Yang Zilei sat in the auditorium calmly, and he had no confidence in whether the Gatling machine gun synthesized with the Tier 6 beast core could cause damage to the masters of the Nine Tribulations Realm.

After all, until now, the strongest enemy he encountered was the peak of the Divine Sea Realm.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

At this time, Su Qi on the Wudou stage had already pulled the trigger without delay.

In that instant, six barrels spun quickly, and bullets burst out with extremely cold energy aura.

The dense flashes, like ice rain, instantly enveloped the short-haired youth.

"A thousand arrows are sent!"

The short-haired young man was shocked, and at the same time his figure retreated, his body's spiritual power almost unreservedly exploded, directly displaying his strongest martial arts.

In the next instant, the golden light of the crossbow martial arts spirit bloomed, and countless arrows fired violently, facing the dense bullets from the strafe.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The heavy impact sound suddenly sounded violently in the fighting platform, and the dust was full.

Facing the full blow of the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse, the two thousand rounds of the ice armor machine gun were all resisted.

"Fortunately, the response is fast enough."

The short-haired young man secretly squeezed his cold sweat, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that five red iron eggs rolled on the ground at some unknown time.


The short-haired youth's complexion changed drastically, and the five grenades detonated in an instant after the body guard condensed.


The monstrous flame of terror was like a volcanic eruption, and the short-haired young man was blown into the air and fell heavily to the ground outside the fighting platform.


The short-haired young man's blood surging violently, opened his mouth and spouted blood.

At this time, the body guard spirit hood on his body finally broke apart.

However, the short-haired youth is a dark celebration. Fortunately, the protective cover can last until now.

Otherwise, in the kind of explosion just now, if only the flesh and blood is used to resist, the stump and broken arm will probably be slightly injured.

"Ice Ling Pavilion wins!"

As the referee's voice sounded, there was a sound of shock.

Until this moment, they had a completely new understanding of arms and weapons.

With this terrible weapon, where else do we need to practice any martial arts?

To see who is upset, just shoot a bullet directly out, or throw a few grenades, you can make the opponent unable to withstand it.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes flickered, and they couldn't help but project towards Yang Zilei, thinking that after Nubuat was over, they looked for Yang Zilei to buy some arms.

Especially the Tianjian Pavilion team that is about to compete with the Ice Ling Pavilion final.

Except for Qin Feng, the other four were shaken.

They were all hesitating to get Yang Zilei some arms and weapons before the match?

"The first game, I'll go!"

Perceiving the reaction of the fellow disciple, Qin Feng snorted disdainfully.

After saying this, he moved his body and appeared on the martial arts platform in the blink of an eye.

The long sword in his hand, under the perfusion of spiritual power, hummed, exuding an extremely powerful sword aura!

"Every time in Naybi, the Heavenly Sword Pavilion is firmly ranked first. Now that I encounter the Ice Spirit Pavilion equipped with munitions, there is a good show."

"Yes, and this is just the beginning, as the grand finale of Tianjian Pavilion senior brother Qin Feng, unexpectedly appeared early.

"Tsk tusk, Senior Brother Qin has the Nine Tribulations Realm's triple cultivation base, and his strength is tyrannical. Those arms and weapons should not help him."

Seeing Qin Feng's domineering appearance on the Wudoutai, the Wufu disciples on the square began to discuss.

With fiery eyes, they stared at the Wudoutai closely.

The look that can't wait, seems to be anxious to see what the next battle will be like!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: (ltnovel.com) Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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