In just a few breaths, the egg shell that was bigger than it was actually eaten up by the little dragon ape like a biscuit, and even burped.


After the little dragon ape had eaten enough, he roared and hissed, punching his strong chest with both punches, and his expression was extremely excited.

The roar sounded like a dragon, forming a terrifying sound wave echoing in the cave, deafening.

A reckless and vigorous aura suddenly burst out of the body of the little dragon ape!

Yang Zilei's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly mobilized his aura to cover his eardrums, but otherwise, the eardrums were still stinged by the violent roar.

At this moment, in the midair at the top of the mountain, the Thunder Flood Dragon, who was attacking the woman in red with its teeth and claws, was suddenly shocked when he heard the sudden roar of the dragon.

A sense of fear that originated from the depths of the soul, instantly spread all over the body!

The Jiaolong lowered his head and looked at the cave below in horror.

However, at this time, the flame-burning sword of the woman in red had already pierced straight.

In this high-level battle, the most taboo is distraction!

"Go to hell!"

Lei Jiao suddenly reacted, raised his head suddenly, opened his mouth and spit out a ball of light flashing with black thunder, spraying towards the woman in red.

However, the long sword of the woman in red also pierced its body...

At this time, inside the cave.

Feeling the tyrannical ferocity of the little dragon ape, Yang Zilei was surprised and delighted.

This energy breath is even stronger than him, at least it has reached the stage of transforming the gods.

Unexpectedly, the ancient dragon ape had such a high start, just after he was born, he already possessed terrifying power far surpassing countless martial arts.

If it grows up in the future, even if it is a dragon, it will probably be torn by it.

But at this time, Yang Zilei was a little worried.

This little guy is so strong, he doesn't know whether he will recognize himself as the owner who hatched it.

After all, the more powerful the orc, the arrogant temperament, he now only has the initial cultivation base of the Divine Sea Realm, which is weaker than this little dragon ape, and when its owner, he may be looked down upon.

However, Yang Zilei's worries are a bit redundant.

As the roar stopped, Xiaolongyuan also noticed Yang Zilei beside him.

Staring at Yang Zilei, the fierceness in the scarlet beast's eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by a glow of excitement.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the little dragon ape had already plunged into Yang Zilei's arms, and kindly rubbed his head against Yang Zilei's chest.

And while doing this, its nostrils were constantly sniffing the smell of Yang Zilei's body.

Perhaps it is because Yang Zilei's body also possesses the essence of the dragon clan, the little dragon ape completely treats him as the same kind, without the slightest rejection.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Yang Zilei was delighted and stretched out his hand to stroke the head of the little dragon ape.

The little dragon ape head lightly, learning Yang Zilei's tone, he said: "Understand...understand."

Upon hearing this, Yang Zilei was startled.

The top species in the animal kingdom is really different.

It's just a cub, but with such a high IQ, you can learn a language all at once.

After changing his mind, Yang Zilei condensed the language knowledge in his mind into a message of inheritance.

Immediately, he flicked his fingertips, a flash of light burst out, and instantly fell into Xiaolongyuan's mind.

As this inherited information melted into his mind, Xiaolongyuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately showed excitement.

"It's amazing, I understand everything!"

The little dragon ape spoke again, but this time, he spoke clearly and spoke fluently.

Suddenly, Xiaolongyuan looked at Yang Zilei with a face of worship, as if he regarded him as an omnipotent god.

"My name is Yang Zilei, and your name will be Yang Xiaoyuan from now on."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly and said, "In normal times, just call me the boss."

"Yes, boss."

Xiaolongyuan obviously liked the name of'Yang Xiaoyuan' and nodded happily.

Immediately, Yang Zilei seemed to have thought of something, and said silently in his heart: "System, can my pet dragon ape be upgraded?"

"No, because the ancient dragon ape is a creature and cannot be upgraded like a rune puppet."

The systematic reply made Yang Zilei feel a little regretful.

But this regret is fleeting.

The beginning of the ancient dragon ape

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