
Hongmang passed by Lin Yuqing and directly got into the corpse of the purple electric dragon and lion.

In just a few breaths of effort, that headless beast's body instantly shriveled, and the blood from the wound no longer leaked out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuqing frowned, and the long sword in his hand was clenched for a few minutes.

And just as the dragon talisman flew out from the beast corpse, Lin Yuqing's eyes froze, and his right hand slammed out.


A fierce sword light immediately followed the direction where the dragon rune flew back, rushing away.

There, it is Yang Zilei's hiding place.

Yang Zilei's pupils shrank slightly, and when the dragon talisman imprinted into the body, he suddenly jumped from the tree.


In the next second, the sword light passed by, and the branch where Yang Zilei was standing just cut off!

"Boss, are you okay?"

Da Meng and the six hurried over and asked worriedly.

Yang Zilei did not take care of them at this time. After the dragon talisman was imprinted into the body, the rich blood qi had exploded in his body, making his face flushed, and his whole body was extremely irritable, and he could spit out a lot of heat when he opened his mouth.

This is because the dragon's essence and blood that were absorbed and refined, although there is only a trace, the blood is extremely strong.

Yang Zilei started to sweat all over his body, and even bloodshots slowly overflowed in the sweat. When he noticed this, Yang Zilei immediately used his spiritual power to shrink his pores to avoid blood leakage.

You know, the blood flowing out is the essence of the dragon contained in the blood of the purple dragon and lion. It is very precious, and it would be a pity to waste it.

"You six, don't let anyone disturb me for now."

Yang Zilei gave a simple confession and directly sat cross-legged.

Then began to operate the second-heavy art of the "Nine Dragons Fortune Secret Art", controlling the dragon's essence and blood flowing in the body, penetrating into the blood, and trying to forcibly merge it into one.

It takes at least five minutes for this dragon's essence and blood to completely melt into the blood.

If it succeeds, then his dragon form will transform to the second evolutionary form!

Hearing that, Da Meng, Daku Shi, and the four Astral Realm Hall Masters, six of them were all aware, and immediately surrounded Yang Zilei, staring guarded ahead.

At this time, Lin Yuqing, who was not far in front, walked towards them with a cold expression.

Behind him, followed a bunch of warriors watching the excitement.

"I don't know who is the blind guy who dares to steal Lin Yuqing's spoils."

"Yes, the essence and blood of the corpse of the beast has been absorbed, there is a kind of exercise similar to the evil way."

"Lin Yuqing is obviously going to settle accounts now, that guy is dead!"

Among the many discussions, Lin Yuqing has come to the dense forest on the edge of the valley.

Lin Yuqing's eyes were indifferent, and he swept towards Da Meng and the six of them, and immediately fell on Yang Zilei who was shielded in the middle.

Seeing Yang Zilei sitting cross-legged at this moment, Lin Yuqing's eyes flashed with surprise.

He had already guessed that the rich blood emanating from Yang Zilei's body was obviously the work of Yang Zilei's blood that was swallowed up by the beast corpse.

"Who are these guys, they all wear masks!?"

The many warriors who came to the front also noticed the existence of Yang Zilei and the others, and couldn't help staring at their dresses in surprise.

Lin Yuqing's powerful spiritual consciousness radiated out, instantly sensing the cultivation base of Dameng and others, and the strongest strength was only in the star realm.

"The essence and blood of Tier 6 fierce beasts, although I am not rare, but if you take my spoils, then vomit them all."

Lin Yuqing's voice was cold and contemptuous, staring at Yang Zilei who was sitting with his eyes closed, feeling that his dignity seemed to be provoked.

After saying that, the long sword in his hand trembles, dozens of sharp and unmatched sword auras suddenly rushed out and shot directly at Yang Zilei and the others.

That attack left no room at all.

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