Night fell.

In a small piece of wood not far from where the Yang family’s team was camped, the three people who had been following before were all sitting on the ground at the moment, eating black-faced buns.

They look tall and big, with strong muscles and extremely sturdy clothes. They are all simple clothes made of some animal skins.

And the most weird thing is that on the foreheads of these three people, there are two and a half inch long horns, just like orcs.

"The group that camped earlier is a wealthy owner, and they didn't bring any goods with them. They should all wear storage rings."

A young guy took a bite of steamed buns, then looked at the brawny man next to him, and said excitedly: "Brother Meng, if it becomes this time, our tribe will at least be able to eat and wear for a while."


Da Meng nodded his head calmly.

He was in charge of the sentry leader and had to be cautious.

"Brother Meng, are we really going to rob them?"

Another man with long hair who seemed more savvy beside him frowned, "I have observed carefully, there are many powerful warriors among them, and the equipment is much better than the chambers of commerce we have seen before. If If we act rashly, we may suffer severe damage!

Da Meng's eyes were firm, and he said coldly: "Since they are here, there is no turning back. Although they look great, we are not vegetarian. We are fighters of the dragon blood clan!"

"Besides, if we don't do it, our tribe will run out of food..."

Da Meng's face was ruthless, but at the end, he couldn't help but sighed.

Their dragon blood clan is considered to be a strange species in the Tianyan Continent, like a fierce beast, with a trace of blood inheritance from the ancient dragon clan in the body.

It is precisely because of this that they are naturally strong, with fierce strength, and they also have a fighting form after dragonization. In the dragon blood clan, a top powerhouse was born, that is, the creation of "Nine Dragons Good Fortune" The master of martial arts.

However, with the departure of the strong man, the dragon blood clan that had been glorious for a period of time gradually declined, and even now relied on robbery for a living.

Because the dragon blood clan is naturally strong, but it has a shortcoming. After starting the dragon battle form, it will be violent and completely lose reason.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, whether it is an army or a mercenary organization that pays great attention to team spirit on the battlefield, they are very resistant to the warriors of the dragon blood clan.

Not only that, ordinary civilians are also people who are very afraid of the dragon blood line, lest they accidentally anger them and become a dragon blood warrior, losing their lives.

In this way, the dragon blood clan, who was excluded in all aspects of life, became more and more impoverished. Under the pressure of life, they could only hide in remote mountains and become robbers.

Da Meng patted the young guy on the shoulder and said with a heavy expression: "There is no need to rest tonight. The three of us took turns staring at the front group. I always think they might have spotted us."

Hearing this, the young guy was surprised: "How is it possible that we are more than ten miles away from them, and we are very careful in tracking along the way, how can we be easily spotted?"

Da Meng frowned and said in a deep voice, "It's better to be cautious. When they enter the gorge road tomorrow, they will immediately send a signal for the brothers to do it!"

"it is good."

The two men nodded heavily.

As everyone knows, when they were chatting here, Yang Zilei was riding a black horse and standing under a tree next to him.

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