"Brother Lin, what should I do?"

Seeing that the surrounding warriors all ran to the entrance of the ancient tomb mansion, preparing to bombard Shimen, a disciple of Xuanjian Martial Mansion couldn't help asking.

After all, if they fight with Yang Zilei and the others, they will fall behind, then they will have to go to the tomb for treasure hunting.

Lin Yuqing frowned, her eyes flashing with cold light, it was obvious that she had made a decision.

"Boy, you are lucky, now you have no time to clean up!"

Lin Yuqing gave a cold snort, glared at Yang Zilei and the others, his words were full of threats, "Those who are acquainted should roll back quickly. If you dare to step into the ancient tomb, you will never return!"

After speaking, the three of Lin Yuqing put away the martial arts, then turned around and followed the flow of people, and quickly rushed towards the entrance of the ancient tomb mansion, lest they would be taken by others.

"Boss, are we still going in?" Da Meng frowned and asked.

After all, the other party is the three powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm, and they have a background as powerful as the Xuanjian Wufu Mansion.

If you really hit hard, you will definitely hit the rock with a pebble.

Yang Zilei pondered for a while before he ordered: "You all go back first."

"Boss, what about you?"

Hearing this, the Da Meng six people were taken aback and asked in surprise.

"It's okay, no matter what happens, it's easier for me to get out alone."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth.

Immediately, his mind moved, the black and red ant-man battle uniform suddenly flashed out of his body, and in an instant, it disappeared directly from the sight of the six.

"What about the boss?!"

Da Meng and the others were surprised and looked around.

As everyone knows, Yang Zilei, who has turned into an ant-sized person, has already used his dragon shadow step, turning into a vague shadow, quietly moving towards the entrance of the ancient tomb mansion and quickly approaching.

"Since the boss has ordered it, let's go back."

Daku Shi said with a solemn expression: "With the ability of the boss, we are here, maybe it will drag him down."

Hearing that, the other five people are all recognized as important points.

Then the six of them left the valley without looking back, followed Yang Zilei's order, and returned to the Chaos City.

"This ancient tomb mansion, I don't know how many years it has existed."

When he came to the front, Yang Zilei was mixed in the crowd, looking up at the ancient stone gate covered with moss.

But above the stone gate, under the cover of weeds, a line of words can be vaguely seen.

"Wutian Nine Tribulations, those who step into it die!"

Yang Zilei's eyes moved slightly, this tone is really crazy.

Looking at the extremely shocking font, many warriors around also had a trace of palpitations.

If it were an ordinary ancient tomb, so many of them might dismiss it.

But the owner of the tomb mansion is a powerful person in the Nine Tribulations Realm. Even after death, even after death, the organs in it may cause them to die and injured.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but hesitate.

"Everyone, there are two main reasons for sharing the news of this ancient tomb mansion."

The black-robed man stood in front of the stone gate, his eyes were indifferently sweeping toward the crowd, and said: "One is the energy seal here, which requires at least ten powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm to work together to break open."

"The other point is that the owner of the tomb mansion is called Wu Tian. I have checked the information about him. It was a master talisman more than two hundred years ago. His skills are superb and he can be called a ghost, and the most powerful is the refining talisman. Puppet.

"Therefore, there must be extremely powerful rune puppet beasts in this tomb mansion. If you want to defeat them to obtain treasures, you have to rely on the strength of all of us. As for how the treasures will be distributed at that time, the rules are based on their own ability. Who will get it first? , Who owns it."

Hearing this, everyone looked startled, and finally understood why the black robe man was willing to spread the news of the tomb.

It turned out that it was the master of this tomb mansion, the crafting ghost who had alarmed an era, and with the power of a black-robed man alone, it was obviously impossible to obtain treasures from various dangerous institutions.

As for the powerhouses above the Nine Tribulations Realm, for the warriors of the same level, they naturally look down on the treasures and waste energy.

So the warrior who came to hunt for treasure this time, the strongest is only the peak of the Shenhai realm.

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