"Tsk tusk, Wuzong's sister flower in the sky is indeed a peerless beauty."

With the appearance of the twin beauties of Leng Yuyan and Huo Feng'er, the eyes of the audience in the audience also instantly became hot.

"Ms. Leng, Huo Feng'er, it's an honor to meet you here."

At this time, Gu Qing walked over and greeted with a lovely smile.

That appearance did not conceal the love in his eyes.

The two girls nodded slightly. Because the other party had a Fuzong background, they smiled and did not appear to be too close, but they were not too resistant. They held the scale quite well.

"Gu Qing, what happened to you just now?"

What he asked was a blood-robed youth with a strange appearance.

He is the leader of the Spirit Devouring Sect team,'Tengyou', and the fluctuating spiritual power on his body gives people a feeling of extreme violence.

"If anyone wants to trouble you Fuzong, we won't just stand by."

Next to them, two men with equally strong auras glanced at Yue Lingfeng and others on the high platform, and said with a sneer.

These two people are the "Wu Cang" of the Poison Soul Sect and the "Kong Weiyuan" of the Huoyun Sect.

Whether in the ancient secret realm or the Tianyan Continent outside, the four sects of them have always stood on the same front, and they often fought openly and secretly with the forces of Xuanyuezong and others.

At this moment, the two sides met here, and there was another dispute. The new hatred and the old hatred were added together, and the people on all sides were naturally particularly jealous.

As for Yang Zilei, it was the fuse that ignited this hatred. If he is not careful, he will be destroyed by the two factions.

"It's like this..."

Then, as Gu Qing told the whole story, the other three sect forces undoubtedly stood firmly in the Fuzong camp.

Leng Yuyan and Huo Fenger frowned slightly, staring at Yang Zilei suspiciously.

In their impression, Yang Zilei had always been a cautious person, how could he suddenly do such an impulsive thing?

Openly provoking Fu Zong, isn't this seeking a dead end?

"Sister, look at it, it's a little ape!"

Huo Feng'er glanced around, and finally noticed the little dragon ape in the Fu Zong camp, which was held in the iron cage.

Looking at the bruised little dragon ape, Huo Feng'er was angry.

Leng Yuyan's eyes sank, and she understood what was going on.

"If it comes to rules, I am afraid that someone with a harder fist will make it."

A blood-robed Teng You stood up and looked directly at Yue Lingfeng and the others, with a grinning smile on his face.

In the face of the sudden appearance of the Spirit Devouring Sect and other forces, Yue Lingfeng and the others were also a little solemn at this time.

After all, three to four, the situation is not in their favor.

Seeing that the situation is not developing as he thought, Yang Zilei's heart sinks slightly.

The current plan, it seems, can only reveal the ancient secret key, forcing Fu Zong's Gu Qing to fight against him.

Anyway, the eight super sects have gathered, and the ten ancient secret keys are the only one he has obtained now.

Such temptation, he didn't believe that Gu Qing would be able to bear it.

As for this person, especially the whiplash on the little dragon ape just now, Yang Zilei was obviously moved to kill.

Only in a one-on-one situation can you be sure of victory!

"If you can beat me, this ancient secret key belongs to you."

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei directly took out the ancient secret key from the storage ring, and said coldly: "But if you lose, that monster will be mine!"

"What, is that ancient secret key?!"

"Fuck, the tenth ancient secret key was found!"

"I drop the sky, after thousands of years of searching, ten ancient secret keys have finally been gathered!!"

As Yang Zilei revealed the ancient secret key, suddenly, just as he expected, the scene undoubtedly caused a great sensation.

There were exclamations, one after another, and countless fanatical eyes were excited at this moment!

"It really is the ancient secret key!"

The people of the eight super sects all showed shocking expressions, staring straight at the ancient secret key in Yang Zilei's hand, and instantly recognized it.

"If you don't accept the challenge, then I will destroy this ancient secret key immediately."

Yang Zilei stared at Gu Qing with cold eyes, and while speaking, a strong wave of spiritual power filled his palm, instantly wrapping the ancient secret key, a sign that he wanted to destroy it!

"do not!!"

That appearance suddenly changed the expressions of everyone in the court and hurriedly shouted.

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