
Yang Zilei immediately propped up the aura shield, still wearing an Ant-Man battle uniform, shrank to an inch, got into a small hole in the ground, and took out a piece of profound spirit iron, blocking the hole tightly.

Huhuhu! ! !

At that moment, violent flames and waves filled the cave.

Although there was a spirit spar blocking the fire wave at the entrance of the pit, Yang Zilei could still feel the burning pain of his skin.

He could even clearly hear the painful roar of Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon.

After a while, the grieving roar in the cave finally calmed down.

The raging fire waves also seemed to stand still.

Yang Zilei's mind moved, and his body immediately became its original size.

Sweeping his eyes around, he saw hundreds of thunder-clad lizard dragons that were still fierce just now, all being burned alive.

The air still smelled of burnt barbecue.

Yang Zilei was secretly speechless, fighting at this level was really terrifying.

Just one aftermath can cause such terrible lethality.

Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner, otherwise the impact would be enough for him.

Looking at the hundreds of beast corpses burnt to black on the ground, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed, as if looking at a pile of treasures, his eyes flashed with joy.

Soon his mind moved, and the dragon talisman shot out, swiftly drilling in and out of these beast corpses, greedily absorbing the blood in their bodies.

Although in the fire waves, these thunder-armor lizard dragons burned into coke, and even their blood was evaporated.

But the trace of dragon's blood contained in it was not so easily burned.

Therefore, in this situation, the process of re-refining the dragon rune was omitted, and it directly swallowed the dragon's essence and blood.

After a few dozen breaths, the dragon rune seal flew back in front of Yang Zilei. In the rune seal, a drop of scarlet blood was sealed, faintly exuding a manic and fierce blood.

This is the essence of hundreds of thunder-armor lizard dragons, the essence of dragons.

Yang Zilei frowned. He didn't expect so many thunder-clad lizard dragons, condensed together, there was only one drop.

To impact the fifth form of the dragon, at least one hundred drops of dragon blood is needed.

But at the moment, this drop of dragon's blood is not enough to plug the teeth.

Yang Zilei didn't bother to absorb the marrow, temporarily sealed it in the dragon talisman, and then put it into his body.

At this time, the fierce fighting outside continued.

Yang Zilei didn't care, but instead looked curiously in this cave.

This is the nest of the dragon, perhaps some precious treasures.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei asked the Rune Puppet to dig the corpse to get the beast core, and he slid deep into the cave.

Turning a corner, Yang Zilei felt a brilliant light before his eyes.

He glanced intently, and his eyes brightened.

Because Yang Zilei discovered that there was a pile of beast core crystals piled up here.

This pile of beast nuclei, to say nothing, has thousands of them, of different varieties, and the energy fluctuations emitted from that are all beast nuclei of Tier 9 fierce beasts.

"Make money!"

Yang Zilei's heart is surging.

With these high-level beast cores, and strengthened with munitions, the army's level of strength can definitely be increased by a large margin.

Yang Zilei was not polite, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly collected all these beast cores into the storage ring.

Just when Yang Zilei was about to leave, he casually glanced at the corner of his eye and found that there was a round stone in the corner.

If it is an ordinary stone, Yang Zilei can see it all at once.

However, the whole body of this round stone is gray and its smooth surface is covered with mysterious patterns, like a masterpiece of heaven and earth, natural and magical, but with any life fluctuations.

It looks like a dead egg, an ancient stone egg completely petrified after long years of precipitation.

Yang Zilei felt strange and walked to the sidelines to observe.

This stone egg was not big in size, about the size of a watermelon. Yang Zilei picked it up with both hands, suddenly feeling extremely heavy.

If it wasn't for his current cultivation base to reach the Divine Sea Realm, he would really not be able to hold it.

"This weight is at least tens of thousands of catties!"

Yang Zilei was secretly surprised.

Soon he released a strand of spiritual consciousness and found that inside the stone egg, there was indeed a fossil in the form of a small beast.

"Ding, an ancient stone egg is found, is the host activated?"

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in my mind.

Yang Zilei was startled, this thing could still be activated! ?

It's so exciting!

Yang Zilei endured his excitement and issued an instruction without hesitation, "Activate!"

However, the prompt sound of the system extinguished a lot of his excitement.

"Ding, it takes 1 million strengthening points to activate ancient stone eggs."

"The detection host currently accumulates strengthening points, only 170,000+, which cannot meet the activation conditions."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth twitched slightly.

To activate an ancient stone egg, one million strengthening points are required.

This charge price is too harsh.

"It seems that I can only activate it after I go back."

Yang Zilei checked the profound spirit iron in the lower storage ring. There were only a few hundred jins, and the exchange of strengthening points was only tens of thousands.

Compared with those million strengthening points, even the opening price of the system is not enough.

"System, can you check the information about this ancient stone egg?"

Yang Zilei couldn't help being curious.

"The host can turn on military scanning, is it on?"

Soon, the voice of the system sounded in Yang Zilei's mind again.


Yang Zilei nodded immediately.

In the next instant, Yang Zilei's retina suddenly shot a red light, like scanning a martial arts secret book, the ancient stone egg in his hand swept past.

"Ding, the military scanning has completed the inspection, and the enhancement point is 100,000."

What? !

It costs so many enhancement points!

Hearing this value, Yang Zilei's face showed a touch of iron.

"This egg exists for one hundred thousand years, and each annual ring consumes 1 point of enhancement. One hundred thousand years is one hundred thousand enhancement points."

In Yang Zilei's shocked mood, the system quickly gave the answer.

Yang Zilei had no choice but to give up.

At this moment, a light curtain panel appeared in front of him.

The information shown above is the detailed information of ancient stone eggs.

"Ancient stone eggs ten thousand years ago."

"Species: Ancient Dragon Ape"

"The origin of the bloodline: the descendants bred by the dragons and the ancient apes."


From the data and information records, Yang Zilei knew the source of this ancient stone egg.

In this regard, I could not help being surprised and happy.

In ancient times, the Golden Ape was originally a top beast with infinite power, and its strength was equal to that of the dragon.

And this kind of terrifying ape beast, combined with the blood of the dragon clan, the dragon ape reproduced, it can be imagined that its power is even more terrifying.

Even if it is an ancient alien beast of the same level, the Dragon Ape can tear it into pieces in a short time when it gets angry. Even the Dragon Clan is not its opponent.

Therefore, in the ancient times, very few races dared to provoke such ancient beasts as Dragon Ape!

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