Yang Zilei grabbed a chopsticks of pork and said as he ate, "I just heard Chen Si say that you are very interested in arms and weapons?"


Kong Ming nodded. When talking about this topic, he immediately said with great spirit: "If Chengzhu Yang is willing to hand over the general agent power to me, with my years of business experience, I am absolutely confident to create greater profits and market space. "

Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with great interest: "Let me talk about your thoughts first."

After finishing his thoughts, Kong Minglue opened his mouth and said: "There is only one munitions shop. It is difficult to be a climate. If you open branches in various places, it will cost a lot of money, and it will be quite cumbersome to manage."

"If you can introduce regional merchants from various dynasties in the form of regional agency, those who apply for permission can obtain a stable supply of goods, but they must pay the required agency fee."

"In this way, not only the problem of cost consumption is saved, but also a large amount of agency money can be earned in the early stage to prepare for the later capital turnover."

Yang Zilei heard the thoughts raised by Kong Ming, and couldn't help but secretly praise: "It seems that this guy does have business acumen."

To put it simply, the regional agency is actually similar to his previous modern franchise store. If you want to use the same brand and source of goods, you must pay a certain amount of franchise money. This is how many merchants earn the first bucket from franchised stores. gold.

"Your idea is pretty good."

Yang Zilei nodded his head appreciatively, then turned around and asked faintly: "If you use the current Hualong City benchmark to fight a certain dynasty, what are the pros and cons?"

Hearing this, Chen Si's face was slightly cold, and it seemed that the boss was planning to test Kong Ming's resourcefulness and whether he was suitable for the position of a military officer.

Kong Ming was also a little surprised at the question raised by Yang Zilei, but he didn't know what it was. Instead, he thought silently.

Yang Zilei was not in a hurry, holding up the wine glass, quietly waiting for Kong Ming's reply.

In his opinion, those strategies and ideas that come with open mouth are generally mediocre people.

As for the real talents, those with ideas, but they are generally cautious in their words and deeds, and will express them after careful consideration.

Upon seeing this, Chen Si and the others also calmed down, no one said anything to interrupt Kong Ming's thoughts.

After a while, a gleam of light flashed in Kong Ming's eyes, and he clearly had some thoughts.

Kong Ming's eyes fell on Yang Zilei, and slowly said: "According to the question raised by City Lord Yang, if there is a war with a certain dynasty, there will be three pros and cons."

Yang Zilei asked calmly: "Which three?"

Kong Ming organized the language a little, and said: "Let's talk about the advantages first. The first point is the geographical location. This city is built in the Michuan Mountains, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"The second point is that City Lord Yang's arms and weapons, as well as the dragon blood clan who are loyal to you, are equipped with such killer dragon blood warriors. It is absolutely a destruction to the army of any dynasty."

"The third point is that the predecessor of Hualong City is the city of chaos. Most of the people living here are warriors, with sturdy folk customs, and long-term battles with fierce beasts, and they have experienced many beast tides. If a war really breaks out, it will be able to fully play a combat state where all the people are soldiers."

After listening to Kong Ming's analysis, Yang Zilei nodded to himself. These advantages, he had also thought of before, coincided with Kong Ming's ideas.

"As for the drawbacks, there are also three."

"The first point is the food problem in this city. Before entering the city, I found that there were no crops such as rice, wheat, etc. planted around here. I want to come to the city for food that has always been imported from the outside."

"If a war breaks out, even if the enemy cannot attack the city, they will besiege outside the city, turning it into a trapped city. When the food is cut off, it will inevitably destroy itself."

"The second point is that the troops are insufficient. Although City Lord Yang has received the strong support of the Dragon Blood clan, in terms of military strength, if he can't make up the 100,000 people, it will not last long in terms of consumption."

"The third problem is financial resources. This time the creation of the city, City Lord Yang must have spent a lot of money in various aspects. Now the financial resources are tight. If war breaks out, I am afraid that it will not be ten and a half months. As the funds are exhausted, eventually I can only retreat."

Speaking of this, Kong Ming looked solemnly, staring at Yang Zilei, and said: "Therefore, these three shortcomings must be perfected before the war starts, in order to be sure of victory."

"well said!"

Yang Zilei put down his wine glass and looked at Kong Ming with his eyes flashing, as if Bole had found a great horse.

Originally it was just a tentative question, but I didn't expect this guy to be able to analyze so many pros and cons at once.

Such talents are undoubtedly the talents Yang Zilei has been looking for for more than two months.

Yang Zilei smiled and said: "Kong Ming, I can give you the general agent of arms and weapons, but you must promise me one condition."

"What conditions?" Kong Ming was startled and asked.

"Our team is currently lacking a military division. Your talent is very suitable for this position."

Yang Zilei didn't mean anything. He threw out an olive branch and smiled and said, "Working hours are from 9 to 5, and when it's critical, I just add a small shift. The treatment is 10% of the arms store."

When he heard the words behind Yang Zilei, Kong Ming took a deep breath.

He knows that once the arms shop opens, with its huge potential, it will inevitably have unlimited business opportunities and huge financial resources.

If you can get 10% of the shares, that income is extremely rich.

Thinking of this, Kong Qingqing was really moved.

But this time he was here to discuss business, but suddenly he wanted to be Yang Zilei's military commander, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

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