"This is... mythical beast-level martial arts soul!"

Looking at the martial soul in the form of a real dragon in a daze, Huo Feng'er was stunned, and a shocking expression that could not be concealed appeared on his face.

She even found that the Thunder Dragon Demon Spirit in her body, at the moment when the dragon-shaped martial soul appeared, faintly frightened, no longer rushing into the flame cage like just now.

Obviously, Lei Jiao's demon spirit is now just a spirit body consciousness, and naturally it is afraid of the dragon-shaped martial soul.

At this moment, Huo Feng'er finally understood that the method Yang Zilei just said was his martial soul!

This class of mythical beast-level martial arts spirit is one of the few in the entire Tian Yan continent.

Even the eight super sects are rare in existence!

Huo Feng'er looked at Yang Zilei with amazement, a little unbelievable, such a huge potential enchanting genius, even now, no sect has noticed it?

"The boss's dragon soul is so handsome!"

The little dragon ape raised his head, his eyes flashing at the dragon-shaped martial soul, feeling extremely cordial.

"My way is to use my martial soul to drag the Thunder Dragon Demon Spirit out of your body."

Yang Zilei looked solemn, this method is simple to say, in fact, he has no confidence in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Huo Feng'er nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's start now."

For Huo Feng'er's boldness, Yang Zilei secretly admired her, and at the same time stretched out his hand to press her chest.

"What are you doing?!"

This action made Huo Feng'er's body suddenly stiff. She has grown so big that no man has dared to touch her like this.

Especially the sensitive part!

And the location where the Lei Jiao demon spirit is lurking is right here...

Thinking of this, Huo Feng'er's expression changed for a while, looking at Yang Zilei in front of him, but seeing the latter calmly staring at her left chest.

"This... is there any other way?"

Huo Feng'er frowned slightly, "For example, without touching the body..."

Yang Zilei shook his head and said, "If you don't touch it, it will be difficult to control the martial soul. There is only this way! Don't worry, I will behave a little."

Hearing Yang Zilei's words, Huo Feng'er blushed.

This has to be followed, and what rules are there.

"In this matter, you must swear with the heart of martial arts, and you must never say it!" Huo Feng'er looked stern.

"Well, I swear it will do."

Yang Zilei gave a faint smile, his palms were already a little unbearable.

Huo Feng'er hesitated for a moment, and finally closed her beautiful eyes as if admitting fate.

She bit her lip lightly, her slender eyelashes trembling slightly at this moment, and her heart was mixed.

Seeing Huo Feng'er finally quietly chose to obey, Yang Zilei's gaze also looked at her chest.

The perfect and charming curves, as well as the towering parts, make people think about it.

"I'm starting!"

After reminding him, Yang Zilei reached out his palm directly and pressed it on the soft and full part.

As soon as it touched the body, the dragon-shaped martial soul also swept into Huo Feng'er's body from the palm of his hand.


Huo Feng'er's body trembled visibly at the moment when her chest was touched by the palm of her hand.

But she was fortunate that Yang Zilei's palm was indeed an unconventional moment, and he pressed it there quietly, without any other small movements.

In this regard, Huo Fenger's impression of Yang Zilei has also changed a little. It seems that he is really just trying to heal himself without any extraneous thoughts.

However, Huo Feng'er's mind suddenly became complicated with Yang Zilei's calmness and rules.

Is his body not perfect? Can't make this guy arouse the slightest temptation? !

"How can I think about these things!"

Huo Feng'er's heart shuddered, and she was immediately shy.

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