clicked on the cultivation base column.

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host's cultivation to the mid-level spirit pill realm, with a strengthening point of -51,200."

"Ding, the upgrade was successful. Congratulations to the host's upgrade to the late stage of the spirit pill realm, with a strengthening point of -102,400."

"Reminder, upgrading to the Star Realm requires 204,800 enhancement points. The host currently only has a value of 5400, and the upgrade cannot be completed."

Yang Zilei couldn't help sighing lightly when he heard the system prompt.

This upgrade almost exhausted his strengthening points.

And this kind of improvement of his cultivation level seemed complicated, but the whole process actually only took a few dozen breaths of time.

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