"call out!"

On the martial arts stage, the blue light was dazzling, and Qin Feng's violent aura had reached an extreme state.

At this moment, his triple strength of the Nine Tribulations Realm was completely revealed!

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, but he stood still, trying to control the strength under his feet to avoid crushing the martial arts platform that had long since become an empty shell.

"Double Sword Whirlpool!"

At this time, Qin Feng finally made a sword.

The black and white double swords were swung violently, impressively displaying the martial arts sword style that defeated Su Qi before.


Suddenly, two sharp and powerful sword auras suddenly intertwined in mid-air following the violent surge of air currents.

An vortex of tornado wind and waves formed in an instant, lingering around the Azure Dragon Sword Wuhun.

This time, the sword style of the Azure Dragon Sword Martial Spirit was used, and the momentum was sharp to the extreme in an instant. Amidst the violent whirlpool tornado, the sound of dragon roar was faintly heard.

The wanton impact of the sword-qi strong wind swept away, and the surrounding stone bricks began to appear cracks.

Under the agitation of the sword aura, the stone bricks cracked extremely fast, spreading like a spider web, instantly covering the entire martial arts platform.

"So strong sword energy, the Yushi Bricks of Wudoutai are almost too much to bear."

"Yes, with this powerful sword style, I am afraid the entire martial arts platform will be destroyed."

"How is it possible, you know, the profound spirit iron cast inside the Wudoutai is to prevent too much lethality."

The audience in the square suddenly looked surprised and talked.

Listening to the surrounding discussion, Yang Zilei's mouth was filled with an imperceptible smile.

Next, once this guy destroys the empty shell of the Wudoutai, he will be able to perfectly create a scene of planting the blame.

Although it is very strange, at least for a short time, no one should suspect him.


Qin Feng stared at Yang Zilei coldly, completely unaware of the stone brick floor under his feet, which had already cracked.

The moment the sound fell, the tornado vortex suddenly exploded again, instantly expanding several times.


However, at this moment, the entire martial arts platform finally collapsed completely, and the stone brick exploded into fragments was swept in by the sword energy vortex in an instant.

Qin Feng, who was engrossed in his control, was caught off guard and fell to the ground two meters high and let out a painful cry.

"what happened?!"

Looking at this scene in a daze, Qin Feng was stunned for a while.

"When did my moves become so strong?!"

Qin Feng was shocked, his eyes filled with incredible color.

Unexpectedly, under the sweep of the sword energy vortex, the entire martial arts platform was instantly destroyed.

This powerful power made him surprised and delighted.

The sudden change also stunned the audience.

As disciples of Cangqiong Wufu, they know very well that since the creation of Wudoutai, at most the outermost stone bricks have been damaged.

So far, there has never been anyone who can be tough enough to destroy the martial arts platform to the point where there is no such thing left!

Because at the bottom, a large amount of profound spirit iron is poured, which is extremely strong, unless it is a powerful strength to reach the gods, it is difficult to shake it at all.

But now, these scenes actually appeared in front of them.

This is simply incredible!

The many high-ranking figures in Wufu on the high platform also looked surprised at this time, feeling a bit weird!

"Could it be that Qin Feng's sword skills are really powerful to such a terrifying state?"

"It should not be. I think the Wudoutai has been used for too long, and it is usually lack of maintenance. The mysterious spirit iron inside has long been damaged."

"Yes, so when Qin Feng used his sword, this kind of scene happened by coincidence."

"This statement is somewhat possible."

When the elders were surprised, they couldn't help but discuss, obviously no one suspected Yang Zilei.

After all, except for the smoke bomb just now, Yang Zilei's every move was under their noses.

There is absolutely no suspicious movement.

Palace Lord Xuan Siyuan frowned slightly, listening to the comments of the elders nearby, he seemed to agree with this point of view.

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