"You don't need to worry about my business. If you want to go to the ancient hall together, just talk less."

Yang Zilei looked indifferent and changed the subject, "Now we can go."

Seeing Yang Zilei's unashamed look, Zhou Jingchun snorted.

"The area where we are now is in the north, far away from the land of Antarctica."

Immediately she seemed to think of something, and said: "But we were restricted to flying, and we don't know if we can arrive in time."


Yang Zilei snapped his fingers, "This is a trivial matter, as long as you recognize the route."

After saying that, Zhou Jing didn't react, but suddenly discovered that behind Yang Zilei, there was a giant metal monster unexpectedly.

The big guy's body flashed with electric lights, thunder arcs lingered, and there was a terrible energy fluctuation faintly filled.

"what is this?"

Zhou Jingchun looked surprised, staring straight at the Thunder fighter, sensing that the latter was lifeless, obviously not a monster.

"My mount, according to your words, is a flying spirit treasure."

Yang Zilei gave a brief explanation, and he jumped into the driving position with a move.

"Flying Lingbao?!"

Zhou Jingchun was startled, puzzled: "The power of the laws that existed in the ancient secret realm was to suppress anything related to aura flying in the air, and the energy supply of a spiritual weapon was aura. Under the suppression of the law, it was impossible to fly."

Yang Zilei was too lazy to explain, and urged: "You will know when you sit up."

Zhou Jingchun glanced questioningly, and then jumped to the co-pilot position of the Thunder fighter, ready to watch Yang Zilei's joke.


However, at this time, she only heard a thunderous roar, and then her body suddenly leaned back, and when she could react, she was already flying into the sky.

"How can this be!?"

Zhou Jingchun's eyes widened and she looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside in amazement, making sure that this place was high in the sky and flying at an astonishing speed.

"Everything is possible."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, and his tone was very old-fashioned, with a somewhat superior demeanor.

"Could it be that the flight restrictions of the ancient secret realm disappeared?"

Zhou Jingchun looked incredulous, the flying ability of the Thunder fighter completely changed the previous concept.

"I advise you not to jump out and try. I am not responsible for falling to death."

Perceiving Zhou Jingchun's eager expression change, Yang Zilei immediately reminded.

Hearing Yang Zilei's words, Zhou Jingchun calmed down a bit, and also dispelled the idea of ​​trying.

In case of failure, this method of death is a bit too frustrated.

In this way, the Thunder fighter jets across the sky like a bolt of lightning, and flew away in the direction of the Antarctic Land.

Along the way, Yang Zilei also discovered that there were many sect relics below.

But in Yang Zilei's eyes, it was far less attractive than the ancient hall.

In order not to waste time, Yang Zilei didn't move the slightest bit about these sect relics and kept going all the way.

There was silence in the cockpit.

"By the way, have you ever seen a monster that resembles an ape?"

After Yang Zilei turned on the automatic flight mode, he was bored and asked with an attitude of trying.


Zhou Jingchun moved slightly, and said in doubt: "You are talking about the monster beast with horns on its head and holding an iron rod?"

"Yes, that's it!"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei immediately came to his mind, and hurriedly asked: "Where have you seen that monster beast?"

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