"The wastes of the Azure Cloud Sect, who else dare to come up? Let my battle axe taste your despicable blood! It is your honor to die under my axe, haha!"

The burly man laughed wildly, constantly provoking the sect of the man in Tsing Yi who had just been killed by him.

As he laughed, the surrounding crowd laughed, seeming to laugh at Qingyunzong's successor.

Here, only strong enough strength can obtain a certain status and respectable qualifications.

Otherwise, not only them, but also the reputation of the sect will be trampled and humiliated.

"Damn, it's too clever"

A male disciple of the Azure Cloud School glared at the burly man with his eyes cracking, wishing to go up and smash him into pieces!

However, this Qingyunzong disciple managed to endure his anger after all and ran into the fighting arena without impulse.

Because he is very clear about the strength of his own transformation into the gods, he is not the opponent of that burly man at all.

If he rushed forward with anger, he would only be killed in the end.

Zhuang Zongwei, lost his life.

Which of the two is more important, I believe everyone will choose the latter.

"Let's go."

The disciples of Qingyun Sect, obviously unable to bear the ridicule and pressure around, turned and left.

"Bah, the Azure Cloud Sect is really a bunch of trash, a dignified third-grade sect, but you don't even have this courage, hurry away!"

Upon seeing this, the burly man laughed more brazenly.

The more than one hundred Qingyunzong disciples had pale faces, but they still did not have the courage to challenge themselves.

The strongest elder brothers of the Azure Cloud Sect were all killed, let alone them.


Seeing that the fellow seniors were constantly provoked and mocked, Zhou Jingchun was so angry that he was about to take the stage, but was stopped by Yang Zilei next to him, "Don't be impulsive, with your strength in the late stage of Transforming God Realm, going up is to die."

"I know, but I can't stand by and see our Qingyunzong being humiliated!"

Zhou Jingchun looked furious, apparently for the dignity of the sect, she was already holding the determination to regard death as home.

"My sect disciple, lack of resources, just take this opportunity to get something back to them."

As Yang Zilei spoke, he blinked at Zhou Jingchun, "You go to the dealer to bet, and you win us by five or five points."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Zilei's figure shook, and he disappeared in place.

Zhou Jingchun was taken aback, and quickly looked forward, only to see that Yang Zilei had already swept above the Wu Dou platform.

"Look, someone has challenged on stage!"

As Yang Zilei appeared on the Wudoutai, the ridicule in the court suddenly stopped.

Everyone's attention shifted to Yang Zilei.

Countless eyes looked at Yang Zilei in surprise, and when he saw the robes and sect badges he was wearing, many people's faces showed contempt.

"Hey, it turned out to be the lowest sect, the Sunset Sect."

The burly man glanced at Yang Zilei, with a sneer on his face and said, "Even if I win you, there is no sense of accomplishment."

"If you don't want to die, just roll off and don't waste my energy."

Because Yang Zilei's aura was converging at this time, and he could not see the realm of strength, the burly man undoubtedly regarded him as a fool with not long eyes.

Yang Zilei was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, and the introverted aura burst out at this moment.


The strong air wave suddenly caused the dust on the surrounding ground to lift up suddenly.

"Half-step Spiritual God Realm!?"

Feeling Yang Zilei's domineering breath, the tens of thousands of spectators present suddenly looked shocked and stared at Yang Zilei in surprise.

Obviously, he had never expected that a disciple of a low-level sect would have such cultivation skills.

After all, the strength of the Half-Step Spirit God Realm can be considered to be at the upper middle level among the young generation of many sectarian forces!

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