"Success to death."

When Lin Yuqing shouted coldly, he took a step forward, and the mighty spiritual power suddenly roared out, and bright light swirls emerged from his body.

With this move, Lin Yuqing did not show the slightest sign of using martial arts. When he moved his figure, he suddenly rushed out like lightning, and the fist covering the spiritual energy also blasted straight out.


The air exploded under Lin Yuqing's fist, with an extremely ferocious fist wind, and blasted against the fatal part of Yang Zilei's chest.

This punch contains terrifying power, if it is hit frontally, it will definitely die.

Experts in the Divine Sea Realm have a greater advantage than the Star Realm, that is, spiritual power that is more than ten times stronger. Under the bombardment of that terrible power, even a half-step Divine Sea Realm warrior dare not fight anti.

"Dragon soul, provoke!"

Faced with such a tyrannical offensive, Yang Zilei's eyes were also cold, and his figure was shocked, directly opening the second form of Longhua.

In that instant, Yang Zilei's energy in his body suddenly soared, and as his skin squirmed quickly, a layer of cyan dragon scales instantly covered his arms and spread to his chest.

And when his eyes were blood red, turbulent spiritual power fluctuations burst out all over his body.

This spiritual power, although not as condensed as the powerhouse of the Divine Sea Realm, was filled with a sense of extreme violence.

Then Yang Zilei, in the eyes of many shocked eyes, the fist covering the dragon scales directly and Lin Yuqing's right fist slammed together.


In the next instant, a heavy impact resounded in this valley.

A wave of violent power suddenly swept out from the place where the two fists hit, and some surrounding trees and rocks instantly exploded into powder.

But under the strong impact of this power ripple, Yang Zilei's body was only shaken back a few steps, and he was completely firmly established.

"Huh? He actually blocked it?!"

Looking at Yang Zilei, who had received Lin Yuqing's punch, but had not suffered the slightest injury, the surrounding crowd was suddenly surprised, with a strong shock in his eyes.

Because Yang Zilei was wearing a mask at this time, and the leather armor on his body was also extremely tough, and was not cracked by the skyrocketing muscles, his dragonized form was naturally covered up, and it was not exposed.

"How can it be!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Lin Yuqing's eyes, and a little solemn meaning finally emerged on his contemptuous face.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't hurt a small star-level warrior under the competition of aura and power!

This is simply incredible!

"It turns out that this is the power of the dual form, and it has indeed increased a lot."

Yang Zilei clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, he was pleasantly surprised.

And this experience also made Yang Zilei understand that the dual form after the dragon has transformed, in pure hand-to-hand combat, has the ability to leapfrog the Divine Sea Realm!

Of course, Yang Zilei also has a lot of confidence if he uses Wuhun.

"Is it the training of martial arts?!"

Lin Yuqing stared at Yang Zilei tightly, realizing that the latter's body seemed to be a lot taller than before, and suddenly he saw some signs.

"I thought there was something amazing. It turned out to be a kind of martial arts training. No wonder you dare to take my two moves so confidently."

Lin Yuqing stared at Yang Zilei with gloomy eyes, and sneered disdainfully: "However, if you think that with this ability, you are really qualified to contend with the Divine Sea Realm, that would be too naive!"

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