
Under the strong impact of bursts of electric current, Da Meng's body continued to twitch on the ground.

But his painful expression seemed to be trying to restrain his anger, trying not to let his emotions get out of control and start the dragon form.

Otherwise, once you become a dragon blood warrior, you will have no sense of reason, and your partner will not know if you have killed him by mistake.

"It's quite hard."

Yang Zilei's eyes darkened slightly, his fingers pressed the trigger and did not release.

"Brother Meng!"

Seeing the captain being questioned by Yang Zilei so severely, the two young guys next to him suddenly became furious, and their breathing became strangely quick.



With two roars resembling fierce beasts, the eyes of the two young men instantly turned scarlet, full of extremely fierce and violent gazes.

And their already strong bodies became stronger in an instant.

But I saw the bulging muscles, the blue veins were exposed, and the skin on both arms was squirming quickly, and it was covered with a layer of blue scales!


In an instant, the violent energy aura burst out suddenly, and the iron ropes on their bodies were easily broken.

This is the natural skill of the Dragon Blood clan, Dragonization!

However, this form obviously belongs to a low-level level, just like Yang Zilei, with both arms covered with dragon scales.

This is because the dragon essence and blood in their bodies has become thinner and thinner as they are passed down from generation to generation.

Yang Zilei's eyes were slightly startled, and the Ant-Man suit immediately flashed out of his body and quickly shrunk to an inch, intending to see with his own eyes whether the dragon blood clan is like the rumor that the angry dragon will cause emotions to run away, and the enemy is no different.

"not good."

Da Meng's complexion changed, and a slight worry appeared in his eyes.

But when he was struggling to break free from the iron rope tied to his hands and feet, he suddenly found a strange disc attached to his body, and then found to his horror that the surrounding scenery was rapidly growing.

No, to be precise, his body is shrinking at an alarming rate.

"If you don't want to be violently beaten by your companions, don't make a sound." Yang Zilei held a zoom remote control in his hand and watched Da Meng reminded.

"what did you do to me?!"

Da Meng stared at Yang Zilei in horror.

"Nonsense, of course I am saving you."

Yang Zilei glanced at Da Meng, then turned his attention to the two dragon blood warriors who had gone frantically.

Since there were no targets around, the two Dragon Blood Warriors obviously locked their angry eyes on each other instantly, and then they fought together directly.

The fights at that time were all fists to the flesh, like two fierce beasts biting wildly, without the slightest sense of reason.

"It seems that the rumors are right."

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed with surprise, and he couldn't help feeling a little too.

With such a powerful blood heritage, it seems to be cursed, and it is impossible to control it at all. It is even regarded as a different kind, and it is discriminated and rejected in the Tianyan Continent.

No matter how strong this kind of power is, it is useless, which is really a pity.

"If these dragon blood warriors can be subdued, they may be a new force for Chaos City in the future."

Yang Zilei's heart suddenly moved, but the question is how to deal with their behavior that lost their sense after being transformed into a dragon?

By the way, functional solid drinks!

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