Yang Zilei was stunned when he heard the words of the young man.

Chen Si next to him was also stunned.

Obviously, the two of them did not expect that Yang Chenchen would have done so many things in the past six months in Cangqiong Wufu, and he was quite ‘famous’.

It's no wonder that her pranks are called little devil.

Yang Zilei was not surprised by Yang Chenchen's quirky elves.

Just like when he just crossed the day, when he offended Tiantianle Casino, two gambling thugs went to the house to try to capture Yang Chenchen, but instead they were confused by the little guy using various mechanisms, as well as chili powder and chili water. Embarrassed.

However, Yang Zilei also knows her daughter's character very well. Unless she is bullied, she will play tricks and even hurt others.

In other words, the young man with a hooked nose had bullied Yang Chenchen before, otherwise, he would not be given a laxative by Yang Chenchen.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei looked indifferent, looked at the young man with a nose, and said calmly: "What is my daughter like, I know very well, you said she is a little devil, then how did you treat her before?"

Ying Gou Noi's youth snorted disdainfully: "It's not because of your prodigal father, I just laughed at her with a few seniors, but in the past six months I have been repeatedly mischievous by her!"

Speaking of the end, the young man with eagle nose gritted his teeth with anger. Although there was anger in his eyes, he felt a sense of helplessness with nowhere to vent.

After all, Yang Chenchen is Leng Yuyan's apprentice, an elder-level personal disciple, no matter his status or status, he is a few grades higher than his little outer disciple.

Although the Wufu government stipulates that the way of solving private fights between disciples can be challenged to the arena, but Yang Chenchen is at a young age. If the young man with the eagle nose has the skin to challenge a child, even if he wins, he may be reduced to the entire Wufu. The laughing stock of him was even criticized and abused by many senior sisters.

Therefore, in the past six months, together with several other senior brothers, he could only endure Yang Chenchen's mischief in an aggrieved manner, and couldn't do anything to her.

It is conceivable that after a backlog of resentment for several months, when he saw Yang Zilei as his father, he seemed to have found a catharsis. The anger in his body was like a volcanic eruption, and the tide began to erupt.

"I heard that you won the hunting game when you were in Longfei City."

Ying Hou Qing looked at Yang Zilei contemptuously, and said sarcastically: "With your prodigal ability, in my opinion, it would be the opponent who bought the game, and then won the game."

"Whether you have the ability is not just talking about it."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth raised, and a smile of neither humble nor humble appeared.

It seems that this outer disciple seldom goes out in normal times, and the news is blocked. Regarding his deeds, he still stays in Longfei City six months ago.

"Then I want to see what your ability is, how many catties you are."

The young man with a sneer sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, the young man with a fist clenched his fist and blasted towards Yang Zilei's face.

When he thought of the little devil's father who was beaten with blood on his face, the corners of his mouth smiled, and a touch of abnormal **** pleasure emerged in his heart.


However, when his fist was about to touch Yang Zilei's body, a layer of body-protecting spiritual qi suddenly condensed out, and the energy blocked his offensive force.

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