
Following the great brother Yue Lingfeng of Xuan Yuezong, this deep shout sounded.

The fighting arena suddenly fell into silence.

"The weapon of that sunset sect disciple is obviously very powerful, why not?"

"Yes, and without using any martial arts moves, you can easily create a large hall."

"This kind of peculiar, powerful and powerful weapon is worthy of the glory of that heavenly sword!"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the field, and it was incredible for Yue Lingfeng's veto.

Could this kid offend him?

Thinking of this, some people looked at Yang Zilei with weird expressions.

Regarding this, Yang Zilei also condensed his eyes slightly, looking at Yue Lingfeng silently.

I remember that I didn't offend him, nor did I have any grudges with Xuanyuezong. Is this guy looking for fault?

Yang Zilei frowned.

When the burly man saw this, his reaction seemed to be more anxious than anyone else, and he said quickly: "Brother Yue, I think this device is quite powerful, enough to be used as a martial artist."

Yue Lingfeng smiled faintly, but said: "His weapon can indeed be used as a color head, but your Heavenly Rank Spirit Sword is not good."

"In layman's terms, it is unworthy."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the court.

It turned out that what Yue Lingfeng said just now was "no", referring to the burly man.

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, feeling a little unexpected for this reversal.

And when he heard the word "unworthy", the burly man's face clearly showed a hint of iron.

But facing the coercion of the super sect, he did not dare to have any objections or refutations.

"Then what is the match?"

The burly man strongly endured his unhappiness and asked in a deep voice.

"At least the ten thousand beast fruit you previously used as the color head can be combined to be qualified to match his weapon."

Yue Lingfeng said lightly.

Hearing this, the iron-green color on the burly man's face became more intense.

But under Yue Lingfeng's lustful might, he still dared not speak.

The burly man glanced at the bazooka in Yang Zilei's hand, his eyes gloomy.

Anyway, as long as he defeated this kid, the weapon would fall into his own hands. At this time, adding more colors would not be a problem.

"it is good!"

Thinking of this, the burly man flipped his palm and took out a beast-like fruit from the storage ring.

"This thing is the fruit of ten thousand beasts?"

Looking at the blood-red, beast-like demon fruit, Yang Zilei was slightly surprised.

From the whispers in the field, Yang Zilei learned that this kind of beast fruit is not a natural treasure of nature, but is refined by high-level monsters.

The refining technique is also extremely cruel. It is necessary to find a peculiar spiritual plant that has existed for thousands of years, then condense the blood of countless monsters, and irrigate the monsters, before they can derive the fruit of the ten thousand beasts.

Its effect for humans is only the power of nourishing qi and blood, but for monsters, it is a great tonic. After swallowing, it can make the strength skyrocket and produce a huge transformation.

"These ten thousand beast fruits can be used to supplement the little ape."

Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, staring at the blood-colored fruit in the hands of the burly man, but he felt that the color of the battle was a bit worthwhile.

Immediately, both parties handed over the lottery to the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the martial arts competition was the real start.

The betting on the sidelines, at this time, was also the start of the betting.

Of course, most people choose to bet on the burly man, and very few people are optimistic about Yang Zilei.

After all, the previous battle had already made everyone aware of the powerful strength of the burly man.

In the same realm, almost no one can match it.

At this time, Yang Zilei, who took the stage to challenge, was also a half-step spirit and god, but his background came from the lowest Yipin sect.

Whether it is martial arts, qualifications, or background, they are far weaker than the burly man Fu Lanzong.

Under such an analysis, everyone naturally made the bets that they considered the strongest.

"It seems that our dealer is going to lose blood this time."

The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was the referee secretly sighed, obviously not optimistic about Yang Zilei.

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