
After hearing Yang Zilei's words, the members of the Yang family present were shocked.

With suspicious gazes, he looked at Yang Zilei together, obviously a little unbelievable about it.

"Zilei, don't be kidding, the old man is serious." Yang Langtian's face sank, and he looked at Yang Zilei with surprise.

"I'm not kidding, I went to the City of Chaos five days ago and I happened to encounter a beast wave, and then..."

Yang Zilei shrugged his shoulders lightly, and briefly recounted his journey in the chaotic city.

After listening, many members of the Yang family were completely sluggish.

On the side, Yang Mo, Yang Tafeng and other juniors in the family have already opened their mouths wide, their eyes faintly flashing with fanaticism.

"You mean, you are now in the City of Chaos..."

Yang Langtian's eyes widened a bit, and he said with excitement, "City Lord?!"

Yang Zilei smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"Well, the old man really didn't look at him!"

Hearing Yang Zilei's confirmation, the old Patriarch finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

His body was also slightly shivering at this moment, an incomparable pride and pride, surging in the heart of the old Patriarch, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

"It's no wonder that the boss dared to offend the four princes, because it turned out to rule the chaotic city."

Chen Si looked ecstatic, looking at Yang Zilei in front of him and muttered. After all, he couldn't guess even if he wanted to break his scalp. Yang Zilei had gone out these few days and actually took the City of Chaos.

Then, Yang Langtian tried his best to suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart, and then looked at the many members of the Yang family with excitement, and said in a deep voice: "As the patriarch of the Yang family, the old man decided to move his family to the chaotic city. Who has objections? You can bring it up!"

The voice fell, but there was no objection, and the four elders, who were second only to the family in the family, also nodded in approval at this moment.

Although Yan Chen has not yet won the throne, it is undoubtedly safer to go to the City of Chaos in advance to avoid long nights and dreams.

Moreover, compared to the resources of the City of Chaos, the Yang Family's foundation in Longfei City is simply a drop in the bucket!

In this way, Yang Zilei's suggestion is undoubtedly one answer.

Not only did everyone not blame Yang Zilei for offending the four princes, but they grew admiration and admiration for him.

Yang Langtian patted Yang Zilei on the shoulder, and solemnly said: "Zilei, the hope of our Yang family will be given to you in the future. You can leave anytime."

"Then three days later."

Yang Zilei pondered for a while, then decided the date.

"So fast!"

Yang Langtian was startled, obviously he didn't expect Yang Zilei to be so resolute.

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, "Efficiency determines everything."

"Well, young people should have this courage!"

At this time, Yang Langtian admired Yang Zilei more and more, and immediately it hit it off, "Okay, then three days later, the old man arranged to sell all the properties in Longfei City immediately."

With the support of his old Patriarch and the recognition of many members of the Yang family, Yang Zilei was obviously in a good mood at this time.

Nowadays, the City of Chaos is short of manpower for construction, and the Yang family's own people come to help, but it can save a lot of worry.

Immediately, Yang Langtian led everyone to leave the market, and he couldn't wait to order all the affairs of the upcoming move.

While Yang Zilei walked into the shop, Chen Si immediately followed.

Looking at the messed up shop, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed coldly, "Chen Si, what is the situation in the royal family for the throne now?"

Hearing Yang Zilei’s question, Chen Si hurriedly replied: “There are four sons under King Yan’s knee. As the crown prince, he was originally the most promising candidate for succession. Disabled."

"The three princes with extraordinary talents also accidentally got into trouble during cultivation, and their cultivation was completely abolished and turned into waste."

"And those who can barely compete with the fourth prince Yanchen for the throne are now only the mediocre second prince named Yanhong."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's mouth sneered, "These four princes are quite vicious, even their own brothers were framed, and the methods were extremely clever. They were caused by accidents and left no evidence."

Chen Si nodded, and then cautiously asked: "Boss, are you really going to intervene in the royal dispute?"

Yang Zilei did not respond. He sneered and muttered to himself: "Since you want the Yang family to regret what we did today, then I will first make you regret what it is like to offend me."

"Old Chen, you immediately send someone to send Yanhong a message, saying that I have a secret weapon to help him fight for the throne. If you are interested, you can find me in the City of Chaos."

Hearing this, Chen Si's heart shuddered, already guessing what Yang Zilei meant.

"Yes, boss."

Chen Si nodded immediately, and hurriedly left the shop.

He knows very well that this time the matter is important and must find a reliable person to deliver the information.

Immediately, in the empty store, only Yang Zilei was left alone.

He glanced at the metal parts scattered on the ground. Now he is building a chaotic city and his personal finances are quite embarrassing, so he can't waste any resources.

At the moment, Yang Zilei began to cat her waist, piled all the metal parts together, and then swallowed them all, transforming them into more than two thousand strengthening points.

Yang Zilei moved his mind and checked the system strengthening points [48,000].

At the same time, it also called out the information on the cultivation base and Wuhun.

[Cultivation: ‘+’ (0/204,800) in the late stage of the spirit pill realm]

【Wuhun: Wuhun Bazooka "+" (0/16,000)】

Seeing that the upgrade value of the cultivation base required 200+ million, Yang Zilei took a deep breath and had to focus on the martial soul.

Only 16,000 strengthening points are needed, which is enough.

I don't know what kind of arms can evolve this time.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei tapped the ‘+’ at the back...

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