"If you have the ability, come on."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth.

This guy finally got the bait.

Seeing Gu Qing finally agreed to the challenge, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his eyes suddenly burning.

As long as the battle is over, then the ancient hall will be completely unblocked!

"Since both parties have agreed to the fight, it will officially start in five minutes. Please bet as much as you like."

Naturally, Yue Lingfeng would not let go of this opportunity to make money.

Before that, he knew Yang Zilei's ability, that is, the ability to transform into a dragon.

In the form of a dragon blood warrior, with fierce fighting power, it is difficult to tell the outcome of this battle.

Therefore, in order to reduce the loss, he set the odds of the two to one to one.

This situation undoubtedly caused those sect disciples who had a fluke mentality and planned to buy from both sides to dispel their original strategy.

After all, Yang Zilei's previous odds for fighting martial arts were one to lose one hundred. Although the odds of winning were not great, he could bet a little less, at least he could save his capital or make a small profit.

But now, this abacus, because of the lower odds, changed his mind and put his chips on Gu Qing, who has a greater chance of winning.

For a while, the arena became lively again.

"Lao Yue, lower Yang Zilei's odds at this time, we are afraid that we will suffer a blood loss."

Bai Mingxuan, who was carrying a long sword, frowned and whispered to Yue Lingfeng.

"Look, they are all betting on Gu Qing. If that kid is defeated, wouldn't he have to lose all the resources he earned before?"

The Youquan on the side also felt that this matter was a bit wrong, "How about raising Yang Zilei's odds by ten times?"

"No need to do this again."

Yue Lingfeng shook his head, glanced at Yang Zilei not far away, and said lightly: "I faintly feel that his true strength is by no means what it is on the surface, there should be some more powerful trump cards."


Hearing that, You Quan and Bai Mingxuan were slightly surprised, and seemed to have guessed Yue Lingfeng's thoughts.

"You lowered the odds, so you deliberately let them all bet on Gu Qing?"

Bai Mingxuan swallowed secretly with a look of surprise.

"Yes, if you want to bet, you will bet a big one."

Yue Lingfeng nodded, his eyes flashed with crazy light, "Since it is the last time to bet, I will accompany Sect Master Yang crazy once!"

Hearing this, You Quan and Bai Mingxuan both looked startled.

"Okay, just bet a big one!"

Immediately, their eyes flashed with excitement and madness, and it was obviously a decision to bet all of their wealth on Yang Zilei.

Even after discussion, they plan to divide this profit into Yang Zilei.

After all, the real protagonist of this battle is Yang Zilei.

Only if he wins can everyone gain benefits.

"Sect Master Yang, as long as you can win this competition, three elements will benefit, how about?"

On the high platform, Yue Lingfeng ignored that Gu Qing gloomy face and said bluntly.

"If you have the resources, why not?"

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows and responded readily.

Gu Qing narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "Wait a while, I want to see how you lost and ruined your family!"


"Okay, close the disc."

Five minutes later, Yue Lingfeng said loudly: "The fight against martial arts officially begins!"

Bai Mingxuan winked at the Sky Sword Sect's team, and soon dozens of Sky Sword Sect disciples rushed out.

They stood in each direction of the arena, and immediately squeezed the sword tactics, and the sword lights flew up.


As these sword lights quickly intertwined in the void, a huge sword light mask was formed, covering the area of ​​the fighting platform that had become a pit.

In the fight above the Spiritual God Realm, the offensive was too fierce, so they decided to use protective shields to avoid casualties among others.

As a dealer, Yue Lingfeng and others, their humane approach made the audience give a secret applause.

In the vast pit, Yang Zilei and Gu Qing are ten feet away.

Gu Qing touched the storage ring in his hand, and a puppet flashed out in front of him.

It was a humanoid talisman puppet with bandages all over, faintly exuding an extremely cold and ferocious breath.

"This human puppet was made by me refining a guy in the middle of the spirit and **** realm a while ago, so let it play with you first."

Gu Qingyin said with a smile.


When the sound fell, the humanoid puppet moved, and took out a long sword that resembled a bone. The white sword was stained with green luster, which seemed to be venom.


The humanoid puppet screamed, holding a bone sword, and stabbing towards Yang Zilei.

Although his movements were weird, they were incredibly fast, Yang Zilei appeared before him before he could react.

However, at this moment, the bone sword in the hands of the humanoid puppet burst open without warning, and instantly turned into hundreds of bone needles, blasting towards Yang Zilei.

These bone spicules were all glowing with green luster, which was obviously highly poisonous, and when they touched Yang Zilei's body guard aura, they actually corroded and penetrated.

Yang Zilei's eyes sank slightly, and the two grenades that he had prepared in his hand were directly detonated!


The explosion sounded resounding instantly!

Those hundreds of bone spurs instantly turned into powder, and the humanoid puppet was directly blown upside down.

In the process of retreating, the bandage it wrapped around his body also fell off, showing the black metallic luster.

There is no doubt that the body of this humanoid puppet has been refined into a metal body, which can be invulnerable even without supporting the body protection aura.

The pit was filled with dust.


Suddenly, a roar like a beast came out, making the heart palpitating.

When the dust cleared, Yang Zilei had already transformed into the fourth form of the Dragon Blood Warrior, with blood-red light swirling around him, exuding an extremely ferocious aura.

"It turns out that you have such a beastly physical training martial arts, no wonder you are so arrogant!"

Gu Qing stared slightly, and said coldly.

In the face of Yang Zilei, whose strength has soared, his expression at this moment is also more solemn.

Because Yang Zilei's current aura is far beyond the initial stage of the Spirit God Realm, he has the ability to compete with the peak of the Spirit God Realm.

And what surprised him even more was that Yang Zilei didn't use any martial arts moves just now, and even with two hidden weapons like iron eggs, he could generate such a powerful force to destroy the offensive of the humanoid puppet.


Yang Zilei's whole body aura exploded, and Long Yingbu's body technique unfolded, speeding out like a ghost.

He ignored the humanoid puppet and rushed towards Gu Qing!

Avoid the puppet and attack the puppet master, this is the best way to deal with the puppet master.

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