"What a strong offensive!"

Everyone was startled and suddenly turned their heads to look at Yang Zilei's side. When they saw him sitting under the buttocks and the giant tank martial arts spirit, their eyes tightened.

"What martial soul is this?!"

"This guy, isn't it the mysterious masked man who clashed with Lin Yuqing before?"

"Also, how did his martial soul change?!"

Upon seeing this, everyone gasped in shock and looked at the tank martial arts spirit in amazement. Although they didn't know what kind of martial spirit it was, they felt extremely dangerous.

"How can it be?"

At this time, Lin Yuqing also noticed Yang Zilei, his eyes sank, "Could it be that this guy is a twin spirit?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing's expression appeared solemnly, and he began to reexamine Yang Zilei's ability.

However, at this time the treasure was at present, Lin Yuqing didn't intend to find Yang Zilei troublesome, stared at Yang Zilei sullenly, and then continued to focus on the thunder barrier in front.

His talent is only the seventh rank martial soul, if there is no big chance, he will stop at the Nine Tribulations Realm at most in his life.

However, the five spirit bodies in front of him gave Lin Yuqing hope, especially the sword spirit, which was undoubtedly a great supplement to his Asura sword spirit.

Therefore, this spirit body, he holds the determination to win!

After firing a shot, Yang Zilei put away the tank spirit, and then approached the Thunder Light Net.

And his move did not attract anyone's contempt.

Because the crowd who arrived here is not only doing this kind of calculation by himself, but many others are attacking the thunder barrier, but they also secretly retain their strength. Once the barrier is broken, they will immediately take action. !

Boom boom boom! ! !

After a while, under the fierce and fierce attack of the crowd, the flashing electric light of the thunder barrier gradually became dimmed, and the original ferocious energy fluctuations had also weakened a lot, and seemed to be about to dissipate.

Looking at this scene, the originally frenetic atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little weird.

Previously joined forces, the warriors who were still relatively close were scattered by coincidence. Everyone's eyes showed a sense of caution, and some even took out their weapons silently. .

Yang Zilei was also aware of this weird atmosphere that was about to draw swords, but he was not surprised.

As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food.

Under the strong temptation of the spirit body, it is normal.

After a few dozen breaths, the thunder barrier became more and more bleak, obviously about to dissipate.

The expressions of everyone present also became more tense.

Suddenly, the majestic hall became quiet!


Finally, the thunder barrier finally dissipated completely.


And at this moment, everyone's tight bodies rushed up at the same time almost instantly, rushing to the five spirit bodies!

At the same time, a series of powerful spiritual offensives also began to bombard those who rushed to the front.

Suddenly, this battle finally broke out in this hall!

Yang Zilei's figure moved, and Long Yingbu quickly shuttled through the crowd in the fierce battle, and swept directly towards the nearest sword aura group.

At this moment, Yang Zilei's eyes were out of the corner, and he also noticed an equally fast figure, rushing towards the sword aura.

That person is Lin Yuqing.

"It's really a narrow road for Yuanjia."

Yang Zilei squinted his eyes slightly, and a cold color flashed in his eyes.

This sword spirit, I have to decide!

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