Under the bombardment of the Thunder Rocket Launcher, the four desert giants burst into pieces in an instant.

Moreover, the power of thunder had the effect of restraining the demon spirits. Under the erosion of the fierce thunder energy, those sand monster demon spirits were completely annihilated in the screams.

The third round of challenges passed smoothly.

In the next fourth round, the number was superimposed to eight desert giants.

With eight tall desert giants on the field, Yang Zilei felt a little pressure at this time.

"The fourth round has begun. As long as Sect Master Yang wins, we can enter the tower!"

"Yes, Sect Master Yang's strength has far surpassed our imagination. It feels that even if he faces a strong earthly realm, I am afraid he has the ability to contend."

The super sect disciples watching the battle around, their eyes flickered, and all of them stared at Yang Zilei with expectation.

It seems that all hope is placed on Yang Zilei.

After all, in the battle against these desert giants, many people couldn't pass the first round of levels. Even Yue Lingfeng and others, headed by their respective sects, tried their best to stop at the third round.

As for the eight desert giants in the fourth round, there is no resistance at all!

However, if it was Yang Zilei, they were full of confidence.

Because whether it was speed, defense, or attack power, Yang Zilei's steel armor was enough to abuse all of them here.

What's more, Yang Zilei also possesses a lot of peculiar and powerful armaments. The Nine Dragons Good Fortune Secret Art in martial arts and the clone skills have added a lot of combat power effects.

After the first three rounds of battle, the eight desert giants have clearly seen Yang Zilei's fighting style.

Therefore, as soon as he came on the field, he raised his arms and manipulated the sand on the surrounding ground with great tacit understanding, instantly forming a huge sandbag that directly enveloped Yang Zilei.

From the outside, Yang Zilei was like being held upside down by a giant sand bowl, and the super sectarian disciples watching the battle couldn't see the situation inside.

But from the sandbags that are shrinking rapidly, it is not difficult to see that the combat strategy of the desert giants this time is most likely to compress Yang Zilei to death!

And this extremely thick sandbag can also avoid Yang Zilei's weapon attack.

This trick is sure enough!

Yang Zilei's eyes were dim, and he launched a miniature missile directly at the sand wall.

In the next moment, only a loud "bang" sound was heard, sand and dust splashed!

I saw that the sand wall was blown out of a big hole immediately, but it was not broken.

It is conceivable that the sand wall is extremely thick and solidified, even with the power of a miniature missile, it cannot be blasted!

Yang Zilei's eyes sink slightly. Although the surrounding sight is dim under the shroud of sandbags, he can feel the sandbags shrinking at an astonishing speed in the radiation of spiritual consciousness, leaving only about ten feet away.

How to do? !

Outside, Xiaolongyuan held the Ruyi Xuanjin Rod in his right hand, his eyes filled with worry.

"No, I'm going to save the boss!"

The little dragon ape showed ferocious eyes, and when he was about to rush up, he was stopped by Leng Yuyan next to him.

"believe him."

Leng Yuyan frowned her eyebrows slightly, "If you help and break the challenge rules, then Yang Zilei's previous efforts will fall short."

Hearing this, Xiaolongyuan looked startled, and had to grit his teeth to resist the impulse in his heart.

During the conversation, the rapidly shrinking sand bubble had doubled in size, and a dull bombardment sounded vaguely from it.

Obviously it was Yang Zilei who was attacking inside, but it still had no effect.

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