Yang Zilei naturally didn't know the change in Leng Yuyan's mood. His attention at the moment had already turned to the entrance of the light gate of the ancient hall.

"Little ape, let's go!"

Immediately, Yang Zilei took the little dragon ape figure and rushed to the entrance.

At the same time as it swept out, Yang Zilei's palm spiritual power formed a cyclone and directly sucked the diamond body composed of ten ancient secret keys into his hand.

Although the entrance to the ancient hall is now open, under normal circumstances, this key seems to have no effect.

But faintly, Yang Zilei felt that it would be better to keep this thing in his hands, and perhaps there would be other uses.

Seeing Yang Zilei finally set off, the surrounding super sect disciples also boiled in that instant.

Fanatic figures rushed toward the giant gate on the light curtain like a wave.

There may be some dangers in the secrets of the ancient hall, but under that strong temptation, any risks will undoubtedly be forgotten...


When Yang Zilei flew into the light gate, he suddenly felt an extremely strong spatial energy fluctuation, and suddenly enveloped him.

And this space energy actually penetrated from the steel armor, possessing extremely strong tearing force, as if trying to tear it into pieces.

Yang Zilei was shocked, and hurriedly urged the spiritual power in his body to form a body protection aura to resist.

Fortunately, this tearing force did not last long, and the tearing force suddenly disappeared after a few breaths.

Yang Zilei's originally gray vision became bright again.

He knew that he should have successfully passed through the entrance passage and reached the destination of this trip, the ancient hall.

And when his sight returned to light, Yang Zilei's gaze also immediately looked around.

But at this look, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, his eyes filled with surprise and shock.

Because here, where are the ancient temples seen by the outside world, wherever you can see, there is a barren scenery.

And in the void not far away, there are many extremely huge rocks floating, and there seems to be some broken building ruins above those huge rocks.

No matter the sky, or, it is also showing a gloomy color.

It can be said that this is a lifeless land!

Moreover, in the void, waves of extremely terrifying spatial fluctuations rippled from time to time, spreading violently.

Obviously, this space is not stable, it is already in an extremely broken state, as if it will collapse at any time.

"what happened?"

Yang Zilei looked at this vast but desolate dilapidated space, frowning and said: "Could it be that the halls you see outside are all illusions?"

At this moment, Yue Lingfeng, Leng Yuyan, and Huo Feng'er of the Seven Super Sects all swept in one after another, and everyone gathered behind Yang Zilei.

However, when they saw the scene in front of them, their reaction was exactly the same as Yang Zilei's, the sound of inhaling cold breath sounded one after another, and their eyes were full of shock.

"how could this be?!"

Fire Phoenix's willow eyebrows frowned, originally embracing an extremely hot mood, planning to enter this place to hunt for treasure.

But at this time, all the previous thoughts were shocked and dissipated.


Tengyou of the Spirit Devouring Sect was surprised, but also guessed something.

His gaze was dim, he scanned the dilapidated space around him, frowning and wondering: "Since this place is so dilapidated, why does the Tongtian Pagoda set up an array mask and illusion? Isn't it an unnecessary move?"

"Is there any secret here?"

Yue Lingfeng and the others looked around and guessed.

"Presumably everyone knows from the historical records of their respective sects that the race war broke out in Tianyan Continent ten thousand years ago."

Bai Mingxuan of the Heavenly Sword Sect walked out at this moment, his eyes swept to everyone present, and solemnly said:

"If I'm not mistaken, this is indeed the place where the Tongtian Pagoda was inherited, but it was because of that big battle."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes flashed suddenly, and they nodded secretly.

Back then, it seems that a very tragic battle happened here...

Yang Zilei was quite shocked, what level of battle was it to destroy this piece of space to this point?

Even the nuclear bombings of the previous era of scientific and technological civilization were not so broken, right?

Because of the void here, there are space cracks appearing everywhere, and the dark cracks are filled with extremely violent energy fluctuations. If they are accidentally pulled in, they will instantly be stranded so that there is no residue left.

Such a dilapidated space, even with nuclear weapons, can only destroy the earth, but cannot cause the mighty power of space rupture.

It is no wonder that Tongtian Pagoda would choose to relocate at the beginning, such a turbulent and unstable space, continue to live here, there will be danger at any time.

"Look at it quickly, there is a tower shadow over there, it is very likely that it is a tower of Tongtian ten thousand years ago."

At this time, a surprise voice appeared in the crowd.

That guy is a disciple of the Spirit Devouring Sect, he stretched out in the direction of the north, with a look of excitement.

Everyone immediately followed the direction pointed by the person and looked away.

I saw that far away there was indeed a vague shadow of a tower, whose shape was very similar to the Tongtian Pagoda in the northern region of Tianyan Continent.

"Yes, that is Tongtian Tower!"

Yue Lingfeng's eyes flashed, and there was a glow in his eyes.

They came here for the place where the Tongtian Pagoda was inherited ten thousand years ago, although the dilapidated scene in front of them made them feel regretful.

However, the distant tower from the ancient sky is undoubtedly rekindling the hope in their hearts.

"Be careful, the space cracks here are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die here."

Yue Lingfeng's complexion was slightly dignified and reminded.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the Spirit Devouring Sect headed by Tengyou and Kong Weiyun, as well as the Huoyun Sect and other forces, could not wait to rush towards the distant Tongtian Tower.


However, these guys hadn't run far, and soon there was a screaming scream.

Yang Zilei and others' complexions changed slightly, and they hurriedly stared.

I saw that among the disciples of the Spirit Devouring Sect, several figures happened to crash into a space crack head on.

Suddenly, the space cracks squirmed quickly, and the terrifying tearing force directly swallowed and strangled those few figures, and instantly there was no bones.

Yang Zilei was suddenly speechless, those spatial cracks were of different sizes, and some were even as thin as hair. If you did not observe carefully, it would be easy to overlook.

Immediately, everyone's foreheads oozes a little cold sweat, which is a little more solemn to this crisis-ridden dilapidated space.

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