In this way, under the deterrence of the powerful strength of the seven super sects, the disciples of the various sects who were still protesting loudly just now fell silent, and all of them showed fear.

Although there are many of them, they are all Transcendent God Realm, and lower Divine Sea Realm warriors.

In the face of this group of super sect powerhouses who are all above the spiritual **** realm, the advantage of the number of personnel does not play a role at all.

"This kid is called Yang Zilei, we made a note of it. After we go back, we must report to the sect and find the Sunset Sect to settle the account!"

For a while, countless eyes all looked at Yang Zilei with extremely resentment, and regarded him as a public enemy.

"Brother Yang, you promised me that you would take me into the ancient hall, so you can't break your promise."

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Everyone immediately looked for fame, but saw that it was a beautiful woman wearing Qingyunzong costume.

This woman is undoubtedly Zhou Jingchun.

When Yang Zilei was in a sect relic, he obtained the ancient secret key from her and promised to take it into the ancient hall.

"Don't worry, you will never break your promise."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly and nodded.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of Yue Lingfeng and others suddenly became a little weird.

Because Yang Zilei's behavior violated the rules just established?

In other words, all sect forces without the ancient secret key are not eligible to enter the ancient hall.

Sure enough, Yang Zilei's voice just fell, and soon there were many voices of protest.

"Damn, I also said that without the forces of the ancient secret key, they can't participate!"

"Then what's going on now, slap yourself in the face? Grass!"

"If this female disciple of the Azure Cloud Sect can enter the ancient hall, we must also enter!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of people burst into fierce anger, wishing to rush to Yang Zilei immediately.

However, Yang Zilei always looked calm, and even waved to Zhou Jingchun to come over.

Facing the huge pressure around, Zhou Jingchun was also embarrassed at this time. When she saw Yang Zilei beckoning to her, she had to bite the bullet and walk over.

"Take this one."

Yang Zilei handed over one of the ancient secret keys to Zhou Jingchun.


Zhou Jingchun's pretty face was slightly startled, and she stared at Yang Zilei in surprise, apparently already guessing his intentions.

"In this way, you are eligible to enter the ancient hall."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. He looked in the direction of the most violent scolding in the crowd just now, and said lightly: "Do you have any disputes now?"

Seeing this scene, tens of thousands of sect disciples looked stiff, and suddenly fell into a sluggish state.

It seems that he had never expected that Yang Zilei would have such a trick...

In the arena, it became silent again.

"Although I gave you the ancient secret key, it doesn't mean that other people in your Azure Cloud Sect can also enter the ancient hall."

Yang Zilei put forward a condition.

Hearing that, Zhou Jingchun took a moment to come, nodded happily and said: "I understand."

"I really envy Junior Sister Zhou, who can actually climb the relationship with Sect Master Yang."

Not far away, those Qingyunzong disciples all looked envious.

Although Zhou Jingchun also possessed the ancient secret key at this time, at the request of Yang Zilei, they did not dare to brazenly say that they were eligible to participate.

Yang Zilei's various methods used to deal with Fuzong before, these Qingyunzong disciples could see very clearly.

Even the Fu Zong team of the Super Sect was planned and destroyed by Yang Zilei.

And their Azure Cloud Sect is also the level of the third-grade sect, I am afraid that without Yang Zilei's action, the other seven super sects can instantly destroy them.

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