
Under the violence of this humiliation, Da Meng with strong concentration, finally could not suppress the anger in his heart, suddenly like a volcanic eruption, it was completely vented in the roar!

In the next instant, he saw Da Meng's body muscles swell rapidly, and the skin on his arms was instantly covered with a layer of hard dragon scales.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Da Meng's eyes were blood red, staring at Yang Zilei in front of him, and with a sudden force, the skyrocketing power directly broke the iron rope on his body.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Da Meng was taken aback for a moment, looking at the Long Hua special evidence with his arms in disbelief.

There is no doubt that this is the unique dragonized state of the dragon blood clan, but he actually has reason!

"It seems to work."

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the functional solid of the system exchange was so powerful that even this could be cured!


At this moment, Da Meng was so excited that he couldn't speak, he looked at Yang Zilei with complicated eyes.

Immediately afterwards, tears gradually filled the eyes of this eight-footed man...

In the Tianyan Continent, the dragon blood clan is not strictly a real human being, but also a poor race.

From the perspective of the army, their value is equivalent to a group of waste races that can only serve as cannon fodder.

For this reason, the dragon blood warriors who once belonged to the most powerful fighting force on this land have become a despised race, living a life of poverty.

Some dragon blood warriors even ruthlessly dug out the horns on their foreheads to hide their characteristics as a dragon blood clan.

Some even voluntarily asked to go to the battlefield, rush to the front as cannon fodder, and then turn on the dragon's open state to die with the enemy, so as to weaken the strength of the enemy, and finally exchange their lives for some meagre resources to dedicate to the tribe.

But the other part of the dragon blood warriors were unwilling to be cannon fodder. In order to retaliate against the humans, they chose to be robbers in remote mountainous areas and looted the past caravans, that is, Da Meng and the others.

"You are responsible for holding them down."

Immediately, Yang Zilei made two more functional drinks, and then ordered Da Meng.

"it is good!"

Da Meng nodded his head heavily, and no longer had the slightest suspicion about Yang Zilei.

After saying this, he saw his body move, like a tiger descending the mountain, rushing over with momentum.

Soon, Da Meng overpowered the two out-of-control Dragon Blood Warriors, and his powerful arms pressed them to the ground.

Yang Zilei quickly poured two cups of drinks into their mouths.

After a while, the crazy violence gradually disappeared in the eyes of the two dragon blood warriors, replaced by a sensible look.

"What's wrong with me?"

The long-haired man spoke suspiciously, and then looked at Da Meng who was pressing on him, his heart trembled.


Seeing Da Meng who turned into a dragon blood warrior, the long-haired man was obviously panicked.

After all, with Da Meng's strength, Long became even stronger after transforming, and killing him was easy.

"Aqiang, are you okay?" Da Meng asked excitedly when he saw that the long-haired man seemed to regain his senses.

"Brother Meng, you..."

Hearing Da Meng's voice, the long-haired man was stunned. He looked at his arms again and finally understood what was going on.

"Brother Meng, what's the matter?" The young guy next to him also looked surprised.

After seeing that the two partners were all right, Da Meng let them go.

"I can feel myself in the state of dragonization!!"

"Me too, my God, this feeling is amazing!"

The two Dragon Blood Warriors screamed ecstatically, looking at Da Meng with excitement.

At this moment, they also noticed Yang Zilei in front of him, their eyes sank, and they immediately glared at the latter with fierceness.

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