"To drive away all the onlookers, it turns out that I want to find myself a step down."

Yang Zilei suddenly sneered in his heart.

However, the other party had steps to go down, but Yang Zilei's tone was nowhere to swallow when the shop was smashed.

"Don't worry, the prince will compensate you twice as much for the decoration of things damaged in your shop."

Seeing Yang Zilei's silence, Yan Chen smiled faintly, showing a kind of generosity of grace.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, stretched out five fingers, and said with a faint smile: "Since the Four Princes are so generous, then count them."

"Fifty thousand?" Yan Chen nodded slightly, "No problem."

However, Yang Zilei shook his finger, obviously more than that.

"Five hundred thousand?" Yan Chen frowned slightly, but the words just now had been released, and he could only agree: "Okay."

However, Yang Zilei still shook his head at this time, and immediately said in a straightforward voice: "Be bold in your idea, five million."

Yan Chen's eyes were slightly startled when he heard Yang Zilei's number, and his eyes became gloomy in an instant.

"Insane, even a broken shop dare to ask for five million in compensation, your kid is crazy for money!"

The middle-aged strong man was holding his nose and couldn't help but furiously said.

Standing behind Yang Zilei, Chen Si twitched at the corner of his mouth, and felt that the compensation price of the boss was a bit outrageous.

But from another point of view, it is quite a relief!

Yan Chen stared at Yang Zilei with gloomy eyes, and said coldly: "Sometimes it may be better to know that enough is enough."

Yang Zilei shrugged his shoulders lightly, and said indifferently: "You said you want to compensate. If you can't pay, then forget it. Let's just give up the transaction between us. The two million deposits given before will be treated as Just compensation."


Yan Chen's face suddenly became gloomy to the extreme, his body faintly filled with a strong wave of spiritual power, which seemed to be about to happen.

But soon, this spiritual power fluctuation was fleeting, and all were converged into the body.

He stared at Yang Zilei surly, with a strong anger that couldn't be concealed: "Okay, five million, I hope you have this appetite to swallow it!"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't imagine that he could endure this, but the city mansion was quite deep.

This kind of enemy is often the most terrifying.

It seems that you have to be careful with this guy in the future.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei directly took out the gold card and said indifferently: "Adding the previous four million mantissa, a total of nine million, to show the sincerity of the four princes, first transfer the account before delivery."

Yan Chen suddenly took a deep breath. In order to successfully obtain the arms and weapons, he tried to suppress the restless anger in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the prince of his own dignified dynasty would be manipulated by a small shop owner.

If it hadn't been for the munitions and weapons that he had secretly manipulated in the past few years to achieve a more unexpected effect, I am afraid it would have gone wild.

So next, Yang Zilei successfully received the transfer of nine million taels of gold, and then waved his hand.

In the next second, as the light flickered in front of Yang Zilei, a thousand AK47s, a thousand grenade, and thousands of bullets were all covered on the ground.

At this point, the two parties have completed the transaction.

Pedal...! !

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps, but a large number of people suddenly poured in from the gate of Fangshi.

The leader is Yang Langtian, the head of the Yang family.

These people are obviously the Yang family who came to rescue.

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