"Boss, it's just treasure hunting in the ancient tomb, why is it so mysterious?" Chen Si asked puzzledly.

"I am now the lord of the City of Chaos. Everyone knows that my nest is here. Once the target is revealed, it will not be difficult to find me."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, and said calmly: "If you accidentally offend people in the ancient tomb, especially the forces of the four major martial arts, if you get enemies with them, wouldn't you just have to sit here all day and wait for death."

"You didn't know what happened in Qingyang City at that time."

At the end, Yang Zilei looked at Chen Si meaningfully.

Hearing this, Chen Si's eyes flashed suddenly, and he nodded knowingly and said with a complimentary smile: "The boss is wise."

Back in Qingyang City, he knew that Yang Zilei had killed Scar Qiang because of his gambling, and he attracted his younger brother Ye Han to come to avenge him.

Ye Han's identity was an outer disciple of Cangqi Wufu, and he suddenly died in the alley of Qingyang City, undoubtedly attracting the deacon of Wufu to investigate.

Fortunately, Qin Feng, the assassin of the Blood Moon Organization, was hired, and he quickly left Qingyang City before the assassination. This turned the danger to a breeze and eliminated all clues.

Otherwise, with the behemoth like Cangqi Wufu, the two of them now would have been arrested long ago and put to death by Ling Chi.

Yang Zilei looked up at the darkening sky, and asked curiously: "Chen Si, have you received any news, such as what treasures are there in the ancient tomb mansion?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Si nodded and said: "No one has entered the ancient tomb mansion. I don't know exactly what the treasure is."


Speaking of this, Chen Si's voice changed, "It is said that if the Nine Tribulations Realm is strong, if they fail to cross the Tribulation and die, their lifelong cultivation will not be wiped out, but will stay in the corpse."

"And as time progressed, they began to condense together and turn into a group of spiritual energy pills, and this kind of thing condensed after death is the lifelong cultivation essence of the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse, called the Nine Tribulations Spirit Pill ."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's heart was quite shaken.

Yang Zilei has also heard a little about these strange things. It is said that if a warrior below the Nine Tribulations Realm can obtain the Nine Tribulations Spirit Pill, even if his talent is discarded, after being swallowed and refined, he can easily break through a level of strength.

For the martial artist of the Divine Sea Realm, if they can have the assistance of the Nine Tribulations Spirit Pill during the barrier period and completely absorb the essence of it, there is also a great chance that they can achieve it and directly promote to the Nine Tribulations Realm.

Therefore, even if you don't know what treasures that ancient tomb mansion has, the Nine Tribulations Spirit Pill alone is enough to attract many martial artists below the Nine Tribulations Realm.

At that time, the martial artist of the Divine Sea Realm is definitely the top force in this tomb competition!

"If I can use the Nine Tribulations Spirit Pill to improve my cultivation level, wouldn't it be possible to save a lot of enhancement points for system upgrades?"

There was a flash of inspiration in Yang Zilei's mind, thinking so.

After all, if he wants to upgrade to the mid-star realm, he must consume 409,600 strengthening points.

Obviously, this is undoubtedly a quick way to save money.

After an hour, night fell.

The streets of the chaotic city became more and more lively as the night darkened.

Everyone was stationed outside, eagerly waiting for the flame signal that was about to be emitted from the depths of the mountain.

However, Yang Zilei still stayed comfortably in the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion, enjoying wine and food.

The tens of thousands of people in Chaos City are all his eyes, and he doesn't need to bother to miss the direction of the signal.

In this way, in the eyes of many expectations, until late at night, a bright red and blue flame finally shot up from the distant mountains, extremely conspicuous in the dark night sky.

A bit northwest!

In that instant, everyone quickly locked the direction from which the signal was emitted.

"Da da da!!!!"

At the moment, a burst of rapid footsteps resounded from the streets of the city, and countless figures rushed out of the city gate, rushing into the dark dense forest.

Although the dark night in the Michuan Mountains is more dangerous, under the strong temptation of the tomb of the Nine Tribulations Realm strong man, the so-called danger is undoubtedly covered by strong greed.

Therefore, the Michuan Mountains, which used to be relatively quiet with the advent of night, suddenly became lively and turbulent tonight, as if it had become a tourist attraction, and saw a large number of people active in the mountains.

However, everyone is well aware of how many people who can safely return to this huge flow of people will probably not be as lively as it is now.

Because of the treasure hunt in the ancient tomb mansion during this trip, even if he could escape from the beast’s mouth, he might be killed by other contenders in the next moment, eventually becoming the fertilizer in the mountain forest.

"We should start too."

On the wall, Yang Zilei said lightly, watching the horrible crowd rushing out of the city.

When the voice fell, Yang Zilei took out the dark golden mask and put it on his face.

Behind him, the four Star Realm Hall Masters, Da Meng and Daku Shi also put on leather armor and masks, and their eyes were filled with excitement.


Yang Zilei's figure moved first and jumped directly off the wall.

Soon he took six of his subordinates, followed by the flow of people, and rushed away suddenly, and soon disappeared in the dark mountains.

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