"You bastard, your mind is pretty good at calculating."

How could Yang Zilei fail to hear what Lin Fan meant, and glanced at the latter with a smile.

Immediately he pondered a little, and at the moment, there were only a group of children left in the Sunset Sect, and apart from the threat of the Sunset Sect, they would not be bound by anything.

Moreover, he is considered the oldest and the strongest here, not to mention the rules of the sect, so he can leave if he wants to.

This condition is still acceptable.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei nodded and said: "Okay, I will join your Sunset Sect, but I will say yes first, I won't live here long."


Lin Fan and the others were overjoyed, "Then please Junior Brother Yang to follow us now to complete the entrance ceremony and officially become our Sunset Sect disciple."

"Junior Brother Yang..."

Hearing this name, Yang Zilei's mouth twitched slightly.

In response, Yang Zilei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But this is one of the rules of the martial arts world of Zongmen. Regardless of age, whoever gets started first is the senior.

In other words, the hundreds of children in front of him can be called Junior Brother Yang...

Then, Yang Zilei and Lin Fan entered the mask together.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Yang Zilei couldn't help sighing secretly.

In addition to the strong aura, the buildings here have been in disrepair for a long time, exuding an old and shabby atmosphere.

"Most of the resources of the sect were invaded by the sunset sect, and now only this place is left."

Perceiving Yang Zilei's eyes looking around, Lin Fan said indignantly from the side: "After the old sect master died, they were even more unscrupulous. Just like what happened just now, they want to completely annex our Sunset Sect."

When he said this, Lin Fan had been paying attention to Yang Zilei's expression on his face, hoping that he could say something inspiring.

For example, taking all the resources back together will teach Sunset Sect a severe lesson.

However, Lin Fan was disappointed to find that Yang Zilei was indifferent from beginning to end, as if he was listening to something he did not care about.

"It's no wonder that Junior Brother Yang has just joined the sect and has insufficient feelings. It is normal to have no reaction."

Lin Fan sighed softly in his heart, thinking of a reason to comfort himself.

At this time, Yang Zilei had already followed Lin Fan's steps and came to a square.

This square is extremely large, but it has a sectarian grandeur.

It can be seen that the Sunset Sect had a glorious era before!

It is a pity that no matter how bright the light is, there are times when it will decline.

Since the sunset sect broke into internal fighting more than 100 years ago and divided into two factions, it has gradually declined, and it can only survive now.

"Huh? Why is there an iron rod inserted on the stone platform?"

Yang Zilei's eyes swept around, his eyes suddenly stopped on a stone platform in front of the square.

However, I saw that the stone platform was covered with mysterious lines, and in the center was an iron rod full of red gold.

Although the surface of the iron rod was covered with a layer of dust, there was an obscure energy wave permeating out, showing that this instrument is not an extraordinary product.

"This is the treasure of our Xuanyang Sect, the Ruyi Xuanjin Rod!"

"The founder of the Xuanyang Sect back then, used this stick to break through the world, sweep many powerful people, and then start a school here..."

As Lin Fan explained, there was an unconcealable pride in his eyes.

Although the sect is now in decline, every time I see the Ruyi Profound Golden Rod, I can get some positive energy from it. I hope that one day I can pull it up and lead the sect to glory again.

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