Under the deterrence of the Thunder fighter, Qin Yan and others of the Sunset Sect fled to the bottom of the mountain.

These people are all powerful martial arts masters, one jump is tens of feet away, and they soon leave this mountain.

"Elder Qin, the strong man just now is really from Fu Zong?"

While fleeing, a deacon of Sunset Sect looked at Qin Yan and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but that kind of terrifying killer, apart from Fu Zong's ability, who else can be refined?"

Qin Chu frowned, and at this time he also recovered a little calmness.

Because Yang Zilei had been sitting in the Thunder fighter from beginning to end, he had never shown his skills, so he couldn't judge Yang Zilei's true strength, and even his identity was just a guess.

"What? I still know Elder Qin, then we go back now, how do we deal with the task if the task is not completed?"

The deacon of the sect looked surprised, and seemed to be a little hasty about the escape.

After all, they didn't even know the identity of the other party, so they flee in fright. If it were spread out, wouldn't their Sunset Sect be reduced to a laughing stock in the martial arts world?

"If you don't run, do you want to die?"

Qin Chu snorted coldly, and said gloomily, "Although that kid has an unknown origin, he is definitely not a good one. Go back and report it to the lord."

While talking, Qin Chu looked back at the distant sky, the Thunder fighter landing to the top of the mountain, his eyes grew gloomy.

If it is confirmed that he is not a member of Fuzong, this kid will be dead!

At this moment, the Thunder fighter had landed on the ground, and the strong wind and waves suddenly caused a huge cloud of dust around it.

When the dust dissipated, Yang Zilei and Xiaolongyuan, one person and one beast, stood on the ground, and the Thunder fighter disappeared without a trace.

Within the light shield, the young disciples of the Sunset Sect finally got over.

Staring at Yang Zilei who was standing outside the protective mask, remembering the thrilling scene just now, they couldn't help but swallowed their saliva secretly, their faces were full of shock.

Immediately, a gate-shaped passage opened at the Protector's light cover, and all the disciples of the Sunset Sect rushed out.

"Thank you senior for your life-saving grace!"

The crowd held their fists in awe at Yang Zilei and performed a martial arts ceremony.

"It's just a small effort."

With an expression on Yang Zilei's face, he smiled indifferently, and then glanced at the group of boys and girls.

But I saw that the black-haired boy headed by him, the foundation is not bad, his cultivation is the same as him, both are at the initial stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

If you want to come to this person, he should be the person with the highest status in the sect, and maybe you can get something about the ancient secret realm from his mouth.

"Excuse me, what sect is the surname of the elders?"

The black-haired boy was named ‘Lin Fan’. He looked at Yang Zilei and asked respectfully.

If there were no Yang Zilei today, the entire clan, the only more than a hundred people left, would probably be killed.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Fan was extremely grateful for Yang Zilei's help this time.

"My name is Yang..."

When Yang Zilei said this, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a light smile: "My name is Yang Guo. I have no school and no school. I'm just a casual cultivator."

He just beat the guys in the Sunset Sect away, and instead of grieving, if he reveals his true identity, he will inevitably suffer revenge in the future.

Therefore, in this northern region, it is safer to keep the identity secret for the time being.

Even if it's just a group of children, the defensive heart is indispensable.

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