When the sky was completely bright, Yang Zilei had already arrived in the City of Chaos.

This trip is a system task randomly triggered in the Tomb Mansion. The goal is to destroy the royal forces of the Great Yan Dynasty.

This situation is undoubtedly a war against the entire Great Yan Dynasty!

Therefore, after Yang Zilei returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he immediately summoned the high-level core figures of the current chaotic city.

Chen Si was in charge of financial management, Li Hu, the leader of the city defense army, Lin Tan, the city construction supervisor, and the four hall masters of the Canglong Gang, as well as the clan of the Dragon Blood clan, Da Yuxiong, and others.

"Boss, after we left, how did you gain in the ancient tomb mansion? Have the guys in Xuanjian Wufu still trouble you?"

In the hall, Da Meng looked at Yang Zilei sitting on the main dragon chair and couldn't help asking.

Hearing the Xuanjian Wufu Mansion, everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they were obviously quite a bit afraid of the behemoth that was above the power of the dynasty.

After all, the City of Chaos is also a small place. If you really offend the transcendent force like Xuanjian Wufu, I am afraid it will be wiped out before it really develops.

Thinking of this, Lin Tan, Li Hu and others stared at Yang Zilei with a little nervousness. They were really worried that the boss accidentally killed the people in Xuanjian Wufu, and they caught fire.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Yang Zilei said calmly.

Regarding the killing of the two Divine Sea Realm disciples in Xuanjian Wufu, he was also cautious in his words and deeds, and did not want to say much.

After all, there are so many people, if you show off to show off, and then it really spreads outside, then you are really asking for trouble.


Hearing Yang Zilei's words, everyone looked weird.

Because it sounds a bit unusual.

"I'm now asking a constructive question. Please mention your own ideas."

In the face of everyone's weird eyes, Yang Zilei didn't want to wrestle with them too much, and solemnly said: "If you want to attack the Great Yan Dynasty, how much force do you think is needed?"


Hearing this, after a brief silence in the hall, the sound of everyone sucking in air-conditioning suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, staring at Yang Zilei with horrified eyes, his eyes filled with shock.

"Boss, you... Are you going to attack the Great Yan Dynasty? Are you kidding?!"

Chen Si swallowed hard, and asked in astonishment.

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, and asked, "Why? Why not?"

Hearing Yang Zilei's confirmation, Lin Tan's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and said in surprise: "Boss, of course this is not possible. With our current strength in the city, I am afraid that even a city of the Great Yan Dynasty can't be attacked."

Chen Si, Li Hu and others are also nodding their heads, feeling that this is simply hitting a rock with a pebble.

Yang Zilei gave a wry smile, and he naturally understood everyone's surprise and opposition.

But the task of the system has been accepted, and the last wish of Senior Wu Tian has been promised. In any case, he must face the difficulties!

"The boss is very kind to our dragon blood clan, as long as the boss orders, our dragon blood clan fighters will definitely go through fire and water!"

Patriarch Dayu Xiong looked awe-inspiring, and said in a deep sense of war.

"Yes, even if we sacrifice our lives, all of our dragon blood warriors will do it!!"

Da Meng and Daku Shi, the two brothers, also stood up at this time and shouted passionately.

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