"What weapon is this?!"

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged man's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power, raised his sword to block, and quickly condensed a layer of body protection aura in front of him.


However, at the moment when the aura hood had just condensed, two cannon lights had already arrived in violent blasts, and an astonishing explosion sounded instantly.

The one percent probability of the critical strike skill actually took effect in the gunfire of the tank martial arts, and the lethality suddenly soared ten times, reaching the level of the half-step Nine Tribulations!

The middle-aged man’s sawtooth sword and body guard aura burst instantly, and he screamed and flew out, his body was directly blasted to the back wall, and his whole body was sunken in directly, covered in blood, obviously suffering Not a minor injury.

After quickly defeating this early powerhouse of the Divine Sea Realm who was blocking the way, Yang Zilei didn't have the slightest turbulence on his face. He quickly turned around, and was about to start grabbing the sword-shaped spirit body again, but suddenly realized that there was a strong swallowing force. Coming from not far away.

Moreover, the place covered by that powerful swallowing force was the sword spirit light group above, which directly forcibly sucked Qi.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei's eyes sank slightly, his eyes turned, and his face instantly became cold.

Because the person who made the move was Lin Yuqing from the Xuanjian Martial Mansion!

"Before I have the patience, I advise you to get away quickly, otherwise this tomb will be your burial place!"

Lin Yuqing glanced at Yang Zilei with a gloomy look. These words were obviously a bit afraid of Yang Zilei's arms, but the threat of killing intent was not concealed.

"The things here are all without a master, so what about Xuanjian Wufu? This sword spirit, I have to decide!"

Yang Zilei smiled coldly, urging the tank spirit to shoot a shot, directly blocking Lin Yuqing's swallowing power that drags the sword spirit!

Immediately, his figure rushed out and grabbed the sword spirit.

On the palm of his hand, the Dragon Soul could not wait to emerge, exuding green light, suddenly turning into a rotating blue vortex!

And as soon as Yang Zilei's palm touched the sword spirit, the sword spirit suddenly struggled violently as if he was conscious.

However, in the face of the hungry and thirsty dragon soul, this kind of struggle has no effect. The cyan vortex that gathered in the palm of the palm burst out with a strong force of devouring ferociousness, and swallowed it in one bite.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully absorbing the seventh grade sword spirit and evolving into a six-claw dragon soul."

"Detection host Wuhun is promoted to six-claw dragon soul, and successfully unlocked the first martial skill of the Jiulong Good Fortune Art, and the dragon is wagging the tail!"

Hearing the system prompt, Yang Zilei's heart moved, and now he can finally use the dragon soul's martial arts.

The Jiulong Good Fortune Jue is composed of three exercises: the mind, martial skills, and body skills.

There are five types of martial arts: the dragon wobbles its tail, tears the dragon claw, the dragon raises its head, the dragon dances wildly, and the dragon transforms into nine days.

In the past, perhaps the dragon soul's energy was too weak to summon a martial soul to perform martial skills, but now, it has the conditions to be able to perform martial skills.

Although there is only the first formula, Yang Zilei is not in a hurry, as long as he absorbs more spirits to nourish the dragon soul, he will be able to learn everything.

"Miscellaneous, how dare you take my sword spirit! It's hard to vent my anger if you don't break your body into pieces!"

Seeing that Yang Zilei was the first to swallow the sword spirit, Lin Yuqing's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy at this moment.

He showed a fierce light, and his sharp sword aura instantly condensed in front of him, and then he swung out the long sword in his hand, turning into a powerful black sword light, swiftly shooting towards Yang Zilei's back.

However, when he noticed the sword light offensive from the rear, Yang Zilei didn't even look back, and directly aroused the dragon soul in his body.

The first style of the Nine Dragons Good Fortune tactics, the dragon swings its tail!


In the next moment, a blue dragon shadow suddenly appeared, hovering around Yang Zilei's body, and the violent dragon roar resounded through the hall, with a terrifying aura!

Immediately afterwards, between the dragon's body swinging, that sturdy dragon's tail suddenly pulled out and turned into an afterimage, tearing the air with an astonishing energy wave, and slamming it at the black sword light!

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