"The ancient mystery is open!"

For a time, countless surprises and excited roars reverberated in an endless stream among the huge crowd, forming a mighty sound.

"The energy vortex is the entrance! We are so lucky that the ancient mystery has only been opened once in a hundred years."

Most young talents of sectarian forces feel extremely lucky to be born in this era.

Looking at the huge vortex above, everyone was excited, and even breathing was at this moment, and couldn't help but become a little hasty.

Of course, not only them, but even the geniuses of the eight super sects, at this time, their eyes were filled with fire.

For this secret realm inherited from ancient times, many people regard it as a treasure holy place, which ordinary people simply cannot imagine.

At that time ten thousand years ago, what secrets were hidden in this secret realm, and how many treasures were buried, were never known.

Moreover, it has been passed down to this day, the treasures in that secret realm seem to be inexhaustible, and how big is its vast area.


In mid-air, the geniuses of the eight super sects stared at the energy vortex above, and they directly took the lead, and a large number of figures rushed up.

Then thousands of figures flew into the energy vortex without fear.

In the rear, the fourth rank sect force, second only to the super sect, the large number of geniuses also hurriedly followed.

Following the ranks of the fourth rank sect, the third rank sect and other forces, as well as the sectarian forces at the bottom of the parties, all rushed wildly at the same time.

The huge crowd of black people swept into the energy vortex violently!


Obviously, however, the entrance of the whirlpool was set up with a barrier, and some sneakers were all censored instantly.

Therefore, after the crowd swept into the vortex channel, within a few breaths, there were quite a few figures that were directly shaken out by a strong wave of energy.

In the end, these people who were not sectarians, or those who were stronger than the spiritual realm, all fell to the ground in embarrassment, screaming constantly.

However, those barrier energies obviously didn't have the power to obliterate, they just taught these sneaky people some lessons.

This kind of magical power is really incredible.

"Little ape, let's go!"

Looking at the geniuses of the many sectarian forces, rushing into the entrance of the ancient mystery first, Yang Zilei greeted him, and then took the little dragon ape, and rushed into the energy vortex.


And at the moment when he swept into the energy vortex, Yang Zilei could obviously feel a peculiar and obscure powerful energy enveloped.

Undoubtedly, those hapless guys who were shaken out just now were obviously swept by this energy.

However, Yang Zilei had a sect token on his body, and his cultivation was only in the initial stage of the Divine Sea Realm, which fully met the requirements for entry, so this energy did not have the slightest obstacle or rejection to him.

In this way, Yang Zilei was in the darkness, letting the suction force deep in the whirlpool lead him, and moved forward quickly.

After about a few minutes, Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, and a ray of light appeared at the end of the darkness.

As the distance gets closer, the light keeps turning into a hole of light.

Obviously, the world on the other side of this light hole is the destination of this trip, the ancient mystery.

"Little Ape, there is the exit."

When Yang Zilei moved, his speed suddenly increased, and he took the little dragon ape and swept away from the light hole...

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