"This beast meat is... the flood dragon of Lei Jiaofeng?!"

Huo Feng'er's eyes flickered, and he recognized the source of the meat.

When she was at Lei Jiaofeng, she clearly remembered that Yang Zilei took the Jiao's corpse away, and she also had a meal by herself, followed by a good meal.

Therefore, seeing Yang Zilei preparing to make a barbecue, Huo Feng'er immediately showed joy.

Huo Feng'er recognized Yang Zilei's cooking skills very much.

"Yang Zilei, let me help."

In order to wait for a while to eat, Huo Feng'er ran over with a smile, pretending to use the fire system spiritual power to control the fire for Yang Zilei.

Against the background of the campfire, her blushing face added a bit of delicacy, looking very pure and beautiful.

"Thank you then." A smile appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth, how could he not see Huo Feng'er's thoughts.

Upon seeing this, many disciples of Wuzong in the sky, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

You know, Huo Feng'er is the saint of their sect, with a noble status, but she did not expect to condescend to make fire for Yang Zilei.

Isn't this too bullshit? !

In this regard, Leng Yuyan next to her was also surprised, looking at the two people who seemed to be working together.

Then, Yang Zilei took out a dagger and peeled the dragon's muscles. The knife seemed to be messy, but after a few breaths, he reached out and pulled out a handful of white tendons among the muscles. There are more than a dozen.

The surrounding Yue Lingfeng and others saw eyelids twitching. Obviously Yang Zilei's dagger was not scratching randomly, but was removing the white tendons on the tendons, and none of them were broken, and the flesh and blood on the tendons were also very clean.

That action seemed like an experienced cook.

Everyone was a little confused.

How is this going? A genius warrior, even wasting energy studying cooking?

Seeing this, Leng Yuyan's look became even more weird.

This was the first time she saw Yang Zilei cook, and obviously she didn't expect that in addition to his outstanding talent, the latter had such a skill.

After removing the white tendons, Yang Zilei made a few more dragon bones and put them in an iron pot to stew the soup.

Since becoming the emperor of the arms dynasty, Yang Zilei has also been very particular about the selection of food, and the liquid used as the soup is not ordinary water, but the spirit spring. It is used to make keel and tendon broth, which is very delicious.

"Xiaochun, you can also help, just wring this spoon slightly in the pot."

Yang Zilei greeted Zhou Jingchun.

"it is good."

Seeing Yang Zilei needed his own help, Zhou Jingchun felt quite honored, and immediately came over with flushed face, and cleverly followed Yang Zilei's instructions to live.

Yang Zilei is like a chef, standing in front of the barbecue, constantly turning over the beast meat, and controlling the temperature of the fire to avoid burning.

In this way, about a quarter of an hour later, the meat on the grill has gradually turned golden yellow under the fire.

Drops of grease were toasted by the flame, and when they fell on the hot coals, there was a squeaking sound.

The aroma of the barbecue is permeated, the thick soup is boiling, and after a short while, two delicious dishes are finally made.

The disciples of the seven major sects around, smelling the scent, their eyes flashed and swallowed.

Especially those barbecued meats, due to the flame roasting, the skin and meat at the surface of the knife are slightly rolled up, which looks extremely attractive.

Even Leng Yuyan, who has always been a vegetarian, couldn't help but feel the smell of the fragrance floating in the air.

Of course, due to her character, she has been carefully concealing her desire to have a bite, her face still calm and calm.

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