"strong enough!"

Yang Zilei glanced with his spiritual sense, and said in his heart secretly.

Immediately, Yang Zilei controlled the steering wheel of the Thunder fighter, and suddenly accelerated, flying out with a loud roar.

The Thunder Beast core was synthesized, and the speed of the fighter was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it turned into an electric light and appeared above the mountain where the Sunset Sect was located.

"Look at it... something is flying from above!"

"It's such a strong thunder power, is it possible that it is a fierce thunder beast?!"

Outside the mask, Qin Yan of Sunset Sect and others noticed the Thunder fighter above, and their pupils suddenly tightened.

They were all amazed at this huge monster that could fly and flashed with thunder, and immediately stopped attacking the guardian mask.

"There are people on it, it turns out to be some kind of Lingbao flying machine!"

Qin Chu's eyes were staring, and soon he could tell that the Thunder fighter was not a fierce beast.

Because he found that at the front of the nose of the Thunder fighter, Yang Zilei was sitting in the driving seat.

"Boy, this is the grievance between our two sects, I advise you not to be nosy, otherwise you won't even know how to die!"

Qin Yan stared at the sky with a gloomy look. He had some worries about this unknown mysterious flying object.

However, seeing that there was no movement from the Thunder fighter, Qin Yan snorted disdainfully, thinking that Yang Zilei was shocked by them.

"If you don't want to die, leave this place now!"

However, at this time, Yang Zilei's voice, through the blessing of spiritual power, resounded in this world.

"Leave him alone! Keep attacking the mask!"

Qin Yan's eyes sank, and he sternly said at the surrounding Sunset Sect disciples: "If he dares to come down and block, kill him first!"

As he spoke, his eyes gloomily stared at the Thunder fighter above, his expression gloomy with killing intent.

He is extremely confident in his lineup, even if it is a strong spiritual **** coming, it may not be that simple to get away.

This time a large number of masters of the sect were dispatched, Qin Yan, with the determination to win, must completely uproot the Sunset Sect!

Then, following Qin Yan's order, many sunset sect masters burst out with vigorous aura again, displaying a series of fierce martial arts offensive bombarding the mask.

But at this moment, the Thunder fighter above, the barrels at both ends of the wing suddenly opened fire!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the astonishing sound of gunfire exploded, containing the bullet of thunder, blasted down frantically, and shot towards those sunset sect masters.

Under Yang Zilei's positioning and tracking control, the rainy thunderbolt shot sharply and accurately at Qin Chu and others.


Unprepared, dozens of martial artists of the Divine Sea Realm with a low cultivation base were shot and fell to the ground, screaming constantly.

"What a powerful weapon!"

Qin Chu's complexion changed drastically, and a giant eagle martial spirit suddenly appeared under his feet, and his figure violently rushed up, and then flew towards the Thunder fighter with strong wind and waves.

"Splitting the world!"

At the same time, the giant axe in Qin's hand exploded with terrible spiritual energy fluctuations, instantly condensing into a giant axe shadow, and slashed at the Thunder fighter!

The terrifying energy fluctuations emitted by the giant axe shadow faintly, as if possessing the mighty power to split the world!

Facing the half-step offensive of the Spiritual God Realm, Yang Zilei's face swept a little solemnly, and his finger quickly pressed a black button labeled ‘missile’.


Suddenly, the missiles equipped on the fuselage shot out, bringing an extremely violent and fierce thunder wave across the sky.

In the end, it collided with the giant axe that violently struck!

In an instant, the wind screamed and the mountains trembled!

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