"Excuse me, have you... took their storage ring?"

The woman looked at Yang Zilei and couldn't help asking.

Her voice is light and sweet, and it sounds very comfortable.

Looking at the woman's reaction, Yang Zilei naturally knew what she was worried about.

"Yes, but you shouldn't want to know the whereabouts of their storage rings?"

Yang Zilei smiled faintly and said meaningfully.

Upon hearing this, the woman's face was slightly startled, and she looked at Yang Zilei with some doubts.

What does he mean by this? Could it be... the ancient secret key was taken by him? !

"You are right, your things are with me."

Yang Zilei said calmly: "I won't go around with you anymore, where is the ancient hall?"

Upon hearing this, the woman's face was slightly startled, her brows frowned, and angrily: "Return the ancient secret key to me."

Yang Zilei touched his nose and smiled faintly: "I saved you. No matter how you say it, I have to get some benefits."

"Shameless! Thief!"

The woman suddenly became anxious, and said angrily: "You don't ask yourself, what is the difference with grabbing!"

Yang Zilei was noncommittal, saying: "At least I didn't defile your body."

"If you have a better attitude now, and then talk about this ancient hall, maybe I can take you there."

Yang Zilei threw an olive branch. If the woman didn't say anything, he wouldn't have much use for this ancient secret key.

Hearing Yang Zilei's words, the woman's eyes flashed with surprise and suspiciously: "You don't know about the ancient hall?"

"Nonsense, do I need to do anything else if I know?"

Yang Zilei reprimanded unceremoniously, and would not pretend to be a gentleman just because the other party is a beautiful woman.

In his view, a woman is like a tiger. The more gentle you are to him, the other party will make unreasonable troubles and become more brutal.

Only by showing a tough man's style can the way of yin and yang be produced, which has a deterrent effect.

"In that case, you can't break your promise!"

Sure enough, seeing the anger on the woman's face suddenly eased a little, and her tone softened.

"Don't worry, brother does what he says."

Yang Zilei said indifferently: "Don't grind, quickly tell me about the ancient hall."

The woman gave Yang Zilei a weird look. Although her face was no better than the super sect's Leng Yuyan and Huo Feng'er, she was still at the level of the country's beauty.

But the man in front of him, with a hint of impatience on his face, had no mercy, and was completely different from other men.

This situation made her feel a little relieved, at least she would not worry about being robbed.

"Ancient Hall, located on the periphery of the Antarctic Land."

After the woman took a deep breath, she whispered: "It is said that there used to be the place where the Tongtian Pagoda was inherited, but as it became the isolation zone of the seal enchantment thousands of years ago, the Tongtian Pagoda gave up that piece. The place of inheritance is moved to Tianyan Continent."

"Although it is an abandoned place, even the resources there are so rich that many sects go crazy. The eight super sects obtained a lot of resources from them, and this has developed to the scale of the five-tier sect holy land. ."

Hearing this, a trace of surprise appeared on Yang Zilei's face.

It turns out that those super sects developed in this way, and they are still unwanted things abandoned by the Tongtian Tower.

In this way, the background of the Tongtian Tower is quite terrifying, and only some discarded resources can cultivate eight super sects.

If it is truly valuable, wouldn't it be against the sky? !

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei was already a little shocked.

For that mysterious and powerful Tongtian Pagoda, it also changed the perception again.

"For so many years, the resources of the pass of the Tongtian Tower have almost been ransacked by various sects, but there is still a place that has not been set foot."

When the woman said this, her tone paused slightly, and she looked at Yang Zilei and said, "That place is the ancient hall."

Yang Zilei had obviously heard some reasons, and said, "That's because the ancient hall was locked, and everyone can't set foot in it, right."

The woman nodded, "Yes, it is said that there are ten secret keys in the ancient hall, and they can be unlocked only if they are collected."

"Nine of them have been kept by the eight super sects for thousands of years. Every time they open the ancient secret realm, they will wait in the ancient hall for those forces that find the ancient secret key."

"But for so many years, no one has been able to find the tenth ancient secret key, so the ancient hall has never been opened, and the treasure resources inside have been sealed."

After hearing what the woman said, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, as if he already knew something.

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