Faced with the ‘blood puppet’ summoned by Gu Qing, Yang Zilei’s heart was filled with danger signals.

Although he also has a natal talisman spirit puppet, but because of his low strength, he only has the Transcendent God Realm. Even if he is called out, he will only be beaten.

Therefore, at this moment, Yang Zilei can only show the last trump card.

Steel armor!

"Swish swish swish!!!"

As Yang Zilei issued a system command, at that moment, pieces of battle armor made of alloy shot out from the void and quickly covered Yang Zilei's body.

In a short time, Yang Zilei was already wearing a steel armor.

"The battle armor system has been activated."

"Scanning enemy combat power..."

The intelligent voice of the internal structure of the steel armor sounded in Yang Zilei's ears.

At the same time, Yang Zilei's retina, like a scanner, quickly analyzed all aspects of the blood puppet's combat power.

"What armor is this?!"

"Looks like a humanoid metal monster!"

Looking at Yang Zilei wearing a steel armor, there was a burst of surprise in the arena.

Countless eyes stared at Yang Zilei in shock, with a look of shock.

Obviously, he did not expect that such a uniquely shaped armor still exists in this world.

Every combination of metal on the armor is extremely perfect, and there is no gap between them.

That close-fitting and compact structure, even a top refiner, might be difficult to refine.

This point can be proved by the disciples of Fu Zong.

Fu Zong is the most skilled sect in Tianyan Continent, and his technique is extremely superb.

But facing Yang Zilei's steel armor, these Fu Zong disciples were shocked at this time, unable to come up with the refining principle.

Because under normal circumstances, such a close-fitting metal armor has a certain defensive effect, but the movement of the body's limbs will be greatly affected.

But now, Yang Zilei is still moving freely without any obstacles.

Especially when they saw Yang Zilei's palms and soles ejected a kind of faint blue fire, and his body floated up, it made them stunned and shocked.

Obviously, the high-tech product of the steel armor completely surpassed the knowledge and vision of refining tools they had previously understood.

Compared with this kind of flying armor, the metal bird of their Fuzong is simply weak.

"It turns out that this is Sect Master Yang's real trump card!"

The eyes of Yue Lingfeng and others flickered, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

"Kill you, this treasure is mine."

Gu Qing's eyes condensed slightly, staring at Yang Zilei, his face showing undisguised greed.

As soon as the voice fell, the blood puppet in front of him suddenly moved, and his figure instantly turned into a **** light and shadow, rushing towards Yang Zilei.

"Then it depends on your life."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth, raising his right hand, the light in that palm quickly condensed.

Palm cannon!

In the next instant, Yang Zilei's palm blasted a beam of light violently, blasting towards the blood puppet who had swooped in.

call out--!

The speed of the light cannon is extremely fast, and the reaction of the blood spirit puppet is not slow at all, immediately crossing his arms to block.


With a deep sound, the blood spirit puppet was directly shaken back by the strong impact, and the skin on both arms was also like a scorching white gas.

However, the body of this blood spirit puppet is obviously not flesh and blood.

The power of the palm cannon alone is not enough to damage it severely.

However, for the first time against the blood spirit puppet, Yang Zilei relied on the steel armor to repel the blood spirit puppet's offensive, but it caused quite a stir in the arena.

Because from this, it can already be seen that the power that Yang Zilei is showing now seems to be fully capable of contending with the blood puppet.

"That armor is really not easy, since it can shoot a beam of light to attack."

"Yes, and the power doesn't seem to be low."

"What's the origin of this guy named Yang? There are so many strange weapons."

The audience present all of a sudden talked and looked surprised.

Leng Yuyan condensed her beautiful eyes, staring at Yang Zilei who was like Iron Man, and felt that the latter was really mysterious.

I have known Yang Zilei for almost a year.

In the past, Yang Zilei invented those arms and weapons, which was surprising enough.

But now, the power of this peculiar armor is even more unimaginable!

If this thing really came from Yang Zilei's hands, Leng Yuyan is sure that he is definitely the most powerful refiner so far in Tianyan Continent.

"I admit that your armor is very unique, but if only the surface is capable, it is not enough to compete with my blood puppet!"

Gu Qing grinned, and the more powerful the steel armor was, the more greed in his heart became, and he was undoubtedly holding the mentality of inevitable gain.

Even if it were destroyed, he didn't care, anyway, as long as Yang Zilei was refined into a puppet, and then he used Soul Search, he would naturally steal the refining technology.

"I want to see how long you can hide in this armor!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Qing's mind moved slightly, "Kill!"


A red long knife flashed in the hand of the blood spirit puppet, and the whole body of runes flashed, filled with an extremely hot flame.

Above the long knife, layers of heat waves swept away like waves, the air seemed to be ignited, and the temperature soared wildly.

And under the erosion of such terrifying flame energy fluctuations, the surrounding protective masks also made a slight trembling sound,

It's just the aftermath of energy, so powerful, which shows the real strength of this blood puppet!

All the audience opened their eyes wide and held their breath, expecting Yang Zilei to die under this blow.

In this way, they will be able to win the bet of this fight.

"This is... the fire of the abyss!"

Feeling the flame, Huo Feng'er's pupils shrank slightly.

Unexpectedly, the long knife of this blood spirit puppet was fused with the abyssal fire crystal.

This is an extremely terrifying flame crystal, any metal will melt instantly under its burning.

Facing the offensive of that flame giant knife, how would Yang Zilei's armor block?

Aware of this, Huo Feng'er's beautiful eyes flashed with solemnity, and her heart began to worry.


At this moment, the blood spirit puppet moved, waving the long flame sword in his hand, and slammed Yang Zilei.

Where the long knife passed, only a sound of ‘chirp’ was heard, and the space seemed to be torn open, bursting with red flames in the sky!

At that moment, even the dozens of disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who had joined hands to form a protective mask, felt an extremely dangerous aura, and suddenly their spirits surged and raised their vigilance.

Yang Zilei was in the steel armor, facing the terrible flame blade, he was not afraid, raised his hands, and whispered: "Launch a miniature missile."

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