"What's your business?"

The referee looked at Yang Zilei's face suspiciously, and said indifferently: "Since you have already challenged, if you want to concede defeat, the winnings will be confiscated."

Give up before the fight?

This is too bad.

Everyone was slightly startled, and the contempt in their eyes became more intense.

Yang Zilei shook his head and said calmly, "Can I bet on myself to win?"

Hearing this, the referee was taken aback, and immediately glanced at Yang Zi weirdly, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you kidding me?"

He has been a referee for dozens of martial arts battles in this arena, but it is the first time he has heard that there are still people who want to bet on winning.

And it's really amazing to face a stronger opponent than yourself!

Yang Zilei was noncommittal and asked, "Is it like I'm joking?"

The referee turned to look at the three of them, Yue Lingfeng not far away.

Although he is a referee, he cannot be the master.

Because the real dealers are the three chief masters Yue Lingfeng, Bai Mingxuan and You Quan.

"Okay, how much do you want to bet!"

Yue Lingfeng asked indifferently.

"Two hundred thousand catties of profound spirit iron."

Yang Zilei stretched out **** and smiled lightly.

If he wins this time, according to the odds of a hundred times, it is equivalent to two million catties of profound spirit iron, which is a considerable number.

"Xuanling Iron?!"

Yue Lingfeng and the others were slightly startled when they heard Yang Zilei's bet chips turned out to be metal.

Moreover, it was 200,000 jin when he shot, such a huge value, could not help showing a touch of surprise on their faces.

"Why, are you worried that you can't afford to pay?"

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth provoked an arc.

"What a crazy tone, you really think you can win!"

Li Xiong immediately sneered and looked at Yang Zilei with a mocking look, "Boy, it is good to have confidence, but it is often conceited to be too confident."

Yue Lingfeng looked at Yang Zilei with a deep gaze, and said, "Okay, only 200,000 catties of profound spirit iron."

Regarding Yang Zilei's confident expression, he faintly felt that there was still suspense about winning or losing in this battle.

After all, cases of leapfrog battles and wins often happen in the martial arts world.

Therefore, Yang Zilei's reaction at this time made Yue Lingfeng more suspicious.

This kid, shouldn't he have any strong hole cards?

In this way, with the end of the time limit for the gambling, Yang Zilei and Li Xiong on the martial arts stage are already ready to go.

Li Xiong touched the storage ring with his right hand, and a scarlet epee flashed out of his hand.

Vaguely, there was a scorching breath.


The tip of the sword hit the ground, a heavy voice sounded, and the floor tiles burst open.

"Boy, if the battle just now was your full strength, then you just wait to die."

Li Xiong stared at Yang Zilei contemptuously, and sneered.

When the voice fell, he didn't give Yang Zilei a chance to speak, and he suddenly struck out with a sword.

"Scorching sun!"

The epee in Li Xiong's hand was infused with spiritual power, and it suddenly burst into red light.

Suddenly, this red glow in front of Li Xiong actually condensed into a red ball of light, like the sun, with a terrible flame burning, and the surrounding floor tiles instantly melted into magma.

Yang Zilei's mind moved slightly, and the clone next to him suddenly rushed up and shot out.

The sharp spear light instantly penetrated into the red sun and directly penetrated it.

However, when the tip of the gun was about to wring, it was stuck by the rich flame energy beam.

"Hey, you doppelganger, you don't even have a half-step spirit and spirit realm, you are undoubtedly going to die!"

Li Xiong grinned, his sword swept across, and the fireball instantly expanded tenfold, and suddenly swallowed Yang Zilei's clone.


Under the scorching flames, the clone instantly collapsed.

Immediately after Li Xiong Jianfeng pointed, the huge flame light ball, with shocking energy fluctuations, blasted towards Yang Zilei from top to bottom.

Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, his figure shook, and Long Yingbu immediately came out.


In the next second, as the flame light ball fell to the ground, it exploded in an instant, and the terrifying flames surged wildly.

The floor tiles of the entire Wudoutai were almost completely melted, revealing the profound spirit iron below!

However, at this time, Yang Zilei's figure had drifted back to the edge of the martial arts platform, his clothes were slightly burned, but there was no injury.

"Hmph, you have a good runaway ability, but I want to see the next move, how do you hide!"

Li Xiong let out a cold snort of disdain, and immediately held the heavy sword in his hand, constantly waving at the void in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, red light beams with the thickness of arms shot out from the sword's front, but instead of attacking Yang Zilei, they quickly spread around.

In just a few breaths, these red light beams were in the void, intertwined into a huge fire net, directly enveloping Yang Zilei.

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