Oh my God.

The strength of the puppet beast is comparable to that of the Nine Tribulations Realm, and it is still eight!

This kind of tyrannical power, even some ancient martial arts families that have passed on for thousands of years, I am afraid that there are not so many Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouses!

However, Yang Zilei had eight!

With such a force, it is not so unattainable to attack the Great Yan Dynasty!

After all, the troops are not enough to convene the troops, but the number of the strong is not something you can invite if you want.

It is said that the Legion of the Great Yan Dynasty has ten Nine Tribulations Realm protector generals, all of them are powerful and have experienced hundreds of battles.

If it was before, Chen Si and the others might feel hopeless and morale low.

But now, when Yang Zilei broke out the hole cards of the eight talisman puppets, everyone's confidence was undoubtedly started to build up, one by one with high morale.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes suddenly became feverish.

At this moment, Yang Zilei's previous thoughts are no longer considered a fantasy!

Seeing everyone's reaction and the confident expression on his face, Yang Zilei nodded to himself.

The most important thing for a team is morale.

If you don't even have the most basic confidence, how can you do it?

Therefore, in order to build confidence for this team, I had to expose the rune puppet stone beast. In this way, everyone will have confidence!

"Boss, after the city is created, do we want to change the name of the city? Or continue to use the City of Chaos?"

Chen Si seemed to think of something at this moment, watching Yang Zilei respectfully ask for instructions.

After all, the City of Chaos is strictly speaking, not the real name of the city. It used to be a place where fish and dragons were mixed and disordered, so it was very chaotic in the impression of the outside world. It was passed down by word of mouth that this gave the name of the City of Chaos.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes moved slightly, and after a while indulged in a moment, he slowly said, "Hualong City."

When saying these three words, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed with longing. Hualong City is his hometown and the place where he was born.

Now that he has traveled into this strange world, only by taking the name of the city can Yang Zilei find a sense of belonging.

"Hualong City..."

Everyone present almost missed the name of the city lightly, and immediately all their eyes lit up and they nodded in agreement.

"Well, the meeting is over."

Yang Zilei waved his hand and said lightly.

Everyone immediately saluted with a respectful look, and then left the hall, doing things with confidence.

In the empty hall, Yang Zilei worked all night, but he didn't feel tired.

The cultivation base has reached the level of the star realm, and the martial soul in the body already has the function of absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth on its own. Even if he hasn't rested for a month, his body will not be affected in any way.

Immediately, Yang Zilei took out the Nine Tribulations Pill, looking at the pill that contained all the essence of the Nine Tribulations Powerhouse in his hand, he moved his mind and began to absorb it.


Suddenly, the spirit power whizzed, and the bright aura formed a substantial light spin, covering Yang Zilei's body completely, as if the whole person was wrapped in a layer of golden light.

The surging spiritual power, like a river, was surging through Yang Zilei's muscles and veins, quickly tempering flesh and bones.

This crazy absorption lasted about half an hour, Yang Zilei's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a flash of rune light flashed in his eyes.

Feeling the turbulent aura of spiritual power in his body, Yang Zilei's body erupted with extremely rich energy fluctuations, and immediately couldn't help but raise his head and let out a long roar!

The roar resounded like thunder in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion! !

And Yang Zilei's cultivation level was also at this moment, suddenly ascending to the middle and late stage of the star realm.

Finally broke through the shackles of the realm and directly reached the level domain of the Divine Sea Realm!

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