"Yes, boss."

Li Hu immediately nodded and asked his subordinates to put twenty cannons that had been combined with fire-type beast cores into the storage ring, and hurried to Nancheng.

As for the remaining eighty gates, they stayed in the area where the city gates were located, firmly suppressing the army that was constantly rushing over.

"Finally arrived!"

When rushing under the city wall, the four Nine Tribulations Realm generals grinned.

Immediately, the four of them looked at each other, and they all exploded vigorously at the same time, trying to jointly blast a gap in the metal city wall.


However, at this moment, eight rune puppet stone beasts suddenly looted from the tower, carrying an extremely ferocious aura, fiercely rushing to the four Nine Tribulations generals, and stopped them.

"This is... Fu Puppet!!"

The eyes of the four generals tightened, and their complexions suddenly changed.

It was completely unexpected that Yang Zilei still possessed eight talisman puppet stone beasts, and his strength was comparable to the triple level of the Nine Tribulations Realm!

How can this be? !

Could it be that in the ancient tomb mansion six months ago, the mysterious man who took away the eight puppet stone beasts was him! ?

Thinking of this, the four generals were shocked.

Although they were not personally present about the Gu Tomb Mansion six months ago, there are still rumors.

Therefore, seeing the eight rune puppet stone beasts at this moment, I understood this now.

But this shocked them, and also felt a headache.

With the obstacles of eight talisman puppet stone beasts, not only could it not complete the plan, but it was also extremely difficult to get out of it!

Because from a certain perspective, the puppet is a terrifying species born for fighting. Unless the energy is exhausted, it will definitely fight endlessly!

"Help the four generals quickly!"

Upon seeing this, the officer of the arms team immediately ordered.

However, at this time, two shelling sounds suddenly exploded above the tower.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

With the roar of the cannon, the two shells fell at a rapid rate.


As soon as it landed, a terrifying ring of fire suddenly burst out, instantly causing massive casualties to the soldiers of that munitions team.

Numerous soldiers immediately looked up and took a breath, and their faces were full of horror.

But I saw that on the wall of this southern city, at some point, twenty cannons appeared, and the muzzles that looked like the beasts' mouths were all aimed at them.

"The four generals are very powerful, leave them alone and disperse quickly!"

The head of the arms team was shocked and hurriedly changed the order.

While speaking, a deputy blew the horn.

With the loud horn sounded, the tens of thousands of soldiers in the arms team, the original dense formation, immediately spread out without hesitation.

If you hesitate at this time, it is to die!

"All artillery, ready to shoot!"

Li Hu's eyes were sharp and he roared loudly.

Suddenly, the twenty flame cannons mounted on the city wall were loaded, and the cannons glowed almost simultaneously.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

In an instant, all the cannons erupted with an astonishing sound.

The shooting targets of these twenty cannons were very obvious, and they targeted the arms team of the Great Yan Dynasty.

A series of explosions sounded one after another.

"Do not!"

The soldiers roared in despair and unwillingness to see the fire-covered cannonball fired at extreme speed.

However, the speed of the bombardment was too fast, but the light ball hit the ground in a flash, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.

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